Western Electric 1928 - How far have we come in the last 100 years?

That Western Electric design is doubtless pretty amazing, especially as amps in those days were about 3 watts! :D

It's quite interesting that the exponential horn is not the only mathematical solution to coupling a transducer correctly. The pseudosphere aka the Tractrix is kind of the inverse of a sphere with constant negative gaussian curvature:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

This video of a wooden tractrix horn compression driver is quite enjoyable too.
tractrix-bms-4524 - YouTube
You must be talking about horns , even modern ones sound as you describe , not so for quads ,leak , KLH, and others from that era ....

I don't know about Leak and, yes, I do prefer 60s KLH, at least to 60s AR, and yes, the old Quads sound decent a) if they work, and b) if you sit in the sweet spot.

Let me make a distinction. There is: "We put on the Voice of the Theaters, opened a big bottle of wine and put on some Blues 78's. I've never heard anything like it." And there is: "We did an A/B behind a screen without knowing what was what."

In the first there is a total experience and a great desire to forgive the obvious sins since the overall experience is so pleasureable. No different than getting behind the wheel of that 52' Buick. No power, numb steering and rolls like an ocean liner. Brakes? what Brakes. But the dash looks so cool that you would forgive anything. "They don't make 'em like this anymore."

In the case of a critical comparison without letting nostalgia get in the way, I've never heard an old speaker that sounded neutral or accurate. Fun?, yes. Appealing, maybe. Uncolored?, sorry but no, never.

David S.
That Western Electric design is doubtless pretty amazing, especially as amps in those days were about 3 watts! :D

It's quite interesting that the exponential horn is not the only mathematical solution to coupling a transducer correctly. The pseudosphere aka the Tractrix is kind of the inverse of a sphere with constant negative gaussian curvature:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

This video of a wooden tractrix horn compression driver is quite enjoyable too.
tractrix-bms-4524 - YouTube

You are aware the sound is not coming from the speakers.......
I was told that 50% thing too, back in the old days. Not sure it's true.

50% is just the theoretical maximum for the perfect horn system. When the radiation resisitance and the electrical resistances are exactly equal, then you transfer maximum power and achieve 50% efficiency. I don't know if it is true for the Western Electric horns, or for what frequencies.

Klipsch used to publish an efficiency vs. frequency curve for the K horn. I think it hit 30% at some frequencies.

David S.

Edit: Or is it the generator impedances and the load impedances?
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Right, thanks David. :checked:

So if the W.E. horn and driver really do 115db/W/1M then that would be into, what, 1/8 space to be 50% efficient? Would that be a 45 deg beam?

Not real good at my solid geometry. To half, to quarter, to eigth is 3 +3 + 3, or a d.i. of 9dB. A 90 x 90 horn is a d.i. of 10 dB. So it must be in the region of 90 x 90. Probably a little wider, but not as tall.
