The Weather

Spring.......I guess it went North.

I woke up this morning to an inch of snowfall and 14F. The high for the day was 29F and we had a constant 15 to 20 MPH wind blowing out of the north making it feel COLD. Forecast for tonight, 15F again.

I spent the day moving shelving in my Honda Element with the tailgate open which requires driving with the windows open to avoid exhaust stuff. More tomorrow.
12C and light rain while strolling through Beacon Hill Park, after a couple of IMAX short films
12º and heavy rain while walking the dog through the powerline after a hefty dose of rum.

We are at weekend 8 getting Hanh's place ready for sale and there has been no shortage of 'surprises' so I really have nothing happy to add to this thread.
It was cold ....

-8.3C 48 hours ago. :eek::

Now it's 25C at midnight with what feels like hot air blowing from the south.

Smells like tornado's.

4 years ago , same deal .... next morning 250 died in Alabama.
Saw them storms , pieces of city signs / papers in the clouds :eek: .
The big mountains blocked the hot air just enough
for Knoxville to have 10,000 car windshield's smashed with baseball hail.
No tornado deaths there.

Storms went past these big mountains , more tornado's (27 more dead
to virginia).
Those were "evil" looking storms (boiling sky). Next day 10C - cold
-8.3C 48 hours ago. :eek::

Now it's 25C at midnight with what feels like hot air blowing from the south.

Smells like tornado's.

4 years ago , same deal .... next morning 250 died in Alabama.
Saw them storms , pieces of city signs / papers in the clouds :eek: .
The big mountains blocked the hot air just enough
for Knoxville to have 10,000 car windshield's smashed with baseball hail.
No tornado deaths there.

Storms went past these big mountains , more tornado's (27 more dead
to virginia).
Those were "evil" looking storms (boiling sky). Next day 10C - cold

Yeah.......I remember I got a $1,200 claim on my ol' beater car for hail damage.:D

Others did not fair so well during that violent weather event.:RIP::crying:
It was sunny this morning, the air was cool but basically a blue sky day with some puffy white clouds. The car warmed up in the sun just nicely. There were young habits wandering around outside enjoying the spring day, just a few bits of now hiding in the shadows.

So why now, at dinner time, are there big white flakes falling fast from the sky !?
Hit the beach, by a palm tree with coconuts.

* Kamloops is one of the hottest spots in British Columbia during Summer time.
I know so; I used to work there, and lived near by, in the Okanagan (South). :)


Today here was sunny this morning then few clouds in the afternoon delight.
...Beautiful Spring day. ...I was outside all day; just came in inside my mansion now.
So many birds singing that it was just splendid, magical, marvelous.

I am so happy! :)
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Yes, indeed. This rather large, desert-like area known as the Thompson-Okanagan is the hottest place in Canada during summer. Just down the road, Cache Creek often sets the summertime records for the whole country. Into the low 40s is not uncommon. Rattle snakes and black widow spiders are not uncommon either, as well as cacti.

The beauty of it is; extremely low humidity. I can easily handle Kamloops at 38C (enjoy it, in fact) whereas Toronto, for example, at 30C is absolutely unbearable.
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Oliver, Osoyoos, Lytton, Lillooet, Kamloops, Ashcroft and Spences Bridge have all broken the 40º barrier over the years. I don't think Cache Creek has officially made the grade yet.

Right, I was thinking of Ashcroft. Brain fart.

When we hit over 40 here last summer for a couple days, I felt "hot" for the first time since I moved here. Still, at night it dropped to below 20. Freakin' perfect!
FWIW, according to the infallible Wikipedia, the absolute maximum recorded in Canada was in Saskatchewan, 1937 45C - which is kinda warm alright.

never quite get there at official stations in Victoria, but there's many a day on our sundeck in mid to late August well above 40C

this weekend looks to be pretty nice - some sunburnt shoulders on Monday morning, methinks