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TPA3255 Reference Design Class D Amp GB

They have arrived! I need to test each one now for functionality.
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Yes, they ship out tomorrow (Monday). I am packing them today. I will include the heat transfer block and your choice of TH or SMT BTSB PCB for the buffer (no SE out). Plus I am including a complimentary set of connectors to allow you to get started quickly with connecting to your project. Molex MiniFit 4pin for PSU connection, Molex MiniFit 6pin for speaker outputs, qnty 2 Molex KK 3 pin for Bal audio input, qnty 1 Molex KK 2 pin for external 15vdc supply. Note that the Molex KK crimp pins are ammo reel type (I ordered by mistake, loose ones much easier to use). But you will have to cut them off the ammo tape with cutters. Hope that’s not a problem.

If you want an LED connector and reset switch connector, you will have to get your own Molex KK 3 pin and 2 pin separately.
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Yes, they ship out tomorrow (Monday). I am packing them today. I will include the heat transfer block and your choice of TH or SMT BTSB PCB for the buffer (no SE out). Plus I am including a complimentary set of connectors to allow you to get started quickly with connecting to your project. Molex MiniFit 4pin for PSU connection, Molex MiniFit 6pin for speaker outputs, qnty 2 Molex KK 3 pin for Bal audio input, qnty 1 Molex KK 2 pin for external 15vdc supply. Note that the Molex KK crimp pins are ammo reel type (I ordered by mistake, loose ones much easier to use). But you will have to cut them off the ammo tape with cutters. Hope that’s not a problem.

If you want an LED connector and reset switch connector, you will have to get your own Molex KK 3 pin and 2 pin separately.
Thanks for your generosity with the connectors. I already received my Micro Audio SMPS630-S0 power supply. I’m pumped to build this amp!
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