US Naval pilots "We see UFO everyday for at least a couple of years"

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Well if they sent info that could and most likely would cause a massive panic worldwide. Just think at the implications for religions, there'd be general unrest and it could send the whole humanity into turmoil. We'd use any trick in the book trying to get info out of them, to use it for egoistical purposes, say at country levels. That could even be the start for the end of humanity.
I personally think that the universe is teeming with life, just that not what we'd call intelligent life. It might just be adapted to their environment and stay like that forever, if that environment doesn't change. Crocodiles are stuck on an evolutionary peak and it's pretty hard to get down from it, to switch lanes.
Then there might be great filters even for intelligent life, which might wipe out almost all of it.
If there's any superior intelligent life then they'd be fully aware of the importance of making it on your own.

Tech advances can be pretty disruptive in how we see and think about things, conceptually. Say mastering genetic engineering can really change the dynamics. If they're able to come here then we could safely draw some conclusions about their tech abilities.
We tend to think about things based on what we already know. You can't think of digital money and sending pictures in an instant across the globe if you don't know about electricity in the first place. Just a few disruptive steps further in tech can completely change how we see and think about things.
Hence why I think that the classical biological alien and/or UFOs don't really make much sense, here on Earth. That is just a "human way" of thinking about it, based on what we know so far. As far as we know they might very well just transform themselves into humans lookalikes, or make a sort of biological human-robot that teleports into the nearest gas station toilet and starts mingling with us. Given a certain technological superiority we'd have no clue.
Lots of ways to inform us besides some spectacular announcement. Problem is our inherently corrupt nature compels us to implement newly discovered tech to our detriment. Unless increasingly higher intelligence includes increasingly higher moral standards, we're doomed. It appears our survival will depend on the aliens invading and enslaving us. Left to our own devices has proved we are without hope.
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We don't know if higher intelligence translates to higher ethics. Might go the other way. So far we only have a sample size of 1 for life with ethics. And worryingly it seems that a lack of it (in humans) usually translates to higher chances of survival and more resources.
It appears our survival will depend on the aliens invading and enslaving us. Left to our own devices has proved we are without hope.
Well this could be one of the great filters that we have to pass through. Might be the reason why we didn't yet see signs of intelligent life in the universe. It may be that all intelligent species go through this filter, and maybe none come out of it.
Well yes, that's what I'm trying to say. The environment we are in favors lack of ethics. It's very hard to gather lots of resources while being ethical. That's what's worrying. The appearance of ethics is what matters, not actual ethics (for social stability). Again, I'm talking about top resource gatherers, ethics do not help them gather more.
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Well yes, that's what I'm trying to say. The environment we are in favors lack of ethics. It's very hard to gather lots of resources while being ethical. That's what's worrying. The appearance of ethics is what matters, not actual ethics. Again, I'm talking about top resource gatherers.
But the problem is not with the environment, it's with us. 'WE' are the problem.
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The assertion was that given enough time and power anyone would tend towards behaving unethically is unfalsifiable by virtue of claiming any ethical person had insufficient time of and/or power. On the other hand, there are certainly unethical people out of the gate with little to no power at all. So I don’t see a causation as much as a correlation based on favored behaviors due to the way hierarchies tend to be structured, rather than something innate to hierarchies themselves.
Then there's ingroup vs outgroup ethics. Aliens might be ethical amongst themselves but act completely unethical to us.
We see this very often here on Earth. Also take external politics. Are the most powerful countries ethical to everyone else? They try to seem like they are. But the dirty stuff that takes place in the background...
There are two fundamental mindsets: Cooperative. Competitive. In the cooperative mindset, morals and ethics are beneficial in achieving common goals. In the competitive mindset, they work against achieving the singular goal of one faction. But after victory has been achieved, then the cooperative mindset is ascendant.

For this reason, you can expect that aliens should be guided by moral and ethical principles as they would not be expending energy on exploration if currently engaged in a competitive scenario. (War)

Unless they are not engaged in peaceful exploration, but instead, conquest. In that scenario, expect them to be amoral, not bound by ethical principles, and very ruthless.
It’s far more likely we’re going to encounter alien technology than alien life itself, assuming such a distinction could be made. See von Neumann probe.
That was exactly my point, in earlier posts.

Unless they are not engaged in peaceful exploration, but instead, conquest. In that scenario, expect them to be amoral, not bound by ethical principles, and very ruthless.

Depends. If we'd threaten their resources as neighbors then yes high chances. We might be just a curiosity, or entertainment. They might want us as pets.
But given the vast distances between systems or even galaxies then they'd spend so much energy reaching us that they could just use to make themselves a cloned Earth with cloned humans. At some point their travel here would imply so much energy that if they were able to gather it means they can harness the energy of stars or even blackholes. Why bother with possible conflict and headaches.