Who else is gaining weight?

That's incredible how many people don't realize after 40/50 years old that sudden efforts without training is a major cause of hearthbreaks issues !!!:yikes:
Emergencies as morgues are full of people that wake up at 40/50 yo realising they are not still 20 yo but believe their body eventually is !

Oh, I did train up to it - accomplishing 1/2, 1 and 2 miles over a few weeks of training. I also took it slow, reminding myself in the last leg to just "glide home". Thanks!
Apparently when one of the Deans at the university retired, the EE department chair was able to stop taking his blood pressure medication.

When I worked at Intel, they had this once every 7 year thing called a "sabbatical" - which was basically a 4 week paid vacation. I believe I took 2 in my career there.

I recall upon return from the second one, my supervisor at the time said I looked more "human" after enjoying the relatively stress-free time period.

Therefore, stress is de-(fill in the blank). Hint; has "izing" as the word's tail...
The high BP is gone since I retired.....I am convinced that the cure to many ailments is to stop doing things that cause stress and/or unhappiness.

The weird thing is that for the last 14 years of my career I worked in a research department doing what I liked to do, build stuff, mostly test fixtures and prototypes. I did not hate my job, and actually enjoyed it most of the time. An experience that occurred one year led me to believe that my BP issue was due to "sick building syndrome," probably from all the black mold in the AC system and from the leaky roof. My office smelled worse than my gym shoes after a rainy day. Security kept closing and locking my door every night until I took it off and hid it.

One year I took my two week Christmas vacation early, spending two weeks here in West Virginia playing in the snow, then returning to work right after Christmas when the plant was empty, and NO bosses or other aggravating people were even there. My BP was well into the below average zone when I went back to work, but was back in the too high zone a few days after returning despite doing nothing but surfing the web and goofing off. Just being in the building made it go up.

Note, that my blood pressure changes a lot, often in a short period of time. I have seen a low of 90/45 early in the morning and a high of 200/105, unfortunately in a cardiologists office where he convinced my wife that I wad going to die.....SOON. That was 15 years ago.

Yesterday's reading in the doctors office was 119/68...but that was before he referred me to a surgeons office in the hospital.....I go there tomorrow.
Go ahead Tubey, leave us hanging.

An unknown hard lump / sore on my lower back that will not heal. It's been there for nearly 6 months, doesn't grow either. It just appeared there in about a week.

I have had several of these over the years, all have been scar tissue and squamous cell carcinoma. I have been known to remove them myself with a sharp pair of wire cutters, but this one is on my back where I can't see it or get to it.

It is an odd combination that nobody here has seen, but wasn't common in Florida either, that's why they were misdiagnosed a lot early in my life. 62 years in the Florida sun, outdoors with minimal clothing, and often out on the Atlantic ocean in a boat has fried, and refried my skin.

I had the mild version of covid 19 in February, before it became popular. A week with high fever and not much else. At first thought it was the flu, but none of the normal flu bits, and more time collapsed in bed.

Not sure which hospital you are going to. But suprising to some there are really first rate hospitals in West Virginia. JW Ruby in Morgantown comes to mind.

I had the mild version of covid 19 in February, before it became popular. A week with high fever and not much else. At first thought it was the flu, but none of the normal flu bits, and more time collapsed in bed.

Not sure which hospital you are going to. But suprising to some there are really first rate hospitals in West Virginia. JW Ruby in Morgantown comes to mind.

Were you tested? It's interesting to hear accounts from people who have actually had it.
you know... clean? Without insects?.... Not sure which hospital

It's a local county hospital that was purchased by WVU university medical system a few years ago and is being renovated…….slowly. Two other hospitals in the area have failed and been closed. There is a much better hospital about 20 miles away, but it is still operating on a "critical needs only" basis.
My neighbor needed a emergency quadruple heart bypass (collapsed while mowing yard on a riding mower) and had to wait two weeks for it. They chased him out after 3 days due to the case backlog. I can't get in there, and this local hospital just started taking non emergency patients about 10 days ago during the "phase 1 reopening." Face masks, temp scanning, and a short interview are required to get into the building.

The care you get here, or nearly anywhere where resources are limited, depends on your health insurance. I have been getting these lumps for 30 years or more. Most of them in Florida were taken off in an outpatient center like used for cosmetic surgery.

This is the fourth while here in WV. The first two were covered by the good insurance coverage from my former employer, hence the full OR treatment, with my total costs in the $500 range. Number three happened while on Obamacare, and I could not get an appointment with the same surgeon. One of his aides told me that "he wont cut for what they pay." So, I lost my patience and cut it off with wire cutters. Despite being in the middle of my forehead, the scarring is minimal. That surgeon has since retired.

I have never met today's doctor, and I'm now on Medicare, so I don't know what to expect, but they never cut on the first date. I would prefer the "cut out a core sample for the lab, and fry the rest off with the plasma cutter" plan, but this guy does not know my long history with these things.

Note that there is a specialized plasma cutter made for use on human tissue called a Hyfrecator. (High frequency eradicator) It's an adjustable power radio transmitter, (more like a tiny Tesla coil) and they have been used on me a lot over the years. Really old ones used vacuum tubes. I saw a big old one with a 211 or 845 in it in a friends medical equipment repair shop.

Were you tested? It's interesting to hear accounts from people who have actually had it.

I know two people who got it here. One is severely overweight with other issues. She had similar symptoms and is now clean and back at work in the bank.

I haven't heard much about the other, but she has not returned to the bank. Three out of five employees at the bank were infected by an employee from another branch who worked there for two or three days over a month ago.
My neighbor needed a emergency quadruple heart bypass (collapsed while mowing yard on a riding mower) and had to wait two weeks for it. They chased him out after 3 days due to the case backlog. I can't get in there, and this local hospital just started taking non emergency patients about 10 days ago during the "phase 1 reopening." Face masks, temp scanning, and a short interview are required to get into the building.

Note that there is a specialized plasma cutter made for use on human tissue called a Hyfrecator. (High frequency eradicator) It's an adjustable power radio transmitter, (more like a tiny Tesla coil) and they have been used on me a lot over the years. Really old ones used vacuum tubes. I saw a big old one with a 211 or 845 in it in a friends medical equipment repair shop.

Sometimes I feel like the medical industry has some of the most amazing technology and the worst management of any industry...
After lying flat on my back for four weeks (post op tendon repair) plus an additional 3 weeks of only minimum movement gradually starting to walk again, I lost 14 lbs. Approx 40% was muscle mass. During this time I only had a breakfast (oatmeal or granola with nuts and cranberries) and a moderate size late lunch, with some peanut&raisin mix or some jerky to snack on and 2 litres of water in a day. And a coffee or two
Now that I am doing exercises (biokinetics) and eating more - too many carb snacks and I really like my chocolate - I have gained 22 lbs. Fortunately a good portion is muscle mass (she is a slave driver my biokinetics trainer) but I need to start spinning to get my cardiovascular system going properly and burn off the fat.
My pool temperature is unfortunately a bit too low (10°C) for me to go swimming at the moment, and all public facilities are closed (C-19). Just need to get my ars3 in gear and on the saddle. I need to lose 15% to 20% to get to my ideal mass of 175 lbs (I'm a short shite.) It is going to be a long, but not impossible, haul.


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Sometimes I feel like the medical industry has some of the most amazing technology and the worst management of any industry...

in the crisis we worked with two of the big midwest research hospitals on resourcing masks and other protective equipment. when they have to move, they really move quickly and adeptly.

in some respects, however, they are like electric utilities without angry rate-payers -- they opt for expensive solutions because they can put the capital cost into their rate-base. then there is the issue of "regulatory capture" by which the utility commissioner's son gets a job at a white-shoe law firm, etc., etc.

my two internists retired, one younger than me, and sold the practice to one of their partners -- both then headed to Montana from NJ. the quality of health care in NJ is excellent, at least in our nearby counties. same in Ohio

getting back to topic -- I managed to get down about a pound in the last week -- weather is turning nice and I can get out and bike almost every day.
we probably reduced the portion sizes here just a little, but the 'Rona makes it more difficult to buy cookies and chips.
but the 'Rona makes it more difficult to buy cookies and chips.

I find just the opposite. I don't think I have left the Walmart without a family size bag of Chips Ahoy and Peanut M&Ms since this thing started. Fortunately I only go once a week.

We drove over to the Pittsburgh area to visit Sams Club, Whole Foods and Trader Joes for the first time in over two months. That trip filled one entire pantry shelf with cookies, chips, breakfast cereal and granola.

The trip to the doctor did tell me that I have gained about two pounds......I'll call that the difference between the doctor's scale and the gym scale, since my pants fit looser than before.

He cuts on Tuesday. He says that the tumor (his words) is 10 to 20 mm deep, but it's in the fattest part of my body, so there should be no issue. He says that I need to be relatively idle for a week or two, just watch TV......That's not in my nature. I can not just sit in front of the TV, but I might finish up a PC board or two.