Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

Hmmm, it appears I accidentally selected the 50 posts per page option :rolleyes:

Jacek Zagaja seems to have a wealth of real world experience with a lot of these horns....hes not team constant directivity or beaming....rather talks about which does what well...according to him, beaming horns are perceived as the most neutral...Ro808 noted that these traditional horns have the most neutral playback, that in no way lines up with the idea that constant directivity has an edge in neutral presentation...Why haven't they taken note to this supposed coloration expectations invited by reflections?

Jacek has far more experience with many types of horns and waveguides than I do.
I remember this topic was discussed last year, including listening spot, reflections and possible treatment.
vc08's posts are the most enlightening in this regard, but I know at least one exception to the "you cannot use a fairly deep horn across more than 4 octaves" - consensus.

It was also posted before by wesayso.


The horn, a modified Tractrix I believe, is used from 270Hz and the driver is a customized BMS 4592Nd.
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I think I came to the conclusion that once a horn reaches a certain size it becomes “too” would seem that if I am to push the passband near or below the tuning of a horn, that it is best to do so with the smallest horn/largest driver capable? I got the idea that above 350hz or so the resonate tail starts to show?....I think I’ve heard the idea described as not wanting the throat to be so deep...some type of negative affect on proximity? I am reiterating ideas thought upon months ago so forgive me lol I just recall 350hz being quoted as the largest size before this effect reared it’s head..this idea is supported by a large number of other popular horns, 300-350hz seemed to be a sweet spot for large Hf horns..then figure in polar pros/cons....fairly subjective...maybe I’ve found the outer range.

In regards to your example above, 270hz is right there...I bet the horns aren’t tuned to 135hz...they look to be about 300hz to me...
This project has sidestepped so many times, going from brute PA looking folded TLS to avant guard wood tractrix horns.

I think the only solution is to order n pairs of drivers, build all n approaches, decide on best sounding then sell n-2 pairs of drivers

I feel like I’ve attempted this through this thread and HornResp...I spent a lot of time simulating and posting results not just here but on Martin Kings group as well...I trust my the very beginning I always wanted a sealed before creating the thread...and here I am creating a sealed system with exception of a horn of course :) so it’s not like I’m “off track”...there is a chance the sub portion that I’ve designed might be note worthy to the board, If my projected measurements come to fruition. I am going into unknown territory in a sense....that is...bass extension that depends on dsp vs one that starts off flat in anechoic measurement without filtering.... I mean if I’m applying room correction, electronic filtering is present regardless...but the idea that I can extend bass bandwidth via very powerful drivers + eq and achieve natural sounding results is just outside my experience so...we’ll see...Geddes says it’s a non issue and that is comforting.

Learning about transmission line is probably essential to all serious designers...
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i had sort of the same goal as the op. i found some used TAD drivers locally, a pair of 4001 and a pair of 1601b, and put them back together with 5 cu. ft. cabs. i've been trying them out with the ports stuffed, but eventually i will add tuned ports, something in the 30-35 hz range.

minidsp nanodigi 2x8 outputs to 2 DACs, 2W SET for the high end, and a crown XLS 1502 on the woofers. 800 hz xover. the tube amp rolls off a ton on the high end, so i EQ'd most of the treble back in (though the 4001 still rolls off pretty strong at 15 khz, though i'm also using a no name 60x40 fiberglass horn, not the TAD design), and gave it a bass boost as well to taste. i'm getting basically full range playback from that setup: roll-off occurs right at 28 hz, as Fs would indicate, and i still have decent response down to 20hz. it doesn't rattle things the way a home theater sub will, but i like the bass response. i have to imagine the distortion is way lower, the 15s barely move.

Being that I have received various Feedback, not all were your goals like mine and what were your motivations?
Where do you get elliptical from? I do not see any elliptical parts. These horns are classical radial type with straight side walls and possibly Tractrix function vertical wise. You would get the knows advantages of this type but also the well knows disadvantages like midrange narrowing or fingerprinting.

Docali you have navigate the website, it won’t let link directly to product page.
Being that I have received various Feedback, not all were your goals like mine and what were your motivations?

your thread has over 6,000 posts, i didn't read the whole thing. i was responding to your first post where you ask about a 2-way, full range, low distortion setup involving a compression driver and a woofer. my system, as i described, is just that. if you're curious about measurements, i attached it. a couple remarks:

-this was measured at the listening position, stereo, room as-is (no treatment); 1/12 octave smoothing since that's what stereophile uses. can you tell where the xo is on the measurement?
-there is some DSP adjustment, but not as comprehensive as i'd like (only 5 biquads available)
-over 200-10khz it shows very solid results, within around +/- 4.5 dB
-below 200 the bass gets a little more uncontrolled, and i have applied a bass boost for preference at 100hz
-above 10khz we're getting steep drop off: i have adjusted this in PEQ to get the result shown, but it still doesn't look great on measurements. this is due to the low cost tube amp i am using which has a huge rolloff. i tested the drivers without the horn on a solid state amp and the results are exactly what you expect for the TD-4001, which is a rolloff around 17.7khz
-the TD-4001 results are a separate measurement with no horn, SS amp for more linear response. even unsmoothed the results are remarkable imo. i'm not sure what the slight rolloff at 1khz is, that may be typical for this driver.

at any rate, the sound is superb to me. the woofer doesn't sound weird at all integrating with the horn, but i'd love to have more people listen to these and hear their feedback. on the bass front, with a little PEQ, i certainly don't need more than what the 15" provides. on the highs front, even with the rolloff, there's definitely enough treble energy for me. i don't feel like i'm missing out. i have plans to get a more linear SS amp on the 4001s, improve the horns, room treatment/bigger room, etc. but as is, i still think it sounds great.


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