Bybee Fraud Protection

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Jan Didden is much more interesting than me.
But ask yourself this, who's hand is on his girlfriend's shoulder ?

Your taste is lovely, as ever, Mr. Steve


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Joined 2014
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So, if all "those others" would end their product descriptions with "And hey, they look nice also and took a lot of effort to produce", they would be in the clear?


Well bybee says

Within any playback system, musical and visual information is transmitted by electrons flowing through conductors. As electrons interact with the conductive materials of cables and circuits, very low-level (quantum) noises are generated. As quantum noise energy accumulates in the propagating signal, low-level details pertaining to ambience, soundstage, timbre, dynamics, color fidelity and picture resolution are obscured, robbing the presentation of vividness and life.
Bybee Quantum Purifiers operate on the quantum mechanical level to regulate the flow of electrons that make up the signal (picture a metering light regulating freeway traffic flow). Current flow within the Quantum Purifier is unimpeded and ideal (think of the unencumbered flow of traffic on a lightly traveled expressway). During transit through the Quantum Purifier, quantum noise energy is stripped off the electrons, streamlining their flow through ensuing conductors. Unwanted quantum noise energy dissipates as heat within the Quantum Purifier rather than emerging as a layer of contamination residue over the audio/video information.

Which violates various laws of physics as well as being total hogwash vs 'made with care to be nice to use without scratchy sounds when you move around'. One is an honest description one is snake oil sales at its finest.

If you cannot handle a product being 'premium' in terms of look and feel stick with a toyota for your daily driving needs!
Joined 2014
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No, I have serious anger management issues ever since childhood days.

The only thing that fixed me was the right woman! I did warn her she wouldn't want to see me hulk out. Only done it once with her, in london with my daughters and was forced to go into defensive mode. I can see I was a very mild case compared to you though.

(I weigh 265 pounds, BMI of 34 with a normal fat percentage, tattoos, piercings in places that can't be ripped off, broken nose and torn eyebrow, more combat scars from top to bottom than you'll find savory/savoury)

Note to self: Do not annoy Jacco if I am ever likely to meet him :) You have nearly 100lbs on me!

No worries, I'm the life of any party*, when I'm 'medicated'.

It's my current partner, who has taught me most about myself.

(* unfortunately, I didn't come with an OEM control/emergency button for that either, tend to end up in the most unusual places/situations.
One could interpret that as an open-minded view towards everything/everyone, or not able to make up-front/personal choices)


Joined 2003
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So how do we protect the gullible which seem to be the core issue.

A) Bybee describe a design mechanism and claims some desirable properties. These are most probably not true or at least very questionably. The consumer will not get the proposed value.

B) Mr Eddy describe a number of design mechanisms; "ultra-fine stranded Type 2 copper litz with a pure silk wrap and covered with our French Silk™ braided sleeving" - wow! - but don't really claim any sound properties in particular, at least not per design mechanism/choice. It's implied that they give "great sound" but not explained how.

I agree to that A is the worse offender (if a lie is at hand) to the gullible but they both, i argue, albeit to a different degree, do it. They both want to sell the products, they just go about in a different ways. Lie or ignorance might be one. Sweet-talking an other. None of them present facts and their consequence to the sound in a correct way. They however fail in different ways.

SY - I can not find any false statements on the page.

A at least don't propose properties that can't be said to be important in a normal permanent stereo setup like weight and stiffness - it's all about the sound right? - talking the interconnects here.

Which violates various laws of physics as well as being total hogwash
Nevertheless, many might find it convincing and won't be in a position to sensibly form their own opinion. Some form of rational explanation is necessary it seems, for such ideas to be considered possible by the technically unwashed. It doesn't seem to matter whether and such explanation can readily be challenged or even understood, it seems to be the 'person' and the 'presentation' who is believed and trusted rather than the facts of the matter by those who decide it seems a plausible claim.............
So how do we protect the gullible which seem to be the core issue.
I don't think we can; neither is it our place IMO. All one can do is make sure it doesn't happen to each of us personally (if that matters to us), whilst at the same time not missing out on genuine opportunities, rare as they might be. And, personally, exploring some pretty strange and interesting aspects of human behaviour. That's my 2p worth.
Joined 2014
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No - I accuse him of luring the gullible, not telling a lie. You got that wrong in your eager to protect your friend.


If he is guilty of that so is mercedes, lexus, BMW, any designer clothing brand, handmade real wood furniture and anything 'nice' you might wish to own.

Do you suggest we have a revival of the puritans?

I will note that I am not the target market for Steve's products, and I have never met him. But having gone through his website there is NOTHING that would lure anyone unless they wanted some really nice looking and feeling hand made leads for their headphones. He doesn't even claim that those properties will improve the listening experience although they most probably would.

You have a big chip on your shoulder over this I can tell, but not sure why. 'It's a quality product (full stop)' when it actually is a quality product is nothing underhand. In the modern world its almost underselling.
You'd be surprised to find out that many stronger 'technical types' who post on forums are right-brained creative emotional personality types, and this seems to correlate well with lack of perception of phantom audio effects amongst them in a survey I ran some time back elsewhere. Perhaps listening with the heart, and not convinced by weak logical argument. Conversely, it seems that those who have logical left-brained personality types, perhaps led by rationalisation of explanation, are far more likely to perceive phantom audio effects it seems.......

In any event, that one can take a personality test and use it as a predictor in such things is surely revealing in itself.

I can definitely appreciate the direction you're trying to go with this post, but it's probably best to reduce the left-right brain language, as pretty much everyone has moved away from this mindset (oh the puns!), especially in light of fMRI + EEG studies that show overall brain activity no matter the personality type (acknowledging my reluctance to bring data in from these types of studies). Handedness does have some amount of split brain (due to motor neuron interconnections).

I think your point aligns to something I've certainly noted about myself: I'm awfully rational most of the time. Except when I'm not, then I'm awfully rational about justifying my irrationalities. (I've gotten better with age noting which state of affairs I'm in).

As Scott said above, I'd be going into any ABX rooting for the most straightforward (things that make solid engineering sense), lowest cost setup to win. So I'd be extremely biased in any sighted testing--I'd need blinding to have a honest chance. Let me be upfront about that.

Why gullible ?

Mr Steve makes stuff people find attractive, e.g. decadent ones as myself.
He doesn't lie about the content.

A donkey cable manufacturer sells products that look like they have to go into something even less attractive.
And they lie.

(Real French Silk, have you ever felt Real French Silk ? Mr Steve, Mr Steve, trade for some resin ? © Waterworld/GM Vietnam)
Of course, that's not what gullible means

Oh, I thought he meant Gul-lible, which translated would make Generouslyly.
Gullig in Swedish means sweet, but in Norwegian it's Sot, which in Dutch stands for Fool.

Languages, very confusing (as if my mind isn't the only burden to carry)
Good thing some folks at this forum are breythartsik.
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I would put it more like this:

Bybee's measure like a resistor on sensitive measuring devices. -1 point

There has been some evidence presented that Bybee's show a measurement difference on some instruments, though the magnitude and frequency of this difference is not clear. +0.1 point

Bybee's behave exactly like a low-value resistor, and no one has shown evidence that they behave otherwise. -1 point

Do you work for the government? What the **** is that? You counted the same thing twice.

You obviously haven't understood the exercise. It's one point or no point. You assigned .1 points as a modification based on how you feel about it. The magnitude to the measurment is 100% irrelevant. If it measures it does something. The point wasn't to evaluate whether the Bybee is valuable, but that it has more facts for the fact it doing something, as opposed to nothing.

I think it's 100% fair to say you don't believe it's worth the cost for what it does, but that bares no relation to whether it functions.
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