What are you drinking?

Drinking this fabulous bottle of wine with my lovely wife for our 25th anniversary! Hard to believe we've been married that long. It's been a great journey and this is a perfect wine for this evening. We won it in a fundraising auction for a local school and it is one of the best wines I've had. Great fruit (mostly dark/cherries but also raspberries), some vanilla, and smoky and earthy edge, and incredibly well integrated tannins and acidity.

Oh, and it's a blend of 82% Cab Sauv 18% Cab Franc.


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An interesting blend. This is not quite a Bordeaux blend, as I understand it.
Vintage - Cabernet Sauvignon 1
| Robert Sinskey Vineyards

True, SLD is not a true Bordeaux Blend to the extent that most Bordeaux contain primarily Cabernet and Merlot grapes, but that term is a bit flexible outside of Bordeaux. And even in Bordeaux, there aren't clear lines for how wines are made. "Right" (north) bank bordeaux tend to use more Merlot grapes whereas "left" (south) bank bordeaux tend to use more Cabernet grapes. But both include the other grapes in lower amounts, and all use some blend of 3 or 4 other grapes (Cabernet Franc being one of the main ones, and malbec and carmenere (one of my favorites when done well) are used as well as a few others).

The description of SLD reminded me that there was definitely some herbaceous flavors (bay in particular) along with "forest floor" and blueberry for fruit. I'd also agree with cigar box and graphite. I'm not good at pinpointing the flavors I like, as I haven't studied those much.
Love cab franc!

Yes and this one is low on sulfites. This is a often overlooked feature. Small vineyard with organic wines are often low on sulfites, but requires good stable cooling. Typical supermarket wines are high on sulfites and can be a bit more brutal/coarse

It's actually 50% jurançon noir, 50% cabernet if a look at the dealer in Denmark (a friend of mine :))
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