US Naval pilots "We see UFO everyday for at least a couple of years"

I see no reason for them to think that. Given our history with the only life we know it's not looking good for us. They can and might very well consider us a possible future threat. Even today we're still fighting wars and basically steal other countries resources just that we (as humans) use propaganda to control the public's perception of it. We're masters at manufacturing consent for weird stuff.
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Here is what actual clear photos of UFO's look like






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I listened to Nick Pope when he appeared on LBC radio around 2.30 am to be interviewed regarding the Calvine photograph.

It was soon obvious to me that he had his feet firmly planted in the extraterrestial camp.

He mentioned his association with the American TV series 'Ancient Aliens' to which he is a contributor:

He would be taking part in a theatre tour (starting November) called 'Ancient Aliens Live' which would celebrate the TV series in front of live audiences of around 2000 people. Pope is a regular contributor to numerous,and Astronomy and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.

Given the above information, we are now in a better position to judge his interest in the Calvine photograph.
Oh, so he has a BS in Electrical Engineering? That makes everything clear.
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SR71A still look amazing 60 years later!

X36... wasn't it this one which was nicknamed 'flying coffin'? Is it an F-15 at upper left of the pictures?

Strange there was no U-2 on the family picture though.

As some of you had the guts to publicly talks about their observation: i've seen a number of 'orb' ( foo fighters) on east Atlantic coast ( French coast): below clouds level, moving with strange trajectories, able to have 'impossible' acceleration and change of direction and disapearing in a blink.

First one i saw was early 90's and since then maybe 10 observations along differents parts of the coast ( from les Landes to Brittany).

Ufo i don't know but sure strange looking phenomenon and early 90's there was low chances it was some drones. And over 30 years span they still looked the same ( pale blueish light).
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... and yet, after all these years and all sightings... no one wants to say "Hi" in person - isn't it strange... ;-D

I don't know about that. If you take the many decades of eye-witness reports, and now, Pentagon video evidence and Naval pilot confirmation, maybe, in their own way, they're gradually and patiently doing just that. I feel fairly certain that should aliens be visiting here, landing a fleet of saucers on the White House lawn to say hello would be met with mass hysteria, and an armed response.
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We are the only highly intelligent civilization in the Milky Way. That’s what the math says, so that’s what I’m going with. And we are here through pure luck.

On milky way yes but universe is (i presume) hugely huge.

I remember a Steven Hawkins serie of documentary * ( on Disney chanel?) where some experimenters tryed to figure out in real life the number of stars within it:
they were into a sand quary and what started with buckets ended with bulldozer piling tons and tons of sand...

Of course each grains of sand represented a sun and potentiality of life emerging. Once facing this, statisticaly it seems highly unlikely life on earth is an exception into universe.

But that a ( or many) civilisation have reached a point where they can freely travel into space is another issue.

Carl Sagan's cosmic calendar, the fact that our civilisation had more technical advance in the last 200 years than over his previous entire existence... maybe they are already here after all! :)

* such a popularizer debunking serie! From 'flat earther' to matter self organisation exposed in simple experiments... this should be mandatory to everyone to watch it!


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I don't know about that. If you take the many decades of eye-witness reports, and now, Pentagon video evidence and Naval pilot confirmation, maybe, in their own way, they're gradually and patiently doing just that. I feel fairly certain that should aliens be visiting here, landing a fleet of saucers on the White House lawn to say hello would be met with mass hysteria, and an armed response.
Do you think Mr A. Lien care? So typical US.... as if they necessarily would land there - LOL :)
