Thoughts about retirement...

When to retire? You'll know.

I had a great interesting job then woke up one day and said that's enough. That was age 63, fortunately I am more than financially comfortable, a good company pension, 33 years service, a full government pension and 7 figures in the investment accounts to draw on if needed. We lived carefully, had sound financial advice, and are now reaping the benefits. Lots of consulting jobs if I want them, I just do the ones that interest me and keep the grey cells active. Paradise!!!

I don't know how I found time to work, too many hobbies and interests.
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Joined 2012
My ex=best friend - grew up in the same 'hood... got his BS in ME, MS in EE, MS in computer science. Phd in some thing else and worked a short time. had a nervous breakdown and never worked again.... been 'retired' for decades now. Living on $33K/year. Super high IQ. But then, I guess that isnt the most important thing to have.

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......certainly caused me to ponder a bit ...

For those who are curious and check everything before walking away from it ....;)

Most older civilizations all around the globe tell us that 'life' is 'infinite' or 'everlasting'. Physical 'existence' is just a temporary phase and can occur more than once ! So 'you' are NOT your body. You are an 'energy force' and your body is just a carrier. That's why the 'ancient elders' ask you to "talk to your body" as it's a living physical thing as apart from "you" !

Read "The biology of Belief " by Bruce H Lipton which explains what has been discovered about how the cells that make up a human body actually 'listen and respond' to the 'mind' of the person and each individual cell has a "brain that controls it" ! This is exactly what the 'ancient wise men' said ! So it appears that we are learning again what they already knew long ago ! ;)

Many universities, especially in the US , have now been openly doing research on this and publicizing their conclusions. This is supported by lots of 'famous people' who admitted at the end of their lives that "it appears that something does exist after physical life ends "!
Watch this interesting old interview with Carl Jung the world famous psychologist ! There are many others like this with others famous people!

Carl Jung interview
Carl Jung speaks about Death - YouTube

A longer interesting interview with Carl Jung !
Carl Jung: Face to Face [FULL INTERVIEW] - YouTube

Our most famous present day interaction with the 'other side' was by Dr.Eben Alexander who is a neurosurgeon himself. He has tried to explain that he NOW understands that an NDE where you 'see' another dimension must be 'real' as he eventually had one himself. Before his NDE he used to look at the NDE experience of patients as a 'hallucination' caused by the brain.It's interesting. Check it. Note that he talks about 'sitting on a butterfly' but did clarify elsewhere that it wasn't a real 'butterfly' but he couldn't explain it any other way ( most often for lack of an equivalent English word !)!
Lots of interviews are there on the Net.

Have a great weekend !:)
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Joined 2012
I remember once that very very pretty girlfriend from Germany; on Halloween night, a very long time ago, I was tired and stayed home. ...She went to a party (she loved dancing), and she was in the mood to screw with another man @ that party.

The next day, a friend of mine, who also happened to be @ that party, said to me:
"Bob, your girlfriend last night; she was 'cruising' with another man."
I replied to him: "So what, she is free ain't she?"

What we think we have we only realize when totally retired in peace.

Great story. I have two close woman friends... ( i live with one the other a neighbor) .... neither is jealous of the other. Some times we all travel together overseas. Like we did this spring to Bangkok and Nepal and several times before. We three get invited to parties and both women are even given simultaneously gifts by other Thai woman. Total acceptance. Buddhist way. Same in Nepal when I show up with both women to see my girls and their mother and father. No one even thought it was unusual. Just accepted them. Didnt even care. I dont own them and they dont own me and we hang together as friends for >15 years because we really like each other. Maturity, peace and freedom in retirement.

Good stuff Ashok !

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Joined 2002
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.....been 'retired' for decades now. Living on $33K/year. Super high IQ. But then, I guess that isnt the most important thing to have..........

I think basically we need to see how much money we need for food to keep healthy, minimum clothing, a roof over one's head and some basic amount for daily needs. Anything beyond that is 'extra' and one can "improve" one's life style !
What is "basic" and what is " extra" all depends on how the mind see's it . So it really is " Mind over matter ".
Anyone who can escape humanity's 'conditioning' and can live a 'simple sufficient life' can manage with very much less than an average 'conditioned' person ! Maybe the higher the IQ ,the easier it is to achieve this ! :)
Joined 2002
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.......I don't own them and they don't own me and we hang together as friends for >15 years because we really like each other. ...............

If we really understand 'life' we would understand that the people we meet and spend time with are 'most likely' 'souls' from a previous existence who we want to be with it. In this incarnation it happens automatically and you are all comfortable with it. The others who see it can have their own interpretation depending on how they have been 'conditioned' in that age !
Nothings really happens 'accidentally' . We just can't see the big picture to understand it fully ! :)

So it's cool and a good thing and also possibly indicates a GOOD past existence !
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Joined 2004
Why people find consolation in the thought of another life? It could be worst, you know. Now, why would I like to live a second life that is worst than the first one? I would sure be all day complaining.

I don't want to take risks. When dead, dead. No chance for Nature to screw me up. I win, it's done, a good life. All the work you do to have a decent life and when you think you have succeeded it starts all over again. That's not fair. I don't want that.
When to retire? You'll know.

I had a great interesting job then woke up one day and said that's enough. That was age 63, fortunately I am more than financially comfortable, a good company pension, 33 years service, a full government pension and 7 figures in the investment accounts to draw on if needed. We lived carefully, had sound financial advice, and are now reaping the benefits. Lots of consulting jobs if I want them, I just do the ones that interest me and keep the grey cells active. Paradise!!!

I don't know how I found time to work, too many hobbies and interests.

I envy you Mike; in the very best positive way possible. Keep on being active and happy with all your gang; wife, kids, family, grandchildren, friends, ...
My ex=best friend - grew up in the same 'hood... got his BS in ME, MS in EE, MS in computer science. Phd in some thing else and worked a short time. had a nervous breakdown and never worked again.... been 'retired' for decades now. Living on $33K/year. Super high IQ. But then, I guess that isnt the most important thing to have.


You got that right Richard.
What truly counts is total freedom, comfort, peace, relaxation, happiness, good health (body & mind), music ♪, movies, lots of sex, and whiskey. :)

...Mountains, rivers, forests, jungles, wildlife, oceans, beaches, lakes, fishing, golfing, and chess. ...And family.
I have two close woman friends... ( i live with one the other a neighbor) .... neither is jealous of the other. Some times we all travel together overseas. Like we did this spring to Bangkok and Nepal and several times before. We three get invited to parties and both women are even given simultaneously gifts by other Thai woman. Total acceptance. Buddhist way. Same in Nepal when I show up with both women to see my girls and their mother and father. No one even thought it was unusual. Just accepted them. Didnt even care. I dont own them and they dont own me and we hang together as friends for >15 years because we really like each other. Maturity, peace and freedom in retirement.

Good stuff Ashok !


Great stuff Richard.

Different philosophies from different countries. ...Here in North America (USA & Canada) freedom (total freedom; physical and spiritual) is not a given to everyone (most). ...Unfortunately.

Central America (up in the mountains) and South America (in the jungles); they all have their own way of living...from one tree to the next (village to village, tribe to tribe).

Best: To respect the territory. ...Everything comes with the territory, and there are billions of territories on this planet of all ours.
Everyone should read " Life after Life" by Dr.Raymond Moody.
It's probably just an introduction and can give you a new perspective. Nothing to do with religion ! :)

He mostly narrates other people's experiences and you can draw your own conclusions! Look for it on the Net or maybe even Youtube !;)

Nicely done, ashok - I read the condensed version of that about 40 years ago, and it certainly caused me to ponder a bit ... ;)

Life after death (after retirement) ....

I believe in action, reaction, interaction, counteraction.
Everything is related; the space, the universe, and mankind (humanity, wilderness, all animal species living and dead).
Without time we don't exist.

What we do in life, as in death, is affecting all the rest. ...Good attracts good...bad invites bad, ....

I believe. ...What do you believe? ...All, anyone, everyone?

Can we look @ history to draw some concrete deductions/conclusions?
Can we improve life on Earth for everyone?
Can we disconnect ourselves of our own selfishness?
I think basically we need to see how much money we need for food to keep healthy, minimum clothing, a roof over one's head and some basic amount for daily needs. Anything beyond that is 'extra' and one can "improve" one's life style !
What is "basic" and what is " extra" all depends on how the mind see's it . So it really is " Mind over matter ".
Anyone who can escape humanity's 'conditioning' and can live a 'simple sufficient life' can manage with very much less than an average 'conditioned' person ! Maybe the higher the IQ ,the easier it is to achieve this ! :)

Don't think in number of dollars, think in number of time (seconds).

People live in jungles without one cent for their entire life.

We are so screwed by our consumption system (iPhones, color TVs, Dolby Surround, Hi-Res audio music downloads, Cloud from the Internet, ...) that money is taking all of our energy and is killing us more and more till the virus is affecting all of us living in syphilisations.

If we can break free of our own slavery, then we can retire in total harmony and confidence. ...Abso!lute exhilaration towards the ultimate truth.
Only less than 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% have any real idea ....