how to build a pre using S&B TX-102 transformers

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Seems to me that would be like joining the transformers to create a centre tap.

Can't quite visualise that Jon. One wire on the input winding will be connected to the common input ground and the ++ wire is switched between my two inputs. The -- and + wires are connected together as I don;t need the 6db extra gain. I don't understand how that would make a centre tap.
Can't quite visualise that Jon. One wire on the input winding will be connected to the common input ground and the ++ wire is switched between my two inputs. The -- and + wires are connected together as I don;t need the 6db extra gain. I don't understand how that would make a centre tap.

Sorry, I'm on the wrong side of the transformer!! :rolleyes: Input ground is common, and IIRC, this is how I ran my source switch.
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Joined 2009
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I did some listening again this morning and got all the way up to step 17 on the Elna switch without loosing sound in one channel like yesterday; did'nt go to full volume as it was so loud. Must say I'd forgotten how good these things are.
The TVC's are mounted in a Modushop chassis with a home made front panel a dpdt switch to change between phono and cd and a ground lift switch. I use it with the ground switch set to on; the sound seems to take on more body with this setting.
I just picked up a TX102 preamp someone made by DIY a few years ago. I think it might use the Mk2 TX102 transformer as the treble sounds a bit over smooth, - as someone else commented here compared to the other MK1 and MK3 version. I want to try to address this by running in AVC "Autoformer mode", which I read might give some potential for for giving more treble sparkle.

Wanted to ask (sorry if this is a stupid question). Is it only possible to run the AVC mode when using 0db operation, not 6db? I think that's the case, but just wanted to confirm.

My preamp is currently wired for 6db, so I will try 0db and AVC mode.
I know AVC mode involves connecting the ++ lead to RCA hot and also to the 0dB output lead, but do you need to make any other changes (perhaps to earthing or the cold part of the signal etc), or it that it?

Any advice would be really appreciated. I have tried to use silver cables to sparkle up the treble a nit, but am not keen on the result.

Hi there,
That's interesting. I might have jumped to conclusions about my trannies being mk2 based on the over smooth treble. I have two primaries. Marked + and - wires for one, and ++ and -- for the other. Right now only one primary is used, the + and - side hence its must be 6db mode. If your single primary txs are typical of the mk2 then perhaps I have a different version. Shame there are no markings or labels on the casing to know for sure.
Goodness gracious, Jon! It took you long enough.

I'm glad you finished it, though, because it's inspired me to dig out my group buy transformers and consider finishing mine, myself. Ha! I will have the record for the longest project... assuming I ever get it done.

I actually dropped out of DIY for a while for being too busy, and I was pretty satisfied with my system as well. But now the itch strikes again.

I know since the big TVC craze a few years back, that LDRs have kinda taken over. I've been interested in LDRs, too, but was put off about matching the darned things. Also, I had the S&B's sitting around.

So for those of you who have used both, are LDRs superior sounding compared to TVCs? Should I even start on my TVC preamp or dedicate those resources to building an LDR preamp?
Joined 2009
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I have both and they both have there good points.If pushed I would come down in favour of the S&B's;they just sound so natural for want of a better word.Having said that I am currently trying out a Vacuum Tube Audio valve pre but then I am an inveterate fiddler.
And I thought I ws the slowest DIYer...! :p

You're comparing Apples with Pears, I reckon. Uriah can help you out with some LDRs, and the cost of building a homage to George's Mk2 Lightspeed is really very reasonable. If fact, so reasonably priced and quick to build that I'd just put one of those together (less than an feternoon) and try it out while you're contemplating the TX102 build.

FWIW, I'm currently using my TX102 pre in the system. The LDR pre has been in and is very nice indeed (but has been "resting" for a while).

I'm currently working on a Class A headphone amp and pre - it'll be interesting to compare the active with passive solutions!
I've not tried an LDR pre persoanally but I have a friend who has a very similar system to mine who did try one. He's gone back to TVC (actually AVC to be accurate). We both have 100db efficiency speakers, he found the LDRs emitted some hiss, he also strangely found there was a slight but perceptible delay when changing volume. Finally there's care need when setting up the LDRs in terms of high output impedance valve / tube phono stages, mixed the setup with a DAC can be tricky. The sound aside from these system specific issues was equivavlent to his old TVC. He's since gone down the Slagle AVC route.
Thread resurrection time! :)

I am assembling a simple TX102-based preamp with a pair of trafos I picked up here recently. I don't know what model they are, but they have a single primary winding only (+ and -) and no screen/laminations wire. Does that narrow things down at all?



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