WATT puppy clones?

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Thanks BigMacX!

Sure! I used the following drivers:

Tweeter Focal TC 120TDX
Midrange Scan Speak 7" 18W-8545
Woofer 217 WR 33/102 SD 4L AL (8 in. woofer)

and for the crossovers I used the following brands from Speaker City:

Capacitors: Axon
Inductors: Alphacore
Resistors: Dayton Audio

I molded the crossovers with Bees Wax as recommended.

I have not made a guide for building my speakers, but I have taken many pictures along the way. It was a long process (but worth it) to get it correct and perfect. Keep in mind, I did some modifications to the box to get these as close as possible the the actual Watt/Puppies.
Try the link below:

www.geocities.com/b_fard and then select "Projects".
This should work. I haven't had problem with it with the exception of the bandwidth limitation ( of course since it is free ).

If not, I will email some photos to you. There are many files, so please let me know what type of limitation your email has.

m0tion, I really liked your web site.

Thanks a bunch Vindaloo!
working on mine

I'm actually working on a clone of the version 6 right now. I think I'm doing pretty good. If someone can tell how, I will post some pictures. I'm using MDF, but I've done enough research in the last 2 years to have done them from the same materials that wilson uses. BTW it's not BS with regards to wilsons claim on the price to obtain, manufacture, and the increase in performance. I've tested the actual materials and they really do help damp cabinet resonance and store alot less energy, however you can pretty much acomplish the same thing if you use much thicker MDF walls. I used the td5, ss midwoofer, and i stood in Peerless HDS woofers for the Dynaudio drivers. I didn't want the foam surrounds anyway. I'll let you know how they sound. I'm using my DEQX right now to determine the crossover points and slopes. I may check out the previous mentioned web site to see what they did. I kind of want to do the development work myself though. I just got LEAP and I want to see what it can do. However using CLIO and converting measurements is a P. I. T. A.

Help with finishing in the Chicago area

As posted above, Im almost done with my clones but I need a spray booth in the chicago area. If anybody knows soneone or ownes a body shop, i would be willing to pay to use it. I'm a trained painter, but I just need the booth. I don't even want to use the heater. I'll use a fast cure paint.

I don't want to test them until I can get the die cut foam on the front becasue it throws off the response curves by a substantial ammount. I have all the paint and will use my own spray guns. I tried to get estimates for someone else to do them, but they decided to quote high so that it was more profitable then insurance work and some of the local painters leave something to be desired in their abilities. I.E. I would rather not spend 20 hours wet sanding runs.

I'll also post on the main page just incase not everyone wants to go digging.

Mingo said:
Someone I know has used a sandwich of MDF and plywood - 35 mm in all for the Puppy enclosure. Furthermore he has put in 8 mm lead blocks. Heavy stuff.

that would be me ;)

here is my website-there is anything yoiu will need to know about puppies.


also I on progres of diy article . I know all orginals drivers,even have them and measured.
they are prety difeent form what you guys think. the only thing you are writght is 18w4545-00 . but used in watt is 18w4545-xx are another numbers has less coating , higher fs, and much higher sensitivity.

puppy 7/8 bass drivers are scan speak 21w8553-xx . thay are very high fs and much lover vas than dyn 21w54. also rubber surround are much more stiffer

I read your page, it's very interesting, but I didn't see the crossover you settled on. It might be usefull for you to post it so that others might have a good startingpoint when atempting a similar project. I would like to also give you a little warning about painting wood of any kind. One of the reasons wilson uses phenolic rsesin is that it's stable and has a nonexistatn moisture absorbtion ability. If you paint wood, no matter how many coats of automotive primer you use , the seams will eventually pop and in extreme cases crack. I used a plastic shell on mine, it also reduces drastically the time needed to prime. I have mine primed right now with a roll on primer and a charcoal respirator. If you spray it you need a booth and a supplied air setup to avoid lung damage. I have done several projects with high gloss finishes, and I can tell you without the coating your results will be short lived. I think wilson calls it a Gel coat, in reality it's some type of boat primer, that builds faster then automotive, probably polyester based. If you used the same thing on wood it would shatter after the first winter from swelling. For wood you need a very thin epoxy. Epoxy is much harder and stiffer. It also smells alot less. The stuff I use is intendes to wet out composite sheets for race cars, and aircraft, It's about 50 bucks a galon in quantity.
hi thanks for reply, yes I know wood painting problems. my one friend have automotive painting service and other wood painting service .its bassed on very difernt topologies. wood is painting with acid based colours.

there will be detailed information about at least 4 diferent filter versions. just have no time to finish article called "watt puppy DIY".also I will provide original xover version(I am about to receive original filters) for WP 5/5.1. just not in webpage. during colecting information I buyed big quantinities drivers and there was original drivers taken from wilson speakers or ordered as spareparts. I measure and listened it and compare. just keep updated

Thanks if you have a x over for use with peerless I would really apreciate it if you could send it to me. A good solid starting point would be a help. I also noticed that you didn't post the actual crossover schematic becasue of intelectual property rights. I would really be interested to see the topology even if you don't put values on the components. From what I understand the new crossover isn't anything like the old one wnayway, so i guess you wouldn't be releasing anything important even if you did.

Unethical Maybe, illegal no. That's actually how Compaq stole the design for the ROM BIOS from IBM to begin building the generic PC compatible computers. Unless you go into business with their design your not infringing on their rights.

I have been trying to get a modern set and have the crossover xrayed, by a buddy of mine, but I have all my cash in a much bigger project. The watt puppy is a good speaker, but few would argue that you can't do better. The upcoming project I have should easily be able to one up even a real watt puppy. But that's for another forum.

Oh well, don't do anything I wouldn't do, hmm.... that's kind of broad.... scratch that....
regarding xover and theese magnets I will send personal email.

regarding peeerles big NO to use them.
regarding watt puppy DIY. with all respect to David and Daryl Wilsons. there is what to change in xover. the xover original version ,especialy watt.puppy 5/5.1 are very analytical , technical but with excelent power handling.

in my home sitting 5x more expensive speakers that watt puppy, and I spent more money (its not to easy access source of original drivers believe me) on drivers, investigations and little presents :) for people who helped to get hands on them.

but there is one good thing with watt puppy- compact, dynamic design. with right combo(using pass labs xa200 monoblocksmodified to mach WP impedanse)it beats anything double size, and triple cost.
it is good basic to build speakers on. today my clones has 5-10x expensive parts that wilson used at factory. after lot of tuning I found one piece of capacitor(no secret -mundorf silver folie in oil)
with lastly let me use xover I wanted. anything other(including more expensive mundorf silver gold oil, jenses PIO) capacitor will not work with theese xovers. silver oil somehow damps harsh dry hights sound and allows operate tweeter at 30% higher levels. afterlistening sesions nobody believes that tweeter is 1st order without any corection circuits. because from technical side it sounds like 3st order.
from enginier point wiew I can not agree with this but from listener position I just hear this. fun.

it takes lot of time to get it wright but when you finish you are in audio nirvana. thats is DIY and this is the reason I like it.
elviukai, can't seem to get on your web site anymore, the pop-ups won't let me through. Wait the 15 seconds, but just goes to more pop up ads. Was able to get through before, but not now.

Any suggestions on how I can get past the pop-ups?

Thanks, slhijb

PS. Very nice work on your site and projects. :confused:
yes. but only today . I exceed(again) data trafic. I have 10GB trafic limit and seems this month I again exceeded. there only 18mb data but somehow people very quick browse to limit. from tomorow it will work. also from last week some pop ups apears. bad.probaly I am about to moove to unlimited website. when I will do this I will put more articles ,more quality photos, some useful downloads,and few uncompressed music very high quality.
keep updated and good luck in Yours projects.
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