The Wire - Low Power Ultra High Perfromance (LPUHP) 16W Power Amplifier

Definitely learned a lot soldering this first board and will not make some of the mistakes I did the first go. I basically started with the smallest parts and worked through the BOM list. Obviously in hindsight this is not the proper method.

Soldering the SMD components was a big challenge too. I started with very fine tip on the iron but quickly realized hat it wasn't working as well. After some research and youtube vidoes went to a bigger oval-fla tip and that made a world of a difference.

Is there any information as to the temperature usage for SMD application on the iron? Mine is variable 60W, but I've used it on the highest setting.

yes, why? i dont know about you but i will always use a stanley knife over scissors for accurate cuts. they would have to be very sharp scissors in order to not tear it instead of cutting. i reckon you should hang on, pretty sure i'll come up with a cheaper solution than buying locally if thats what you are thinking. bustin out on your own again/..... rebel hehe :sly:
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erm, you have the pcbs; correct? cant you easily find out what size would be suitable? isnt this diy? sorry jazzm it just seems a bit of an odd question to ask, given you are one of the only people so far who actually has at least one completed amp in hand and since you want monoblocks, then you have all the information you need unless you want to be told what to do, which seems strange to me

we are just about all using various custom cases and/or custom heatsinks, with custom or diy mounting brackets
jazzm, opc has made a suggestion earlier in the thread for one.

Since you've got one fully constructed, can't you use a ruler to determine how big it is and search for an enclosure with the necessary internal space though?

Point is this was a supply pcbs, build yourself project. Not a kit with instructions.

Seems qusp can type faster than I can.
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Yes, I have measured it and have the dimensions, just want to confirm that I don't get something that ends up unsuitable, too big or otherwise.

Also since Owen is local (Canada), ideally a local supplier for these would be preferred.

I do agree with you though that everyone has different visions and goals for this and will likely go in different directions enclosure wise...

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these are pretty wideband buffers, havent checked if opc has tied the BW pin to ground or not on these, but i would think using them open loop after a long interconnect, while possible may not be the best idea. as hochopeper has said, many of us are using these as outputs from dac iv stages direct with digital volume, mostly as part of an active/digital XO, so individual volume is not only not needed, but not desirable.

you could lower the gain in the VAS to 1 without any problems as the lme49990 is unity gain stable

jazzm: being that this is an all in one PCB, the enclosure is the only area left where you can exercise some control over the result, dunno about you but I want to use that. some are also adding it into existing amp cases along with higher powered amps for bass etc. there will be many forms of this amp. there is bugger all external circuitry needed, so if you have the dimensions you have your answer; just add 10mm top and bottom and 30-40mm front and rear. enter this info into the mouser or supplier X online catalog search engine and chose one that takes your fancy, or suits your budget

being opc tends to offer well thought out projects; if you search i'm sure you'll find a recommendation, but come on man!! live a little!
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A quantity of identical toroid transformers, listed as eBay item#260940574601, may be suitable for both 120 and 240 mains. Local pickup is OK and they are located about an hour from my home. If it came down to one package to each of three distributors of the GB it could likely be quite cost effective.
nice enough price, but not keen on buying unknown power gear off the bay, doesnt mention size or any regulation spec. ive got most info back from Richard and i'm set on going with him. quite a bit pricier, probably about 35-37 each for fully potted, fully tested and perfect fit, from a guy i know does excellent work
qusp, are we talking 35-37 aud, usd or cad?

Either way compared to the BOM spec unit in individual quantity prices and hacking at the PCB, I know which way I will be going.

USD, but its much of a muchness these days. depending how many or few of us there is getting them, they could break the 40 barrier (say 45) or be as low as 35, he has to get special cores and cans in for us for anything fully potted that will fit and is waiting back on a quote from the supplier, but the other units of the same type in slightly larger cans are 49usd singly or 45 for 25+ for the below B spec, but i think its JUST touch and go whether they will interfere with the caps (nothing else as they are circular cans) i dont have all the info yet.

hes a reasonable guy and i'm good either way, being given a datasheet that includes load testing and exact loaded and unloaded voltages is WIN; to get the same from harbuch in oz, or plitron would not be that low, for a custom unit like this i would be expecting ~75 minimum

he has the parts for these 2 options in stock. i speced dual 115v primaries, fully potted (with mounting hardware) 2 x 16vac (under load) secondaries and 26VA, or the same unit with only potted center and coreband (which gives much of the shielding you get with a can)

A/ Sum R could build a transformer with a core band from cores in stock
with the following dimensions:
OD: 63mm x HT 34mm. mounting washers or epoxied centre to minimize height. (we should take the epoxy center if we take this and even his unpotted units are excellent)
Leads out four corners.

B/ The above transformer can be shielded and epoxied in a weisser 'toroid
can' which is OD: 67mm, HT: 40mm.
(The leads can exit out the sides at the four corners or, the primaries
together, for easy hook-up).

i worked it out in photoshop to be about 66.6mm so if richard has even a little bit of play in the positioning of the mounting hole, he could by moving it up ~1.5mm give us enough room, but it would hang over the sides of the pcb a few mm. he has all parts for option B in stock now.

the smaller weisser round can I want and am waiting back on is 62.5 OD and 34.5 high, which is soo perfect for fit you would think the PCB was made with them in mind and will hopefully shave a couple of dollars off. it will however add about a week for procurement, then he'll need a week for prototyping it and another to fill the order. hes usually very good at sticking to schedule and the transformer is the last thing to go on the PCB, the chassis arent made and the kerafoil isnt here yet either, so i dont see this as a problem
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no problem :D

hochopeper I also checked my estimates, the 35-37 estimate, mostly my doing from earlier emails last night is in AUD, hoping for a little less for the smaller can and core, but you can bet its still an oversize core, because thats one reason why i like using him so much
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:cool: I'm excited! :D

Yeah I was only asking about what currency because I was trying to compare to the BOM transformer cost and 7% difference between currency is still significant when doing that comparison. I thought showing the comparison would give some perspective to anyone sitting on the fence thinking about this opportunity.
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:cool: I'm excited! :D

Yeah I was only asking about what currency because I was trying to compare to the BOM transformer cost and 7% difference between currency is still significant when doing that comparison. I thought showing the comparison would give some perspective to anyone sitting on the fence thinking about this opportunity.

Me Too!!!

true that, hey I also asked about getting high current molex minifit Jr, or Molex 'flag' quick disconnect connectors fitted to the primary, which i might take up, but as a group buy possibly better to just leave bare wires so people can do as they wish. (waiting for the comment that the molex will make it sound like crap)

I tend to like solid core leads on my TX from him, because i'm a bit of a set and forget kinda guy and if any build was suited to that its this one as they will be very short and dont need to flex. but i understand if others would prefer stranded and i'll go with the flow on that

as for value for money vs the BOM one, nothing really wrong with that one for those countries that have **** weak mains voltage ( hehe jk) and dont need to put the board under the knife, but its still cutting it a tiny bit fine for Vdrop from my liking if you have low or fluctuating mains. really though, given the pricing isnt worlds apart the sumR = win in every other category IMO. you pay a few dollars more for it, but particularly if people jump on board its really not much extra for what is a better spec and better looking unit

anyway maybe we should leave the tx talk for the GB thread and email, even the build thread when i get it up, ive got the post part done but i gotta go do some work
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