What are you Watching?

Indeed, Mulholland Drive is a great movie, wonderfully twisted story and great acting.

I recently realized that I had never seen "Scanners" so watched it. Much more mainstream than "Videodrome"(which is a mind trip and I think would never be made today), it's still a good yarn. It seems really derivative now, but that's only because everybody has derived from it.

=> Come to think of it, David Cronenberg has been a great film maker for decades now. I haven't seen his most recent work, but "A History of Violence" was great (better than the original graphic novel IMO) and "Eastern Promises" was as good a thriller as I've ever seen. BTW, Naomi Watts from Mulholland Drive is terrific in both.

You got many good points. You mentioned some great titles, plus one more great film director.

Your films taste is in line with mine here. :film:
Come to think of it, David Cronenberg has been a great film maker for decades now. I haven't seen his most recent work, but "A History of Violence" was great (better than the original graphic novel IMO) and "Eastern Promises" was as good a thriller as I've ever seen. BTW, Naomi Watts from Mulholland Drive is terrific in both.

If you loved the early Cronenberg like Videodrome, you'll like this:


And I dare say that even if you didn't like the early crazy ones and Existenz, you will certainly love Eastern Promises and A History of Violence.

These two films show that Cronenberg is also a mainstream master director. You would definitely know he was a great one by the earlier movies, but they bordered on sci-fi and horror and weird, so weren't mainstream.

You'll discover a different Cronenberg in these movies.
Scott, do you mean 'Baraka'?

* I am a little confused. ...By your above link.

EDIT: Gotcha now. ...No, I don't know about the other flick by the same name. ... www.imdb.com/title/tt0196069
The 'Samsara' that is from the picture cover from your above post quoting me, is a documentary style; no story, just music with moving images around the world.

<<>> By the way, buddhism from India with stories of sex and money are ...
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So Bob, after picking up one of those TX NR616 ( nice rig) per your recommendation a little while ago, I get blindsided by this "Atmos" thing - thanks very bloody much;)

So what is that, a total of 11 speaker channels plus LFE?

Thanks very much - oh I said that already

FWIW, if my lottery ticket comes in, after my recent exposure to Denon, Marantz and most recently, the Onkyo, HT units, if I was to (read=when) upgrade again it would probably be to the big "O" -

Of course this all posits the questions - when will streaming services catch up, and which will come first 4K or this?

Careful what you wish for - you might be able to afford it

>>> edit- "those" Buddhist stories are what, hard to follow due to the subtitles?
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So Bob, after picking up one of those TX NR616 ( nice rig) per your recommendation a little while ago, I get blindsided by this "Atmos" thing - thanks very bloody much;)

So what is that, a total of 11 speaker channels plus LFE?

Thanks very much - oh I said that already

FWIW, if my lottery ticket comes in, after my recent exposure to Denon, Marantz and most recently, the Onkyo, HT units, if I was to (read=when) upgrade again it would probably be to the big "O" -

Of course this all posits the questions - when will streaming services catch up, and which will come first 4K or this?

Careful what you wish for - you might be able to afford it

>>> edit- "those" Buddhist stories are what, hard to follow due to the subtitles?

Chris, Dolby Atmos is all very new in the consumer world right now; I am very active @ other forums in learning all about it. ...And all very recently.

diyAudio is not really home theater inclined, but more for the master diy audio designers. There are unique attributes here with really down-to-earth great people.

Me I can fix many of my audio components, and I can build my own speakers too, and I am big also on multichannel surround sound.

Don't blame me for being me. ;)

If you need assistance on a specific item like an AV receiver, I can help you out, anytime, and technology flies so fast, @ the speed of light, that even I sometimes am a short cloud behind. But don't worry, I always end up ahead eventually. :)

To learn more about Dolby Atmos, follow me where we are cutting the meat. :D
...Over @ AV Science Forum.

And remember this always: Yesterday was what today isn't. :shhh::cool:;):eek::D

*** 4K is definitely coming to Blu-ray (next year, 2015, perhaps), and also from downloading (TV service providers).
That too I'm big on.
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Ya NorthStar, I think our tastes in movies align pretty well.

I haven't seen Samsara, but I always thought that Bakara was inferior to Koyaanisqatsi. I have the next two qatsi movies in my queue, but never seem to get into the right mood to watch them (plus the SO isn't overly fond of the original because I overdosed her on it back when I had an impossible to obtain laserdisc copy). I first saw Koyaanisqatsi during college and it was an amazing experience, even with the crappy projection and sound system. Some of the scenes in Koyaanisqatsi became iconic and have been duplicated over and over again. It's probably the most influential movie no-one has heard of.

Watched Jagarna 2 ("False Trail" here in the US) yesterday. Similar atmosphere and plot line to the original. Another great performance from Rolf Lassgård and Peter Stormare is superbly cast opposite him. Another good solid thriller from Sweden. I think this is the first movie I've seen with Peter Stormare acting in his native Swedish and he didn't disappoint.

Gonna go light today and break out an old favorite of mine Miyaziki's wonderful "Spirited Away".

Peace out.
To learn more about Dolby Atmos, follow me where we are cutting the meat. :D
...Over @ AV Science Forum.

Nice resource, and extremely valuable as you can get the free HD calibration patterns there. Used this and have a wonderful HD picture on the Sony Bravia.

Even 720p looks glorious.

BTW, headed over there and saw an upconverting HDMI cable for $40!

4K is here!
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You listen to Bob?


yes, and on the specific recommendation cited, he hit the bulls-eye

too bad the target's always moving - but anyone in this general hobby for over 40rs should accept that as a universal constant ;)

and I'm way too busy sussing my own shortcomings ( a full time job) to blame anyone for being what they think they are
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You listen to Bob?


Like I said before; new sound/picture technologies travel @ the speed of light;
...who you listen to today is not the same knowledgeable person as he/she was yesterday, and tomorrow. ;)

Don't blame anyone for your anything past, present and future; it's our own life.


What, the Onkyo 616, he doesn't like? :) ...It's not like it costs $100,000

* I have to say this: diyAudio is a great forum because the people are first-class act. That's how I deeply feel and wanted to say it; that's all.

And I did watch a great flick last night; I will tell you later on about...