This is the DHR.... Dx High Resolution Turbo

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Your Canon S5 IS is great... also you are good to produce boards and pictures

Can you please upload the full resolution (4M sided) pictures to:

Registration in the Corporation, historical purposes, advertising into Orkut, Facebook and Brazilian foruns.

I am not seeling, even here down in Brasil...but one day the Corporation will be full throotle and all those historical moments will be the the "hall of fame".... the Dx Corporation Pioneers Gallery.

That you gonna dance, smile and laugh, that you heart will be acelerated... this is fully guaranteed.... prepare the machine... ask wife, or mother, or daugther, or son, or brother.... someone to make the gonna dance...happens always when i play here to friends.... they cannot avoid to move the body...the rust into the bonds junction makes noise...but they move!

ahahahah.... for sure they move.

The amplifier name is DHR Turbo (Destroyer High Resolution Turbo)




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I see you appreciate the good things in this life

Your Canon Digital Camera is an Excelence!

One of the best units ever made... congratulations.

Yes Alexandru, i see you want the best possible.... you made the good choice into the amplifier too.

Make a movie!.... yes.... you gonna dance.... the fleas will dance..the dog will dance, also the cucaroach (cucarachas, baratas) will dance too, Mosquitoes, neighborhood and dead bodys inside the groud.




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Not a good idea to play DHR Turbo full volume..full power.

You speaker, if very huge, may hold the job for some minutes....but remember there are other things that can crash if
ressonation was too much big.

Kidding, playing of course...but not too much!

I put a sound recording... a Jet Plane... full volume and watched outside the windows and i could see people 30 meters distant watching the skies!

4 speaker enclosures used... 4 full range enclosures... 12 inches woofers and 8 inches woofers.... many mid ranges and tweeters.... all pushing loud... till the limit without distortion... boxes pointed to the windows but with an angle to the skies and people outside could not watch the speakers...sound reflections into the nearby building made the omnidirectional radiation...i felt pain in my ears... i think i have reached something around 126 decibels of sound pressure.

Huge power amplifiers do a good job...but to produce loud music we need efficient drivers and MANY of them connected series and paralell... ilusion to play loud with a 6 inches drivers..can be made of Gold, Silver, Titanium and unobtanium.... the air pump (speaker) must stroke having enormous pistons!




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Here is an audio sample.... a home video uploaded to youtube

Of course... the final quality depends from the weakest point into the chain.... we have digital camera quality, amplifier quality, speaker quality, room acoustics, youtube flash player audio quality and your computer speaker/amplifier.

Use a headphone and enjoy... it is not so bad.

Noise if from the digital camera... a Fujifilm A900..... too much noise...the amplifier is dead silent.




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Here is a better image from the DHR Turbo

Of course, as you can see, was not assembled to be pretty... some sabotage and bad constructive techniques used to be sure it is stable when had built.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.



I have something to say, in special to the newcomers to our forum..the ones do not...

... know me.... i do not represent a real business... this is DIY amplifiers, for free, for fun.

It is not something to allow me to have profit.... not something to earn money.

Dx Corporation is installed inside my appartment... alike a back yard laboratory, or a garage home laboratory, poor in instruments and rich in happyness... a happy amateur amplifier factory.

The amplifiers are calculate (ohms law and some other formulas of reactance and frequency) in my own desk..using pencil, paper and calculator machine.... they are tested into the computer simulator (multisim 2001) and them assembled, listened, tweaked for sonics and delivered to this forum and also to the Brazilian Orkut (30 Millions of folks using Orkut in Brazil) with invitation for my people, brazilian guys, to assemble... and this is happening.... around 50 already made and published pictures, evaluations, tests and reviews.

It is for free... a diy product, made in a happy way to make you happy too.... my payment, and this is not money, nor gold, nor your smile, your joy is when i know you made and you turn happy.... i feel good with your thanks, i feel great producing some happyness in your heart... i feel happy to see, and to know that folks are building it.

I am not seeling kits or amplifiers home made..only 4 units for my dear close friends... this is not a business, not made to business.... but i have hopes for the future, of course.

There's no can try.... send me a mail, using unknown adress and try to buy a board or a will receive the same old answer

- "I am not seeling boards or kits...maybe in the future...sorry!"

They are copies, of course all modern amplifier use to be copies... we cannot avoid we have internet and we have the knowledge because we go watching other amplifiers, published, show...we are influenced..of course.

Differential was already discovered....alike all folks i use to read Doctor Self, Stone and many others's nothing new in my designs..just a good selection of sub circuits that sounds great joined together.

It is not the best...also not the worst amplifier.... for sure, guaranteed is that will be good to you.... the way it is good to me.

Also i gonna help, i gonna follow your and will try to help you to build...and this is, again, for free.

In the reality, all amplifiers are good..they are all different, and everyone, each one of them has good characteristics and good points of performance and week points too.

My advertising is for is my joy to do that..... it is not planting real sales that has money inside the sittuation... no money... planting a good name... a friendly name... creating a brand...well..this is something may happens ... automatically.... as a natural consequence.... the creation of a name...of course this happens.

My amplifier has not the intention do kill others, to smash others...only kidding about those things..... they are almost the same... all amplifiers are good...difference between the best and the worst one is not so great..not so big...and can be compensated using other speakers and tuning properly.

Also they are not better than class A amplifiers and not better than simple designs..cannot be compared with Nelson Pass amplifiers because for sure my units will loose into a competition with simple and class A units that ALWAYS sounds better than AB.

Big differences you gonna have into your home acoustics, selection of source material, good recordings, good speakers... the speaker plays the big ammount into the final quality.

Dx Amplifiers can be awfull with awfull speakers...and can be great with great speakers.

Enjoy Dx Amplifier, made by a simple guy that learned design reading forum...i am a subproduct of our own forum.... made here, published here, assembled and shown into our forum, made to our forum folks enjoy...a non profit movement.

Yes, i am proud that i could make it.... 5 years ago i was still building other folks i could learn and do my own units...of course i am human and i have that dirty pride all of us have..sorry for that if this can bother you folks.

Board were made and my instructions was not to have profit and i am sure Nordic made this way because he is honest.... to forum folks zero profit!...just cooperation, just help, without personal interest.....of course, if he made for friends or neighboors and give it for free or accepted money... this is not my business..not my problem.

I have not sold a single unit, exception my close friends, my neigthboors a audiophile group (club) that exist many years long.

I am not using the forum to free advertise to a product to be trick here... a decent behavior... advertisement is for fun and the target is to have folks building and beeing happy.

If you do not believe there are folks that can make things without profit...change your you have one example ... this is possible... this happens.... i am an example.

You see....i have not decent boards...things built dirty, P2P without any interest to attract folks because pretty and shinning...i use to make my amplifiers, to build them, to BE SURE they will work fine IN YOUR HOME...and FOR FREE!

And i have learned English reading your posts...thank you all folks.


Yes.... i am trying this.... tomorrow i will repeat with HRII with speaker over the

table.... same way i did with the DHR Turbo.

And will make the same with the Dx Standard.... so... we gonna have three recordings made into the same level, same music, same camera and same speaker position.

I am having problems to adjust level.... dinamics is different...the DHR turbo very fast jump to higher levels...while HRII seems more compressed.

Will try.... of course will try to make those recordings more "leveled".

Will use same speaker, same position, same distance same foam base to camera and will try the level.... this one i am afraid will not be possible.... the camera has compressor and when audio level is low, the camera increase it and noise comes clear...if audio level is too high, camera microphone turns saturated into bass and treble disappear.... there is a small range of volume were the camera operates fine.

In the reality, it is not possible to make high quality recordings this way... Camera not very good (audio).... flash system to Youtube also not fine.... camera has compressor, agc and limiter... a big mess.... at least this is better than old tape recorders.

Same music will be used too.... tomorrow, 1 PM GMT those recordings may be finished and uploaded....if my building was silent enougth tomorrow morning.


I have not a flat microphone...i wish i had a Senheiser cartridge here.

I have tried.... sound is not good... in the reality, that thing... digital camera and flash encoding are giving us more flat sound.

Interesting that... was a surprise to me....i was thinking youtube as some young kid toy...but Macintosh, Peavey, Cambridge and others have videos published there... excelent...i think a new step in communication... audio and visual.

The one have made that, into his early begining designing amplifier was Michael Bittner..... he used to bring a Senheiser from his company (software company) and to plug it into a DAT or audio card... and them he used to upload to me and to Mr John Mateus... he could do that..unfortunatelly i have not those tools.

Michael have used an FTP adress... and he used to upload full wave sized files to avoid destruction of audio quality by encoders...of course we could listen almost as beeing in his home, inside the microphone tube, 1 meter distant from his speaker playing the nice earlier Symassym amplifiers.


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