Whats everybody working at???

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Got first batch of parts from Mouser today. Pots, heatsinks, knobs and some resistors for law-faking the pots.

Pots are 16mm miniature carbon comps from Xicon. 100k linear taper and just for grins, I bought the ones with 11 detent positions. I bought 10 pieces and out of the 10 was able to find two which matched quite closely. With the law faking resistor, the match is better than 2% for all positions.

At the left in the photo is a simple mock-up with the cherry chassis which has since had one application of oil finish.

For mounting the pots/knobs, I made some discs out of hard maple the same diameter as the skirt of the knobs. They'll nest within the heatsinks using some 1/2" threaded spacers (via the vertical pair of unplated holes).

The wiring for the pots will feed thruogh the pre-punched hole near the upper left corner of the heatsink that's laying on its side.

The knobs will be getting a make-over. The aluminum insert in the top will be replaced with a cherry insert. The white indicator will be painted black and the indicator will be some 22 gauge copper magnet wire with clear insulation that will run down the indicator channel.

Next order will be the electronics and some more hardware.


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Keeping me busy...

I'm slowly assembling an Aleph-3, with the aim of investigating the effects of tweaking MOSFET type, matching, current sources, etc.

Also, it's time to upgrade the sound system attached to the TV, currently suffering from decidedly non-high-end speakers. Some Jordan JX92S' are in the post as I speak.

Obviously, you'll read about it here first :)

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