Three things you can do to make CD players sound better

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Joined 2002
alpha_03 said:

WHY? Because none of you, the 99.9 percent, CREATE ANYTHING.

:cop: May I suggest you lower the tone of your voice somewhat ?

FYI there are quite some designers amongst our members that design and create the stuff you mention.

I have the impression that you either came to the wrong forum or you came here with wrong intentions. That might not be the case but till now you seem to proove otherwise. Discussions like this have no added value for our members and all too often they end up in a pointless quarrel with broken egos and frustration for all.

You have been warned.
LOL, toooooooo funny.

Some of you have far less skin then you advertise, LOL, very funny. All be it, I mean no offence to any one here-in.

Mark Stones- re- read what I wrote, it was grammatically correct, sorry YOU didn't get it.

Jocko, where are YOUR inventions, or, any of YOUR designs? Or, for that matter- any of you, where are YOUR copy rights- where are YOUR NEW designs? And jocko, 26 years in this business, FYI.

Show me you’re most recent CDP revelations via that of YOUR personal inventions- those that are created from your own personal engineering designs and efforts. Other wise, heh, as the saying goes- shut up or put up. All any modder is, is a copy cat of what's come before s/he.

That was, after all, one of my very first questions, WHAT HAVE YOU CREATED. And as for YBA, IMHO, they make some of the finest gear money can buy- TO MY EARS. I didn't ever say any one had to agree on that point. Sheesh, is there a large green monster in the house or what? FYI, it took me nearly a year to save enough to buy just my CDP, so ..........(read between the dots)!!

With out something to copy (buy), 99.9 percent of you would be LOST with NO mods available to you in any substance at all.

Prove me wrong- you CAN'T DO IT. The burden of proof isn't on me- it's on you, the modders, to provide the how, the what, and the why. I do it with my speaker designs, but there again, we come full circle- that mystical thing known as - personal preference.

WHY? Because none of you, the 99.9 percent, CREATE ANYTHING.

Facts are facts, your not really modifying anything, your attempting to copy that which already exists. This, to improve some cheap, lack luster CDP, so that you MIGHT save a few bucks- this is the honest truth. Not some false pretense concerning someone’s misconception of personal expertise, hardly. The fact remains- you created nothing, you simply installed some parts, with a best case scenario that they do in fact function, IF in fact, the modifaction(s) sound better at all.

LOL, gimme a break. If any of you were so "good" you would be INVENTING new designs, not using someone else's design(s) to better your lack luster CDP. Contrary to many here-in, I know when I am unable to CREATE something better, hence, my purchase of anything that I buy (less the convenience factor of such), could I mod, sure I could- but the question remains- WHY.

Create a new player and I will be impressed, build a CDP that is as sonically good as a good Vinyl source- do that, then I will be impressed-none of you can do that- none of you. (I wish for that day) Till that time, call me what you will, but the real troll, s/he is the person that can't build his own player, s/he prefers to copy that which exist's ALREADY. Just whom is it that should talk about troll's- LOL, REALITY CHECK time.
alpha_03 said:
LOL, toooooooo funny.

Some of you have far less skin then you advertise, LOL, very funny. All be it, I mean no offence to any one here-in.

Mark Stones- re- read what I wrote, it was grammatically correct, sorry YOU didn't get it.

Jocko, where are YOUR inventions, or, any of YOUR designs? Or, for that matter- any of you, where are YOUR copy rights- where are YOUR NEW designs? And jocko, 26 years in this business, FYI.

Show me you’re most recent CDP revelations via that of YOUR personal inventions- those that are created from your own personal engineering designs and efforts. Other wise, heh, as the saying goes- shut up or put up. All any modder is, is a copy cat of what's come before s/he.

That was, after all, one of my very first questions, WHAT HAVE YOU CREATED. And as for YBA, IMHO, they make some of the finest gear money can buy- TO MY EARS. I didn't ever say any one had to agree on that point. Sheesh, is there a large green monster in the house or what? FYI, it took me nearly a year to save enough to buy just my CDP, so ..........(read between the dots)!!

With out something to copy (buy), 99.9 percent of you would be LOST with NO mods available to you in any substance at all.

Prove me wrong- you CAN'T DO IT. The burden of proof isn't on me- it's on you, the modders, to provide the how, the what, and the why. I do it with my speaker designs, but there again, we come full circle- that mystical thing known as - personal preference.

WHY? Because none of you, the 99.9 percent, CREATE ANYTHING.

Facts are facts, your not really modifying anything, your attempting to copy that which already exists. This, to improve some cheap, lack luster CDP, so that you MIGHT save a few bucks- this is the honest truth. Not some false pretense concerning someone’s misconception of personal expertise, hardly. The fact remains- you created nothing, you simply installed some parts, with a best case scenario that they do in fact function, IF in fact, the modifaction(s) sound better at all.

LOL, gimme a break. If any of you were so "good" you would be INVENTING new designs, not using someone else's design(s) to better your lack luster CDP. Contrary to many here-in, I know when I am unable to CREATE something better, hence, my purchase of anything that I buy (less the convenience factor of such), could I mod, sure I could- but the question remains- WHY.

Create a new player and I will be impressed, build a CDP that is as sonically good as a good Vinyl source- do that, then I will be impressed-none of you can do that- none of you. (I wish for that day) Till that time, call me what you will, but the real troll, s/he is the person that can't build his own player, s/he prefers to copy that which exist's ALREADY. Just whom is it that should talk about troll's- LOL, REALITY CHECK time.

here you go jester:
alpha -

You spent big bucks on a product. You now have a strong interest in assuring yourself that it was worth it. That interest is threatened by the notion that you might have spent way less, installed a few parts, and ended up with something as good as the big-bucks product. We all get that.

What we don't get is: who do you think you're preaching to here, and why?

Enjoy the YBA, and the next CDP, and the next ... - Pat
Sorry, Omega Man

1.) I do not discuss my commercial ventures on this, on any other forum. Get a copy of some old Audio Directory, my stuff is in there. But, no I will not name what and for whom. That is why I get paid, because "they" know I will keep my big mouth shut, and not blab it. "They" don't even know what work I have done for other manufacturers.

2.) My DIY designs are all over the place. Use the search engine.

3.) YBA does not impress me in the least, so there.

4.) 27 years in high-end. More than that as an engineer.

You remind me of the technicians that used to work for me in the telecom world. They all had a chip on their shoulder, and assumed that the only reason I made more money than them was because I had a degree.

No, it was because I knew what I was doing and did not have my head up my......................

Do yourself a favour and take your trolling back to Audio Circle or Audio Asylum. Some of these unwashed come here to learn, not be lectured by the likes of you.

Hi Elso,

I am not going to make a blanket statement that so and so's circuit doesn't work, as variations in FET parameters and feedback cap. can make or break an analog oscillator.
The 74AHCU04 digital oscillator works like a charm however.

But in a previous post you mentioned your 100Mhz crystal osc. working at 66Mhz. Did you get that corrected?


I'm not saying the HCu04 is stable to the picosec. but it doesn't fluncuate much down to the last Hz of my meter.

All I am suggesting is to measure your own oscillator with a frequency meter. The circuit may or may not be what you intended.

My Colpitt was just assembled, and needs adjustments to bring it back under crystal control



The 74AHCU04 digital oscillator works ..........[/B]

And probably better than many oem oscillators ? ( but not as good as Elso's or Jocko's?)

My Colpitt was just assembled, and needs adjustments ............[/B]

Is this legal?


My equipment is tooooo numerous to list and didn't cost a lot !!!!
and much is currently undergoing overhaul/renovation/repair/modification
Re: Sorry, Omega Man

Jocko Homo said:
Do yourself a favour and take your trolling back to Audio Circle or Audio Asylum. Some of these unwashed come here to learn, not be lectured by the likes of you.


Obviously, your extensive expertise was not a good fit at AudioCircle.... Might I suggest -
as far more appropriate for someone who doesn't suffer fools gladly. It would seem to be an ideal fit.
And probably better than many oem oscillators ? ( but not as good as Elso's or Jocko's?
Their circuits are very elegant. Should work well if the oscillator is giving a clean sine wave and feedback is not too much or too little.

The digital oscillators are used everywhere so if there is a reasonable way to measure the differences in jitter I'd like to know.


Cal Weldon said:

If we are finished butting heads, let's get back on topic. If any more posts come through that I find offensive or directed at one another, the post will be removed and you'll spend some time in the bin.

Got it?
Yes, his quack does echo

I find your signature offensive Carl!:hot:
This is OUR Coat-of-Arms in the picture


  • quack.jpg
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The poster began this thread with this-
Three things I guarantee will improve your sound. Won't cost much,and you will probably learn something new if you try, instead of just sit around and whine.
then goes on with this-
1.) Put a low(er) jitter clock in your player. Lots of people sell them. Elso has posted schematics, I have posted schematics. Try one. Try all of them. Any are better than stock. Lower jitter simply translates into better sound. (Maybe I will 'splain why later.)

2.) Get rid of the feedback loop after the DAC. Doesn't matter if it is R-2R I-out, or delta-sigma. You do not need an op-amp with feedback to perform this simple, low-level (in tems of signal) function.

3.) Fix the ground loop problems. You would be amazed if you look closely enough how bad the grounding is in a lot (but not all) CD players. They use autorouters to design this stuff, and to them, ground is ground, just like DC is DC, and bits is bits.

And yet again, I will ask the same question- where are these creations from engineers here-in? Anyone?

I beileve it's a very simple question, and one that deserves an honest answer, with proof behind it.

Another words- show me why you say what you state as being truth I am more then willing to give it a try, oh, and possibly learn something along the way too. :dodgy:

I am all ears (eyes actually) :eek:

As for Circles- I still chat there all the time, and, if anyone wants to take any more personal jabs, I suggest you email me with regards to my Van Alstine postings and their reasonings- that is, if your honest enough regarding your reasoning of/for mention to such- I still believe I am correct on the matter. :rolleyes:
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