The Weather


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and the eastern shore of Georgian Bay.
Nice, I have a friend that has a cabin on 12 mile bay, may go back ice fishing this winter again.
He said today a nice buck was wondering around recently. I only have seen 8 turkeys taking a short cut through the prop, coming from the corn field in the back 40, full bellies and getting some pebbles from the road to help grind it up.
It was -23C when I drove in this morning, puts a little freshness into the air !
Winter = Fun wow!! Great year for snowmobiles, neighbour Nick, said he took his sled across Lake Simcoe, all the way to Midland from Sutton area. 4hour trip.
Stay warm!!
And wood on the ground.
Was suggested by my friend to take our chainsaws/trucks to the city and help cut up some of this stuff. Too cold today however. Branches everywhere. Mom has a nuisance tree, that we have to fall, well the canopy is on the ground now and nothing broken, lucky!!
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I live just south of Atlantia Ga. U.S.A. and the low of 9 today made my car act up.
When I first cranked up the engine was runing fine but the tachometer reported 0 rpm for about the first 10 seconds. Then the car told me there was a problem with
the airbags, parking brake and gas cap till I drove 200 feet.
Sunday evening in Cleveland at 9PM it was raining and 39F. Then the weather hit! By midnight it was 32F and the wind was building with gusts in the 35 to 40 MPH range (that very high wind continued for 60 hours and now it's dropped to 30MPH). Monday afternoon the sun came out but the temperature continued to drop, going below zero at 2PM it continued to drop to -11F at midnight.

Yes 0F in sunshine and no wind is cold but add 40MPH wind gusts and it gets just plain ridiculous!
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Yes 0F in sunshine and no wind is cold but add 40MPH wind gusts and it gets just plain ridiculous!
Agreed! It was about 9F today but sunny and still. Cold, but not awful. yesterday after sundown it was 22F with a stiff breeze. Damn, that was cold!!

Have you seen any video of the kid with his big Super Soaker squirt gun making snow? Very funny. As soon as he shoots the water into the air, it turns to snow. Hand pumped snow machine. :D
That is not Pamela David, it's my niece, Britnee Blanco. I was trying to get her to do some modeling after I shot her 15th birthday photo-album, the "Quinceanera", or the "coming of age" festival for young women, the traditional transformation into womanhood.



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