The Weather


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Numbers I have been seeing are Moscow 50F (10C); Chicago, New York, Detroit (and it's all on the same street) up to Boston 30-45F (0-7C). America is colder than Russia!

Today Moscow is said to be down to 45F (7C) and much of the Northeast is about to be hit with 55-70F (13-21C). It will miss me (44F). CarlP is on the edge.
Time to clean up the yard and mulch the remaining leaves, then till the remainder of the garden and re-plant onion sets for the ones killed by the mid teen weather we had a week ago.

I was hoping to cast some bullets for target practice but probably will put it off till the weather is not so nice.
George will probably get an inch or so.

That was the threat the TV weather guys kept selling. I have seen a lot of rain come out of the sky, but few snowflakes. I had a few flakes stuck to my shirt after running half a block from the parking lot to the dentist's office at 8:30 this morning. I did see a few pickup trucks covered in snow early this morning. All had Ohio plates.

The trees started to show some green earlier this week, so maybe the nasty weather is done for the year.