• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
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Why are Hammond SE OPTs dissed? Heavier than the competition...

Hammond 1629SE anyone?

Lots of interesting discussion about the Hammond 1628's in the two forms. Has anyone any experience with the 1629SE? Not the newer 1629SEA. I am looking into acquiring a pair that are priced right. They have monster 159 Hy primary L and also weigh 11 poids. The primary DCR is pretty high though at almost 500 ohms. That means 5 watts of DC heat and 50 volt drop when operating at the 100 mA current limit. Two separate output windings so cathode FB experimentaion is a option and also has 40% screen tap.

I now finally have a pair of 813's to play with. :)

George, I too ordered a pair of 25 watt SE xfmers from the flake you dealt with. Unfortunately I did not receive my paid for xfmers, just excuses. Now six or more years later I get to try this amp idea maybe with Hammonds.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
How right is (priced) right? And I guess the other question is how much effort is going into the rest of the amplifier? The highish rp of the 813 in triode connection would argue for a good transformer.

I suppose you could swap them out if disappointed in the end result.

Electra-Print recently made me a custom set of OPTS for my GM70 project intended to run at 1KV and 125mA. (7K/150mA/40W) Have yet to try them, but in previous projects Jack's designs have given pleasing results. These ran me a little over $400USD for the pair and your probable current levels would result in at least a 10% savings over what I paid.

OTOH if you get those 1629SE for $100 for the pair, that is unbeatable unless they are absolutely terrible - and you can still try something else if that proves to be the case.
$150 US for the pair, NIB. If they don't sound great I can always use them as plate chokes for a parafeed amp in the same app and employ a p-p Hammond that I already own a fine pair. 1656's from the 1970's when Hammond cared to make really good transformers. That 150 henries of L is really seductive. None of the other 1600 series have anything near even half that.
*puts on necromancer outfit*

Riiiiiiiise from the depths, oh three year old topic! :D

I've been pulling apart transformers I have dupes of or are too far gone to repair.... the magic is in the interleave. Hammond has the core and the quality, the experience and the top notch wire....... they just have not perfected that interleave and I doubt they ever will ;)

Now if we talk power transformers, I'll take a Hammond anyday :)

I have changed my views somewhat.

I think by and large, you will get what you pay for.

hammond are dissed, as they are cheap, and it IS snobbery in this game, personally, I don't ENTIRELY trust one man operations, as one of them in the past couodn't deliver and ran off with the money.

I still believe audio is unpredictable, I don't think the measureed performance will guarantee a subjective yes or no in sound quality.

ie just bcos it measures well doesn't mean you will like the sound, many amplifiers have told me that, frequently the worse measuring to me sounds "nicer"

hence my endorsement of hammond, I was impressed with teh physical size.

however, I am more open now and beleive largely that the expensive japanese iron are probably the best, you do get what you pay for.

but it comes down to money, if you can't afford it, you have to get what you can..

I don't think they will be a disaster, nothing really is that's commercial parts.

not unlistenable.

you have to factor postage as well and for transformers, that's probably as significant as the price.

you have to bear in mind hammond are a mass produced product and not a bespoke rolls royce, just a ford. sometimes tho you can enjoy a old sports car more than a rolls royce which can be so refined its anonymous.

so buy what you like its as simple as that, I found all sounded fine, different, perhaps a little bit.

buy what you can afford, that's what it comes down to. and perhaps a little measuring and user feedback.

hammond "premiums" are fine for the cash, but I didn't like the 200 series mains tx's. hot and buzzy.

I think there are around 4 leagues of tx's.

cheap chinese, around $60 each.

hammond pricing, one electron, edcor here a little cheaper.

those between hammond and the top, eg lundahl, MQ, silks, sowters james, most of your quality makes in here. there could be 2 or so leagues here, lower and upper cost ones. sotwers in the upper bracket.

not convinced sowter are that good for the money, hideoulsy expensive. but the mic. tx's are ok priced.

and of course, the top japs. of course I would buy these.

I wouldn't touch audionote and am suspicious of magnequest, however that is a personal opinion. I just dislike the marketing intensely.

far more transparency would be helpful, I am VERY VERY impressed with plitron and would have zero hesitation, but my budget won't reach these, despite the superlative performance.

ALL should have such comprehensive measurements so we really can compare the data I think we are treated with contempt by makers by and large, either that or they can't be bothered to tell us.

in my next build, i am getting either hammond, or a custom winder, why, bcos I can't afford the prices shipping and import, hammond is my budget, the custom is local and I will go for him if he is hammond price.

I still like the hammond size and think size does matter.

its the shiping that's the killer.

these chinese guys have to remember that they need to offer 2 for the same money simply to compete, we WILL not pay the same price plus shipping and end up paying more for an unproven chinese product.

we know the labour is cheap, they have to cost the same all in or cheaper, say a pair inc shipping to be the same as a $100 hammond. that or they WILL go bust.
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Ok, time to do some thread necromancing. Just yesterday I tried a single Hammond 1628SEA tranny myself.

I've been undecided between using Hammond or Lundahl iron in my next single ended thingy. The amp is a low powered triode mode design which initially used a pair of Hammond 125FSE:s as output iron and produced a somewhat 5 watts of power. I use a 5k primary, so that explains the relatively low power.

Those cheap Hammonds actually perform much better than you'd expect. The downside is they don't do bass very well. I got the lower octaves (20-100Hz) at 1,5 watts but no more until saturation got evident. Then again they show good response up to 40 kHz.

So I decided to try the 1628. I've read about the problems with the high frequency response of these heavyweight beasts, so I just bought one at first, in fear of losing money. You know, just gamble with the amount you're ready to lose without as much as a wink.

So, up you go 1628, in to a circuit previously occupied by a 125FSE. And was I satisfied? Well, yes and no. To be honest, the high frequency response is bad. -2,5dB @ 20 kHz, as referenced to 1 kHz. Compared to the 125FSE this really sucks. Then again, they do make next to awesome bass. Really. Awesome. Bass.

But you can't really determine sound on an oscilloscope. When I hooked a pair of Sennheiser HD600 -headphones to the output (which is after those trannies) the difference between 1628SEA and 125FSE became evident. The difference is in feeling of power. The 1628 has lots and lots of it. And I didn't have a sense of losing anything meaningful compared to the 125FSE.

So, you should get something for your money. Is the 1628SEA as good as the price suggests? Well, here in Finland there are not too many output trannies sold off-the-shelf, so that's a thing to consider. Still, with postage paid, I could get Lundahl trannies from Germany with not much more money. These Hammonds aren't exactly bad, but they come with limitations.

I still have mixed feelings on this tranny, but I've decided to use it on my next amp.
Hello, I'm new here and this is my second post.
I think Hammonds are dissed because some of them are ugly.
I've got Hammond 125ESE in a PSE 6BX7
"Analog Circuit"
I like this very much, but it took a few months for the sound to improve.
Here's some Hammond 125 ESE amps"
Tom Schlangen's Homepage - Tube DIY Pages

Norwegian Wood


Hammond 125e
Don Garber Fi X

Don Garber's Magical Fi X4 Stereo Amplifier A stunning 1.5 watts with Tung-Sol 46 for only $1095! Review By A. Colin Flood
I have a pair of 125ESE and they are darn ugly. Which means you can't mount them on top of a chassis in the traditional way. So most people buy from Edcor if they want an affordable OPT. I don't blame them. Hammond have a nice transformer in the 125ESE but are too stubborn / stingy to dress it properly.
EP on one amp, Edcor on the other. The EP iron replaced Hammond iron. Both SE. They each have their virtues. nothing wrong with Hammond iron, especially if you impatient.


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I kinda agree with the thread. Did not compare side-by-side directly, but by my "ear memory" I'd say indeed the Hammond sounds more solid but lacking some clarity a little, while Edcor generally provides. .. can't well-define it. .. a "cheapened sound" if you will.
But that's the matter of comparing apples to apples, the oversized (by specs) Edcor sounds quite same as Hammond (by dimensions).