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But the crux of the subject is, if it's partial veganism, is that person a vegan? Thus the argument goes on.
Not being vegan I wouldn't like to say, some vegans say yay some say nay, which of course makes no sense whatsoever. :D. I know that if someone, say, had the word "vegan" tattooed on his neck I wouldn't say he wasn't, I probably wouldn't say anything to him...... and I certainly wouldn't eat unknown food he offered me on the street.....unless I was a hungry freak, daddy YouTube
Meat eater or Vegan with few exceptions we are all on the road to Soylant Green.

Meat eaters (and I'm one) have you checked out the growth hormones and anti-biotics your eating? - thought not.

Vegans/vegetarians - checked out the systemic pesticides your eating.

Beautiful rain forests with all the wonderful animals and insects being wiped out to grow bloody palms for truly unhealthy palm oil or to create pasture for cows. Most rain forests exist on poor soil - OK as long as the available nutrient is recycled which it is. Once cut down, ranching and palms quickly use up the available nutrient - result - desertification - go check out north eastern Brazil.

Meat eating by people who once ate healthy diets, exploding populations of bipeds - and so many have descended into mind games.

What was it the man said - mind games are for those terrified by reality - or that wonderful poster from the late 60s' - due to lack of interest - tomorrow is cancelled.

We have about 1.1 billion years to find another planet to relocate to - sounds a lot does'nt it - in geologic terms - it's next month but don't think about it - we are at the tipping point - Soylant Green is coming.
Over the years I've heard about different music styles affecting both plants and animals.
Never tried it , but possibly some white papers to find.

On plant mobility, the concept of time ( being a human devise ) probably has a different meaning to plants.

Life in other worlds may not resemble animal or plants.?
Even the notion of time may not exist.
Joined 2016
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On a geological or universe timescale we are a blip. With or without us messing up, we are unlikely to be here in a recognisable from in some tens of thousands of years, let alone longer.
The planet, and diverse life, will carry on just fine of course.
There's no particular reason to think our "intelligence" or "consciousness" are actually survival traits....
On plant mobility, the concept of time ( being a human devise ) probably has a different meaning to plants.
I've heard about the daylight length determining the plant's seasonal reactions.
Life in other worlds may not resemble animal or plants.?
May not literally but we are all carbon based lifeforms.
Even the notion of time may not exist.
It has to if the planet rotates and it revolves around the heat source (sun / star).
Meat eater or Vegan with few exceptions we are all on the road to Soylant Green.
Looks like you just answered for Charles Darwin here.

We have about 1.1 billion years to find another planet to relocate to - sounds a lot does'nt it - in geologic terms - it's next month but don't think about it - we are at the tipping point - Soylant Green is coming.
1.1 billion years is a loooooooong time for technological development in human civilization. It was only 115 years ago when Wright brothers made the "First Flight" and now we have supersonic jets and sent the probes to Mars.
1.1 billion years...? Even 1.1 million years would be enough in my estimate.
On plant mobility, the concept of time ( being a human devise ) probably has a different meaning to plants.
A Venus Fly Trap can move pretty quickly when triggered - it only has a brief moment of time in which to catch a fly!


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I really don't understand all these discussions about plants and animals feelings. Does someone think a lion or a bear that is going to eat him has any feelings about it?

The animalists (and many vegan are among them) think we are on the same level but facts say otherwise. Animals simply don't care about humans. We are considered either as meal or as disturbing element. I mean wild animals. Pet animals depend on us so they are not relevant.

If one doesn't like the idea of killing an animal for eating there is no problem with it. He can be vegan. Period.

The health theory is simply a debate without an answer because the individual genes are always going to make the difference. In almost 15 years I have been living in the UK I have never met my GP! Only had the flu some 7-8 years ago and got away with it using paracetamol. There is really no real reason why I should change my diet. No theory can convince me otherwise. Actually I always think about what my grandfather used to say: "Avoid doctors as much as you can because they always make experiments on you. Especially when they say they are going to find a cure...".

I also agree on the brutality of intensive animal farming. But I think that has nothing to do with being vegan or not. It's like asking people to stop using the car all of sudden instead of developing an eco-friendly one. The latter is called evolution, IMHO!
If we all were vegan that would probably stop intensive animal farming but with over 7 billion people on the planet (and still surging) do you think that intensive agriculture is not going to have any impact?
IMHO, that's the real problem. We are becoming too many on this planet and vegan or not at some point there will be a no return point. Maybe our destiny is the same as that of dinosaurs.
I really don't understand all these discussions about plants and animals feelings. Does someone think a lion or a bear that is going to eat him has any feelings about it?

The animalists (and many vegan are among them) think we are on the same level but facts say otherwise. Animals simply don't care about humans. We are considered either as meal or as disturbing element. I mean wild animals. Pet animals depend on us so they are not relevant.

If one doesn't like the idea of killing an animal for eating there is no problem with it. He can be vegan. Period.

All of that ignores the fact that we are human and a possibly unique human trait of our ability to put ourselves in other's shoes and feel their possible fears and terror.

To be empathetic enough as to change the way you live - especially in a way that goes against mainstream society and attracts so much opposition - is evolution. People with more of that empathy act more human IMHO. We are animals, yes but we are human animals and there is no comparison to any other animal.

IMHO that is to be celebrated. I say, celebrate being human by being more empathic.

What you seemed to express is "they don't care about us, so why should we care about them?" .

The health theory is simply a debate without an answer because the individual genes are always going to make the difference. In almost 15 years I have been living in the UK I have never met my GP! Only had the flu some 7-8 years ago and got away with it using paracetamol. There is really no real reason why I should change my diet. No theory can convince me otherwise.

I've heard people say that kind of thing, then they discover they've an underlying health problem, told to change the way they live their lives by a doctor and they refuse... whilst their loved ones painfully watch them get worse and worse. Maybe something will convince you, but it will be too late?

I also agree on the brutality of intensive animal farming. But I think that has nothing to do with being vegan or not. It's like asking people to stop using the car all of sudden instead of developing an eco-friendly one. The latter is called evolution, IMHO!
If we all were vegan that would probably stop intensive animal farming but with over 7 billion people on the planet (and still surging) do you think that intensive agriculture is not going to have any impact?
IMHO, that's the real problem. We are becoming too many on this planet and vegan or not at some point there will be a no return point. Maybe our destiny is the same as that of dinosaurs.

You're right, being vegan or vegetarian is a part solution to the problem. It's not the reason you decide to try to solve the problem, it IS a (part) solution. Have to realise (and many don't) how much food is produced for feeding animals in order to make money. It's not efficient in any way shape or form to do that. Much much more efficient to feed humans directly with crops. But I guess until the day money is less important than human survival, nothing will change much.
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The most popular school of Buddhism in Japan (not ZEN) tells that we can never tell what god really thinks, so we have to know that all the current rules on earth including religious rules are the rules made by human for human. Those rules have zero relationship to god or ultimate ethics. Then the conclusion is, you can do whatever you think OK, and even if you are killing human, it might be a good thing ultimately, and you probably have more chance to go to heaven if you follow your own rules.

Postmodern wisdom from 1500 years ago.
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