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Limited offer of Aleph30 PCB boards

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I got the boards three weeks ago. thanks. I was spending time for all the planning. and therefore I am late for saying thank you.

I am recently getting all the matched FET from Tarasque and hope I can get them within a month. also I order the heatsinks from www.conradheatsinks.com and the heatsinks is 0.21C/W at 80C rise. at room temperture for drawing 100W per channel, I should have the tempeture raise to about 56C (25C + 100W x 0.21C/W x 1.33) is this ok?

now I am thinking of building a good looking and strong chassis and this aleph will become my reference system. any recommendation for building chassis? I like the idea from http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=70622&perpage=10&pagenumber=1

Thanks a lot.
Very interested

I'm new to DIY. How would you describe this project in terms of difficulty?

Even if it is difficult, I might buy a set of boards to use when I'm more capable--this seems like a really good amp and the pcb's must help with the construction a lot.

It would be nice to have some idea what I'm getting into, though...

If you don't make mistake installing parts into PCB, your PS will be wired properly and heatsinks large enough, you should be able to complete ithis project succesfully.

While this is not the easiest project around, there is not much margin for mistake either. A-75 was one of my first amps I ever built and it worked fine right from the start, although it was much more complex than A30: http://passdiy.com/gallery/a75-p7.htm

I later converted it to Aleph X : http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5980&perpage=20&highlight=&pagenumber=1
Thanks for the encouragement. It sounds like a very interesting little amp.

If I understand correctly, besides the dual-pcb being sold here, I would also need to put together the output stages (on pcbs or point-to-point) and a power supply? Any ideas about where to get boards to facilitate those?

Sorry if this is redundant. Could anyone point me to a component list or schematic that one might use for this amp. At least something with the different component values? Really I'm just trying to get an idea of cost, and of how many different suppliers, etc. But it would be nice to see the schematic.

I've looked for these things several times through the search function. The links I have tried to follow, that claim to point to such things, have turned up either dead or changed. For example, the Pass Labs site has the owner's manual still, but not the service manual.

Thanks again.
@SteveCZ: what makes you think you would need additional boards for the output stages? You just need to solder them onto the pcb!

You find parts lists and much more additional info in the wiki - see for a link below in my signature.

Have fun! Hannes

EDIT: BTW your boards will be wrapped into the A30 schematic ;-))

OK, finally, I was able to find the board and the parts list. Many thanks! I think I can figure out a schematic, and maybe even try and figure out how the amp works and what each part does....

By the way, all the schematic info has been removed from the Pass Labs site.

Some of the Pass Lab clone pcb sets I've seen have different boards for the output chips (at least I thought that's what they were...). Now I can see that this design is different.

So, in addition to what is on this board, I would need to construct a power supply (there is a link for one designed for the Aleph 3 on the Wiki). Also figure out the chassis and heatsinks, jacks, etc.

Just in case I would feel the need for, um, More Power...is it possible to run an Aleph 30 bridged? For 60W into 8 Ohm? If I think I might want to do that, would I want to build the original (stereo) amp with a heavier current rated toroid?

Thanks for all your help, I truly appreciate the generosity with skill and time.

I got few questions about the board. what is the different between GND and SC on the board. look like I suppose to connect GNG and SC together in order to made it work (by connect the opt). what is the purpose of having SC? I really don't understand this. Second, look like I always need to connect the two jumpers on the back of the board. right? also, for the speaker output negative terminal, is it ok to connect from the ground of the filter capacitors in the PS circuit or I better connect the ground of the filter capacitors in the PS circuit to the board, and then route to the speaker negative terminal? thanks a lot for all of your answer.
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