Bybee Fraud Protection

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You mean like selling litz wire cables for 300 bucks?

It's not the litz wire that's responsible for their retail price. It's all the hand labor that's required to make them. I don't just pull cable off a spool and slap some connectors on the ends along with a price tag that has no rational relationship to their cost to produce, nor do I make any outlandish claims about them. Simply what they are, what they're made of, and how much they cost.

So I don't know what your beef is.



Joined 2003
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It's not the litz wire that's responsible for their retail price. It's all the hand labor that's required to make them. I don't just pull cable off a spool and slap some connectors on the ends along with a price tag that has no rational relationship to their cost to produce, nor do I make any outlandish claims about them. Simply what they are, what they're made of, and how much they cost.

So I don't know what your beef is.


Well then maybe you should sell them as art rather than "high end/audio" stuff? Thats my beef. I think you are more or less guilty of what you accuse others of.

Well Max, at least you listened and trust your ears. That is the best advice possible.

No it isn't. That is often the absolute worst advice possible.

For god's sake man, it's long since been proven nine ways to Sunday that all of our senses play tricks on us, pretty much all day long. That includes mine, and yours, and everyone else's.

But you have at least illustrated a fundamental reason why all this nonsense keeps coming back around again and again and again: Too many people are simply unable to set ego aside and accept their normal, mortal human fallibility in this regard. Some are apparently blind even to the possibility of it, despite mountains of settled science on the subject.

-- Jim
Interesting eh, how non technical types trust their ears also !
One thing that fascinates me is how phantom audio perception can be contagious, and a common experience. SY's 'clever Hans' offers a big part of the explanation. But someone present has to know and explain what is to be expected, ahead of the experience. In such things, there is always a pattern to the proposition, this 'device produces this effect', one can see it liberally in anecdotes on forum posts touting claims for such devices. I think it's subconscious, that there's a human motivation to somehow conform to common experience...............

You'd be surprised to find out that many stronger 'technical types' who post on forums are right-brained creative emotional personality types, and this seems to correlate well with lack of perception of phantom audio effects amongst them in a survey I ran some time back elsewhere. Perhaps listening with the heart, and not convinced by weak logical argument. Conversely, it seems that those who have logical left-brained personality types, perhaps led by rationalisation of explanation, are far more likely to perceive phantom audio effects it seems.......

In any event, that one can take a personality test and use it as a predictor in such things is surely revealing in itself.
Joined 2014
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".....after I started to hit walls/mirrors/lamps, to prevent me from physically attacking people."
Lack of self control/aggression is one symptom of amphetamine use.

First time I tried to quit smoking I ended up punching a hole in a partition wall. No amphetamines either. And given Jacco lives in a part of europe where people are freakishly large I expect he can pack a lot more of a punch than I can.
Joined 2014
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Well then maybe you should sell them as art rather than "high end/audio" stuff? Thats my beef. I think you are more or less guilty of what you accuse others of.

Have you looked at his website? And the claims made? The headphones cables for example are marketed as being light, flexible and low microphony. All of which are easily compared to existing cables. No snake oil or magic properties claimed. Certainly no top secret sonar parts from submarines involved or dead Nobel laureates.
I love it when the 'use your ears' argument gets trotted out again......
Some part of the population will always perceive phantom audible effects, all you have to do is convince enough people to try. Confirmation by some is a cert; a fraction of people will always perceive benefit, even when it is placebo. Some seem more prone than others...........
No I meant why can some people not accept that a sighted test for a small (if at all difference) is likely to be steered by their brain. They want to believe in their infallible ears and some mind control that can make them ultimate test sets.
Yes - and there can seem some kind of ego 'ratchet' that subsequently prevents mind changes, even sometimes in the face of contradiction leading to absurdity..........
Well then maybe you should sell them as art rather than "high end/audio" stuff? Thats my beef. I think you are more or less guilty of what you accuse others of.

Guilty of what exactly?

What, there should be no beauty in the functional things in our lives? Everything should be designed solely with utilitarian purpose in mind as if it were being made for a laboratory or something? There's no sense of style in the clothing you wear? Or the decor of your home? Design should serve purpose and purpose alone? What a drab, gray world you must live in.

I don't really have any art on my walls (Strange Fruit notwithstanding) or things sitting around whose only purpose is to look pretty. I like art and beauty in the functional things in my life, including my audio cables. Is there something wrong with that, that I should feel guilty or ashamed about the cables that I make and sell?

What I have been critical of others for is making false and/or misleading claims about the things they are selling and trying to get people to part with their money for. Where am I guilty of any of that?

I think you're barking up the wrong tree here, Rover.

Well then maybe you should sell them as art rather than "high end/audio" stuff? Thats my beef. I think you are more or less guilty of what you accuse others of.

If you can point to one false or even questionable claim on Steve's site, I'll join in the bashing. If you can't, I think you're completely off base and you might consider apologizing.

The issue for rationalists is NOT the high price of things, it's the false claims and pseudo-science invoked to peddle them.
No it isn't. That is often the absolute worst advice possible.

It depends on what you're trusting them to do. If you're using them to decide subjective preference alone, they're the only tool that's important. On the other hand, if you're trusting them to determine actual audibility, they're not a terribly reliable tool, though the quacks, frauds and charlatans would lead you to believe so.

Have you looked at his website? And the claims made? The headphones cables for example are marketed as being light, flexible and low microphony. All of which are easily compared to existing cables. No snake oil or magic properties claimed. Certainly no top secret sonar parts from submarines involved or dead Nobel laureates.

If you can point to one false or even questionable claim on Steve's site, I'll join in the bashing. If you can't, I think you're completely off base and you might consider apologizing.

The issue for rationalists is NOT the high price of things, it's the false claims and pseudo-science invoked to peddle them.

Thank you. You guys "get it."

First time

No, I have serious anger management issues ever since childhood days.
My entire system is hypersensitive and I have a very high empathy level, lots of music/movies which make me cry.
But of the fright/flight/fight types, I've been the fight one all my life, the very worst.
Very handy to have around in a crisis situation, in which I excel, a pita in all other times.

I've quit smoking for much longer periods, last time several years.
At the time, I worked a fulltime job, and did 2 studies simultaneously, on two bottles of vodka and three hours of sleep a day.
I need something to control my temper, I pick up the mood of the one I'm with, any mood.
I've worked ER for a week each month, several years on end.
I'm exceedingly well with little children and senior citizens, awfully bad with agressive casualties. OR is much easier, better music too.
The reason why my preference type of person has always been the total opposite of me, e.g. the average audio aficionado.

I'm very sceptical towards alternative medicine and any type of guru behavior.
I even have quite negative views towards several areas of the conventional medical world, groups of medication, from experience and a very analytical mindset. I regard any pill as a placebo, until unconditionally proven otherwise.
Accupuncture worked for me, just not with the bigger issue.

(I weigh 265 pounds, BMI of 34 with a normal fat percentage, tattoos, piercings in places that can't be ripped off, broken nose and torn eyebrow, more combat scars from top to bottom than you'll find savory/savoury)

ftr : I do not have strange fruits on my walls.
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