Who else is gaining weight?

Title says it all. Too much time for cooking and eating and not a whole lot of ladder climbing. Not allowed to play tennis unless it's with someone in your household. Many of the parks are closed, including some dog parks. Very little recreational activities of the interesting kind these days.

It's all eat, drink and be lazy and it's showing up just above my belt.

I started putting on weight around middle age.
I was amazed how I didnt really notice it.
One day I was out walking and got quite breathless on a mild hill.
I couldn't work out why until I jumped on the scales.
Since then for 12 years I got a job as a "personal company" carer and was sat on my bum all day watching TV. So up to 15 stone now.
I now work for myself so hardly leave the house except for food.
Its easy to put on weight but hard to get rid of it.
Trying to diet when your starving isn't easy !
Sometimes I think society places a little too much emphasis on the importance of weight. Like many things, mainstream society likes to make the problem simpler than it is.

I'm no doctor, but here's something to ponder. Who's healthier, a person who is 10-20 pounds overweight but eats well and takes their dog on five mile walk every day and does 25 mile bike rides on the weekend, or someone who is in the "normal" weight range but spends 12 hours a day in a chair, eating Doritos?
Unfortunately SARS Cov2 does put an emphasis on weight.

Three quarter of those who die after contracting Covid 19 are overweight or obese.

Smokers on the other hand are under-represented in the ICU wards.
In France about 30% smoke but smokers only make up 5% of the patients who need intensive care. The numbers from China are very similar as were the numbers for SARS1 and MERS.
France is doing research right now to see if nicotine patches help.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2019
Sometimes I think society places a little too much emphasis on the importance of weight. Like many things, mainstream society likes to make the problem simpler than it is.

I'm no doctor, but here's something to ponder. Who's healthier, a person who is 10-20 pounds overweight but eats well and takes their dog on five mile walk every day and does 25 mile bike rides on the weekend, or someone who is in the "normal" weight range but spends 12 hours a day in a chair, eating Doritos?

+1. But there is a difference between a little belly and a huge one.

Migelwright said it's hard not to eat when you re starving. Here we are, after millions years of evolution, some can now eat more than they need and concentrate things in it when making the food in factory. Then we swapped our feets with tyres...not good for the belly.
We were made for walking and running to feed ourselves...and starving. So yes it's difficult, not to starve for most of us in our planet, but not to eat that much...most of our evolution was-still is- focussed on eating. We know it all, eating is one of the main rewards channels with sex, social exchanges and owning stuffs from the roof to non usefull stuffs at first attention like art...Ah all are necessary in fact and focussed on our survey.

Not gaining weight is hard and culture related, it beginns by a mental diet:D... hard to focus on this at every minute of the day. Ask a tree to use sunblock cream;)
Smoking used to be considered healthy! It was noted folks who smoked rarely got or didn't die from pneumonia and other lung diseases. Of course that was before penicillin and anti biotics. The smoke from chain smoking does seem to kill airborne bacteria and viruses in ones' lungs. Of course we mostly seem to know it also kills and damaged cells in the lungs.

So it actually may have given useful short term health benefits to some.

You can also prevent getting Covid 19 by running into automotive traffic at night wearing trendy all black clothes.
Its easy to put on weight but hard to get rid of it.
Trying to diet when your starving isn't easy !

Try dieting when trying to exercise. The easiest way to overeat? Go out for a 50 mile bike ride, in the heat, at pace, on reduced calories. About half way through, you’ll bonk out and be lucky to get home (or to the nearest McDonalds). You end up eating about 4000 calories in one sitting.
It's actually based on actuarial science and some long term studies

The range of numbers and their meaning has changed somewhat over the years as the statistics and actuarial data changes each year to reflect the general population at large.

I distinctly remember several discussions with my insurance administrators telling me and my wife that I was "obese" at a BMI of 29 and an age of 52. I even looked in up myself, and I think that 28.5 was the distinction between overweight and obese. The world, and the US in particular has gotten fatter over the past 30 years, shifting the bell curve in that direction.

Likewise the meaning of the numbers for fasting blood sugar have changed, in the other direction over the years. I have been between 100 and 110 for as long as I can remember. I went to the same doctor for my entire 41 year career at Motorola. In the 70's a score of 105 was squarely in the "normal" category with no cause for alarm, as "pre-diabetes" was 120 to 150.

When the normal range was moved down to "below 110" my doctor started trying to put me on pills. I refused. When the normal range was moved to below 100, he got insistent, I still refused. Today a score of 105 (my latest) is "high risk" or "pre-diabetes." I have not changed, but the medical industry has, partially because there is a lot of money to be made selling pills. Likewise the lipid profile numbers are constantly being revised.

I went to see a new doctor yesterday as the last two have retired or left the area. We went over my last four years of data test and there were plenty of red numbers, and "out of range" results. He looked them over and said I was in "great health" without me having to explain anything.

Everything including the doctors attitude, is relative to where you live. This area is known for poor health and overweight or obese people. The left lane of our main thoroughfare backs up for a block or more in the morning due to all the people trying to get into the McD's drive through. I sneak by down the right lane to turn into the gym parking lot that has maybe 5 cars.

When I had those numbers in Florida, along with two failed stress tests and some high blood pressure, the doctors told me (or my wife) I was looking at an early death. The high BP is gone since I retired, so are all of the associated pills and the problems that they caused.
^ Lest we forget (given the people involved), COVID-19 health-related discussion is a topic that the admin has chosen to moderate.

Ed: smoking is probably not the best topic to apply your oh-so-dry sense of humor to, especially in such a multinational forum where the irony might be lost. (As superb most everyone's English really is!)

Being overweight has a wide spectrum of issues, not the least of which are cardiac and oxidative stresses. These are known to go into hyperdrive with a number of diseases, not the least of which interplays with the present pandemic. Again, this is not a judgment call -- trying to stay on the health/biology side.
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Pushing myself yesterday (and dropping off our small dog after a mile, as I wouldnt even make him do it) I managed a 5K jog. It's been a couple of years since I was last able.

6', 175, no prostate gland - the 175 part is probably why I could even do it. In the mirror before shower? Emaciated looking, runners body. I used to jog 7k - including a mile long hill - @ over 200lbs a few years ago... Feeling a little wiped this morning.

Hopefully, jogging a full 5k is more than a one time thing this year.
Disabled Account
Joined 2019
Pushing myself yesterday (and dropping off our small dog after a mile, as I wouldnt even make him do it) I managed a 5K jog. It's been a couple of years since I was last able.

6', 175, no prostate gland - the 175 part is probably why I could even do it. In the mirror before shower? Emaciated looking, runners body. I used to jog 7k - including a mile long hill - @ over 200lbs a few years ago... Feeling a little wiped this morning.

Hopefully, jogging a full 5k is more than a one time thing this year.

That's incredible how many people don't realize after 40/50 years old that sudden efforts without training is a major cause of hearthbreaks issues !!!:yikes:
Emergencies as morgues are full of people that wake up at 40/50 yo realising they are not still 20 yo but believe their body eventually is !
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