The Aleph-X


I agree with you. It is indeed sad to see the progres since Grey posted his design. I think the only way to keep this thread alive is to release version 2 of the AlephX. Version 2 should include

- AlephX schematic
- PCB (John Inlow)
- Power supply schematic

If version 2 is released more people will build this amp instead of asking questions about it. With these information the newbies can build their own AlephX. The more experienced builders could go for the more powerfull versions on the AlephX. Maybe if an new thread is started for an more powerfull version of the AlephX the more experienced builders become again interested in this amp. I am wondering what happend to Grey, HarryHaller, Ian Macmillan, Peter Daniel and all the people who where planning to build this amp? Maybe the sound of this amp is so superb that they only listen to music and don't visit this board anymore.

I believe in this design and I am planning to build a version with 24 output devices per channel. The reason why I believe in this design is the same as mentioned in your post.

Marco Ensing
I also noticed that censorship became very high on this board and hardly anyone can speak freely and express his opinions in ways he feels appropriate for him (and not the moderator).;) I see lots of cleanup going on, with posts erased, and on some occasions hole threads (sometimes interesting) disappeaing.
It is true that the spirit of the forum changed somehow, but this is not a Sunday school and we are all adults and should be able to take care of ourselves and not seek the assistance of moderators (because I think their presence is too obvious).

AudioFreak, I think you push it too much, when demanding an open apology and using your moderator status.

Yldouright, your behaviour was inappropriate and you should do something about it. Although for me it's acceptable (especially knowing were you come form;) ), but other people are more sensitive and they will not tolerate outbusts like this. I've seen at least one person making a separate thread to apologise to sysop and it showed a lot of courage to me.
Account Disabled
Joined 2002
Steve G
dude, I'm sorry you find my posts tiresome but if I don't speak up about this who will. We need a moderator who isn't so quick on the trigger.

Perhaps it is in your best interest as a newcomer to this board to approach it with an attitude of humility. Instead of trying to change what you perceive as inadequacy on the part of the moderator here, why not try and work within the system that is in place. I do agree that the moderators put in place may not be the best choices in many cases, but it is not my site either, and this isn't a democracy. They do have a big job keeping the board peaceful, and overcompensation on their part is to be expected.
If you're going to beat people around here, you had better carry a big stick. Look at the company you're in here... Nelson Pass, for example. Harry Holler, Grey Rollins (although I haven't seen him for a while)Anthony Holton: all of these people have proven their experience in one way or another with audio design. If you disagree with them, then do so tactfully, and with the respect that these people deserve. As for the moderators- just consider them as you would any other cop. They are a nuisance, yes. They can let power go to their heads, yes. But, they are needed to keep order. Just ignore the bs, and let's talk about audio! You can't fight and win here.
I am wondering what happend to Grey, HarryHaller, Ian Macmillan, Peter Daniel and all the people who where planning to build this amp? Maybe the sound of this amp is so superb that they only listen to music and don't visit this board anymore.


I wonder myself. I wired completely one channel with 6 pairs of output devices, however for some strange reason I didn't test it yet. One thing that stopped, me was summer holiday, another one the making of CD-PRO, but most of all I don't have a balanced source yet and this amp works best balanced.

If more posts like yours start to appear, maybe I'll do it eventually.;)
for what it's worth....

I value all of the members in this forum. I throughly examine everything written here. There are many excellent ideas offered and my understanding in electronics has grown appreciably as a result of the many talents who submit to this site. I think bickering should be dropped. If I can appreciate you folks, then most everyone else does as well. So, please, let's not grab our bats and gloves and go home.

John Inlow

I liked Nelson's drinking icon.

It reminds me of the man (ethnicity withheld) granted three wishes by a genie.

Genie "What would you like for your first wish"
Man "How about a nice pint of Guiness"

He drinks and miraculously the glass refills.

Man " wow, that's amazing"
Genie "and for your next two wishes .....?"
Man ", how about two more of those Guinesses?"

Nelson Pass said:
This thread won't make it to 100,000 views unless we
conduct ourselves as gentlemen. :angel:

thank you very very much! :happy1: ... :cheerful:
Oh and, pleasure with the smilies! And cngrats to XA-200! :)

carpenter, 13Do-w, all,
checkout the smilie list, there must be some you like too.
there are :Pirate:s and :djinn:s filling Guinesses :drink:

To whom it may concern,
there have some statement been made i would like to adress, i must adress. But not here. Please look in the everthing else board.
The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
XA200 pics

I took some pics of the first production pair of XA200's this
morning. They have been undergoing tests for the past
couple of days, and at the end of the day they go off for a
few days of listening. If they behave themselves, off they
go to Japan for the fall hi fi show.

In this pic, the handles have not been attached.


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