CLIO Pocket

My CLIO pocket has been working in my lab for over two weeks. It is a nice speaker measurement tool. I used the bigger brother CLIO-FW before. Its firewire interface was not stable. Pocket uses USB and does not need an external DC supply. I have not encountered any connection problem. I also like its software supporting Windows and OSX!

The software does not have those advanced features of CLIO-11. But it is sufficient for my driver/enclosure measurement. One drawback is that it can not open MLS, SIN files saved by CLIO-11. On the other hand, I can export measured data to text file (impedance, frequency data) and wav file (time data). These export files can be processed by other tools like REW. I can use REW to calculate TS parameter to compare with CLIO pocket derived parameters. REW can show us how good the model fits the measured data.

I can also import impulse response (wav file) to REW. The impulse response can then be windowed by different window functions whereas Pocket software has just rectangular or half-hann windows. REW also allows more control on waterfall display. Spectrogram can also be generated.


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Is there any user's manual more complete than the Clio Pocket Survival guide ( Pocket Survival Guide.pdf ) ?

This one is frustrating by its lacks of many details of the operation of the unit. For example :

- I see there is a section showing how to measure T&S parameters but no mention at all of driver VAS (volume of air equal to the driver compliance).

- there is no information of the way to display distortion measurements or to introducte a frequency response compensation.

About cosmetics, it seems very nice but :

- the graph display and chirp time domain display are shown having a white background.Can they be turned to much more comfortable (to my eyes) almost dark just as are the other displays ?

- a CSD colored presentation should be welcome.

I suggest you download manual of CLIO-FW to learn more. There are some commons between CLIO-FW and CLIO Pocket.

TS parameters measurement of CLIO Pocket follows common practices: delta mass or delta compliance.

It does not do distortion measurement. Frequency compensation such as mic calibration can be done using Math function "Add file".
I suggest you download manual of CLIO-FW to learn more. There are some commons between CLIO-FW and CLIO Pocket.

TS parameters measurement of CLIO Pocket follows common practices: delta mass or delta compliance.

It does not do distortion measurement. Frequency compensation such as mic calibration can be done using Math function "Add file".

Thanks for your reply.

Quite a pity Clio Pocket has not distortion measurements facilities.
I am not sure I'll get a system lacking them.

For long, I have been using Woofer Tester Pro which is a nice and very complete system.
However, I had a sad adventure with it :

Maybe I will be lucky to find a second hand unit.
Despite the unit being on the market since february, the given information is insufficient. A complete user manual for the Clio Pocket available to download on the Automatica web page would be wellcome. There is a negligence in the promotion of the product, it gives a detrimental look of the vendor to the potential customer.
Thanks for your reply.

Quite a pity Clio Pocket has not distortion measurements facilities.
I am not sure I'll get a system lacking them.

For long, I have been using Woofer Tester Pro which is a nice and very complete system.
However, I had a sad adventure with it :

Maybe I will be lucky to find a second hand unit.

I was seriously considering to buy WT-Pro. Thanks for your sharing.