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Wrapped up watching the entire ‘hell on wheels’ series last night. Was kindly disappointed it was over!
It’s a post civil war western outlining the building of the transcontinental railway across the U.S.A. I don’t know how historically correct it is but it really puts you there!

It’s a AMC series available on Netflix.....highly recommended.
Did just watch the second part of a Swedish documentary about the anti-vaxmovement here in Scandinavia and in USA on TV.

Before that I did see a few frightening episodes of World War Two, this time several short (up to 1/2 hour) minute by minute episodes describing the attack on Pearl Harbour in dec 1941.
So intense and extremely interesting with loads of details and info I've never heard before. (Youtube)
find it a little for children...poor scenario. Average actors skills. computed Marc Hamill face...hum....

And the moral behind... so a baby that eats foetus eggs of a collapsing species with the almost ok of papa Mando... disgusting. Definitly not a Lucas one ! A Walt Disney for kids with bad education instead !

The great part of this serie is the aerograph computer made pictures at the end of each episode ! As you say, we look at it cause we are addict since children themselves... it's like Malboro, uh !