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Is Cannonball Run II rubbish or a classic? I have problems figuring that out!

It's not a classic. IMO

Recently I grabbed a few cheap Blu-Rays I hadn't gotten around to seeing, out of the Big Round Discount Impulse Bin for Suckers Only (thaaat's me!) at the local Obscenely Huge Department Store.

One of them was Sin City. Reviews sounded interesting for the distinctive visuals, which were of course completely wasted on relentless, gratuitous, juvenile ultra-violence. Not only did I hit the eject button after about 12 minutes, but I also cut the disc in half with a pair of tin snips before I threw it out. Hey, laugh at me if you want - it made me feel a little better knowing that at least no one else is ever going to watch that copy. That is how much I hated that movie.

I am so f890ing sick of all the endless, mindless human violence on this planet, not to mention just plain depressed by the rate at which it's increasingly accepted as the rule instead of the exception - even as entertainment, as you said. It is truly overwhelming sometimes.

-- Jim

I thought I was the only one thinking like that.
Gee : Frank, Robert and Quentin - that's a trifecta wet dream for the twisted misogynistic sadist crowd - and you know who you are

yes more than a bit dark, but certainly creative ?

nah, sorry, can't really find any redemption there - if only it was just a waste of a few trillion pixels
Went with the kids to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. Sadly what could have been a pretty good story was weighted down with overblown action and underdeveloped character and backstory. Why can't filmmakers give us more reason to CARE about why characters do what they do so we can FEEL something for them. I left the theater wondering if maybe there was a good movie there that got abandoned on the editing room floor.
...Why can't filmmakers give us more reason to CARE about why characters do what they do so we can FEEL something for them. I left the theater wondering if maybe there was a good movie there that got abandoned on the editing room floor.

I wonder if a lot of movies aren't test-screened to death these days, especially these big blockbusters. There's such an incomprehensible amount of money on the line, return on investment must be a huge priority. More homogenization = more butts in the seats.

-- Jim
May be old news to the cineaste contingent, but caught this last night on the tube:


A lot of films and TV series have been made about the battle for Stalingrad, but this is my first exposure to anything other than newreels.

The Russian & German with subtitles didn't bother me a bit - gripping, stunning production values - I felt like a shower afterwards, but it was 1:00 AM by the it was finished.

Apparently filmed in iMax 3D - that'd be something to see
Revisited ::

* 'The Zero Theorem' (2013) ...Directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Christoph Waltz.
...And * 'Summer with Monika' (1952). ...directed by Ingmar Bergman.


Both great for relaxing @ the threshold of Summer.
...Go swim @ the lake with Monika, and wait for a phone call to tell you the purpose of your existence, your origin.
No matter what,you'll end up @ the beach, in both films.
Revisited ::

* 'The Zero Theorem' (2013) ...Directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Christoph Waltz.

Thank you! I've always enjoyed Gilliam's films, but hadn't even heard of this one! Stopped at the video store tonight, and there was a single copy, way down in the bottom corner of the very last shelf of course ("Zero Theorem, The").

This one reminds me alternately of The Fisher King and Brazil. I get the feeling Terry has a Grail of his own, and it's always fun to join his quest.

...And * 'Summer with Monika' (1952). ...directed by Ingmar Bergman.
I'm usually a bit too thick to fully appreciate (or even comprehend) Bergman, but I see one reviewer describes this one as "accessible," so I will give Monika a spin as well.

-- Jim
Jim, you got that right; every video store carry only one copy of 'The Zero Theorem' on Blu, and it's @ the very end of the very bottom of that very last shelf.

I think you're going to enjoy the ride with Qohen, and friends. :)

And the Blu-ray picture cover @ your local video store (now in your home) looks exactly like this:
