High Pay, No Work, All Glory

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There's always someone smarter. Stephen Hawking, for instance. The question is not so much whether they're actually smarter, but whether they use their smarts for the benefit of music reproduction, as opposed to some other realm of human endeavor.
Purely as an exercise in imagination, I sometimes try to envision those at the tops of their respective professions in other fields. What would have happened if Newton had decided to become a chef? The results if Jascha Heifetz and Charles Darwin had traded places would surely have been interesting. Suppose Arnold Palmer had tried his hand at singing opera.
Obviously the world would be very different had Hitler stuck with painting. Some of his work recently went up for auction. From what I saw, it looked better than some who achieved more fame--at least in the field of painting.
Nelson ended up in audio design, as opposed to, say, wine making (as could very well have happened). In some alternate universe, our counterparts are on DIYwine, writing about secondary fermentations and volatile acidity. And in that hypothetical universe, people are speculating as to whether there's a better wine maker.
I suppose it shows that I'm lower than usual on sleep.

GRollins said:
There's always someone smarter. Stephen Hawking, for instance...

...Purely as an exercise in imagination, I sometimes try to envision those at the tops of their respective professions in other fields.


had Mileva Mariæ become a physicist instead of a house wife-



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If Nelson PASS had been an architect in an alternate life, I'd bet he'd be Mies Van Der Rohe , whose straight line was a revolution in architecture from the 20th century, his own words where : "LESS IS MORE" reminds me of what Nelson always seek after in amps schematics...this works also for architecture;)
The one and only
Joined 2001
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GRollins said:
Nelson ended up in audio design, as opposed to, say, wine making (as could very well have happened). In some alternate universe, our counterparts are on DIYwine...

Also a field in which there is considerable debate between
subjectivists and objectivists. In wine, objectivists like Amerine
and Singleton (from whom I took an enology class) clearly made
great improvements in the average quality of wine offered for
sale, but I don't think they had as much impact on the high end.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Hey! I took aclass by Amerine and Singleton at University of California, Davis also!! ( turns out Nelson and I overlapped attendence for 2 years-I didn't know him of course..) * It was the introductory course..and I did very well.

I of course then switched to enology (wine making) for a semester. Tragically the first course you take as a real winemaker is quite difficult. In retrospect, designed to filter out the wannabees that aren't fanatical enough to put in the work. We had to be able to identify 40 some wine plants by a leaf, the whole plant, the fruit, a branch, etc.

Turned out I didn't care THAT much ....:cannotbe:

* At Davis then, a major sport was for your group of friends to er... "get relaxed" at the apartment of the guy that had the best stereo. and just space out.. listen, and talk... After meeting Nelson it occured to me that that place might have been especially conducive to audiophilia, because the campus was pretty isolated, there really wasn't that much to do, ......and there were a lot of clever people who liked fiddling with stuff....

The guys in my aquaintance that had the best stereos were the coolest guys by definition, - I think that's changed now!
Nelson Pass said:
Pass Labs is accepting resumes for technicians. Send
resume to my email address, with JOB as the subject.

I have no doubt I could contribute a couple of new and good ideas,
even for the high level Pass Laboratories.

But sorry, Nelson
I do not long so much to change the residence of my living
to the united states of america.
Not at my age.
Older people do not like to move and travel for adventures
as much as the young.

I like it well over here.
It is not many parts of the world that can match 'your own country'.
And I was fortunate to be born in one of best.
A peace-ful country, we might say.

I restrict my adventures, to expeditions within my creative mind.
I am quite content to settle for this.

High Pay, No Work, All Glory

High Pay ... I have the money I need to make it through my day
(not much more - get my $1020 USD in hand/per month)
No Work ... I don't do much work no longer, anyway. (except here by my PC)
All Glory ... The true GLORY is when you are happy with your self and your deeds
... and I am not thinking too bad of lineup
... in my opinion, he is a good man, trying to do his best

Who can blame him, lineup, even if he qualifies,
for not crossing the ocean to help the american Nelson Pass

Many Regards and
Good luck to you in finding a good person
Executive Chief at
Lineup Audio Laboratories
Nelson Pass said:
Here is the email that went out to applicants for the

Dear (Applicant),

Sorry I haven't been back to you about this - it's taken a while to sort
through the applications.

I triaged them into four probable categories:

1) Unqualified
2) Qualified
3) Overqualified
4) Smarter than me

Of course I did not consider categories 1 or 4.

You are in category 3. The problem with category 3 is that there is an
overwhelming probability that the job you have (or can get) is a lot better
than the job I'm offering (trust me on this), and I can't bear to have someone
uproot themselves only to suffer dissapointment.

I thought long about the applications in categories 2 and 3, and eventually
I hired someone in category 2 and late this year I plan to interview someone in
category 3 who is not you.

Nevertheless I am flattered that you would consider the position. As a balm to
any potential wounded feelings, I am sending a secret prize to every U.S. applicant
who didn't get the job.

Please confirm a shipping address where you would like to receive it.

Thank you very much.

best regards,

Nelson Pass


DANG IT, i missed this......
Joined 2004
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You know ..... it would be wonderful to work in that atmosphere alone. Something like this doesn't come along very often.

People in catagory 3 may either be terribly unsuited (and a disaster because of this) or a huge asset. You never know until the interview. I'm betting that you are looking at the person over the minimal qualifications.

Good thinking to ask in a pool of interested people.

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