denon dvd-3910 service manual ?

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You can use four to build a bridge.
Because of the diode change you dont't have to worry about other parts of the psu.

I think you have a 47u/400v cap as c909. I think you can increase it to 100u/450V. Use a good brand (ECC) and check for favorable smps spec's

Thanks bro
Question How to calculate arrival capacitor 100UF
Instead 47UF exists now?
It is the model that you would recommend?

EKXG451ELL101MM40S United Chemi-Con | Mouser

I did not understand exactly what you mean
If you do the mod
It's only for analog

But I think it's really worth the sound he produces now just mesmerizing
Buy the machine
If you want help in audio ciruit Mod ask me and I'll try to help you bro

Thanks Bro,I appreciate that..are the mods in the signal path or power supply,or both..I'm guessing the op amps are signal path but I have seen op amps in switch mode supply.
The psu is optimized for cheapest components, audiophiles want better parts (whether it makes a difference..). The manufacturer of the top244Y has a calculator program to design the whole psu (optimized for cheapest parts)
increasing the value causes higher inrush current. I don't know how to calculate exactly but i think 100u is a conservative increase.

The capacitor you selected is a looks ok, maybe other series are better for smps, i will ask around (takes a while due to hollidays.)
Ofcource the available space on the pcb is also an issue
I did not understand exactly what you mean
If you do the mod
It's only for analog

But I think it's really worth the sound he produces now just mesmerizing
Buy the machine
If you want help in audio ciruit Mod ask me and I'll try to help you bro

The psu is optimized for cheapest components, audiophiles want better parts (whether it makes a difference..). The manufacturer of the top244Y has a calculator program to design the whole psu (optimized for cheapest parts)
increasing the value causes higher inrush current. I don't know how to calculate exactly but i think 100u is a conservative increase.

The capacitor you selected is a looks ok, maybe other series are better for smps, i will ask around (takes a while due to hollidays.)
Ofcource the available space on the pcb is also an issue

If you want a more reference digital source,it doesn't make sense to to make major mods to a cd player...DACS are much more pure than a CD player dac and they have their own power supply..
THe mac mini is ideal because you can pick them up cheap used,and hook a dac to it.You also have a cd player in it...People are now playing from a solid state hard drive which has no mechanical noise or vibration that you get typically get from a cd transport..My friend used to mod all his players and once he got the mac mini with a DAC,he basically gave up on cd players..
Another bad thing about CD players is that they extrapolate and fill in 1's and 0's where the data points are missing...With the mac mini being a computer,you download a program so the mini doesn't extrapolate and gets 99.9% of the data it reads and therefore gives you a fuller and more realistic sound...Since I'm an avid vinyl afficianado,I have become too critical of digital and its short comings.
Thanks Bro,I appreciate that..are the mods in the signal path or power supply,or both..I'm guessing the op amps are signal path but I have seen op amps in switch mode supply.

I'm not going to touch in the IC's in the psu
I am replacing the diodes
And some Primary capacitors

in the audio circuit I changed all 10 op-amp to lm4562

The device has been working 150 hours
Past the burn in
I tried a few discs have a DVD AUDIO
And improving them even bigger than SACD
Not sure what you want to do ..... change the diodes in a SMPS??
If so, what do you want to achieve?
I have doubts whether you will be able to hear any difference in a linear PSU wrt. diodes, but in a SMPS, I'm sure you will not be able to hear any difference!

Capacitors for a SMPS: Always choose those with lowest ESR ..... it is the resistence more than the capacitance which will determine the amount of ripple
Not sure what you want to do ..... change the diodes in a SMPS??
If so, what do you want to achieve?
I have doubts whether you will be able to hear any difference in a linear PSU wrt. diodes, but in a SMPS, I'm sure you will not be able to hear any difference!

Capacitors for a SMPS: Always choose those with lowest ESR ..... it is the resistence more than the capacitance which will determine the amount of ripple

I do a general upgrade to the device
If I improves the PSU
So I prefer to take good care
No point putting good capacitors around the other components can not work in harmony with them
I think most important part in a psu AC to DC
is the Efficient of the diode bridge
thet Allows the capacitor to work effectively

In everything if you address the problem
And addresses other issues surrounding
Eventually it more harm than good
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I belive it was Rubycon or Jamicon.

I changed all the regulators and the elyts given in the list you got by P:M :)

I remember my brother
I want to start from the
Input of the power supply
and Then continue
I ordered the diodes to bridge diodes

Choosing capacitors after the bridge prevents him from continuing

I need precise recommendation for most suitable capacitor C909
Only from a website FARNEEL
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