The Weather

Today is perfect; no need to check the temperature. :)

Right Chris?

Indeed, although my recently retired wife is a much better arbiter of that ( among other things) than I

Feel like making a road trip third weekend in August- to see the hoi poloi in action? It's rather like the chimp cages at the zoo- except we don't throw our excrement indiscriminately at the group ( we take careful aim)
Very uncharacteristic summer here. 2 inches of rain (50mm) yesterday with high temp of 70F (21C). 52F (11C) this morning with light rain. Been this way for nearly 2 weeks. Still tank top and flip flops weather for me, but Sherri is already whining about the cold.....It does look a lot like Seattle weather. The rain is supposed to stop today, but the cool temps will remain until the weekend. Good outdoor weather!