The only ''definitive'' answer in this Subjective world is...

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Straw man much?

I was referring to empirically observable physiological effects. The US military even uses this concept to provide non-lethal deterrent. Look up "sound cannons."

Your sound reproducing equipment is capable of reproducing supersonic distortion artifacts if they are produced. Your sound reproducing equipment is capable of producing harmonic and intermodulation artifacts, some of which can be supersonic. You can measure and observe it.

Not empirical enough for you?
No straw man. We are saying the same thing in essence.
I hope there will always be some things we can never measure......I'm a romantic fool

With the technology planet10 is referring to, the gap is closing.

Researchers can have you look at a series of pictures while hooked up to a brain scan, and tell which picture you're looking at from the brain scan. They can also detect drug abuse, psychological damage from trauma, and some forms of mental illness with these scans.

Creepy enough for you?
It hasn’t…
Here you go.

but it is obvious from this and other discussions that you are firm in your (mis?)beliefs so no pint to continue to argue.

Instead of posting examples of what sound we can hear but cannot be measured (your claim), you've been posting speculations and questions. I've dispelled each one of them on this and other discussion. Misbelief is what you are doing.
Back a little while ago there was an interesting thread to test hearing. Looks like the test files are still there: Hires 96/24 listening test of opamps

I would suggest downloading the files and seeing if anyone can hear any difference between them, before reading further into the thread.

NOTE: Beware that windows by default will resample or SRC files to it's default sample rate unless you override it. It can do a lot of damage to sound quality if you let it.

Attached below is an image showing to set it to match the sample rate and bit depth of a file you want to play.

Also, if ASIO drivers are available and working with a particular playback application, that will bypass Windows sound engine and is probably the best solution.


  • WinSound.jpg
    101.7 KB · Views: 86
I have heard to much crap that the “facts” say are better to be very leary. And some that should be crap but aren’t. Measurement space is much larger than we can currently access.

There it is, the real straw man argument.

The fact is, even the consumer market True RTA's frequency response measuring program can show more details than what we can hear. Try it yourself if you haven't. Seeing is believing.
I really don't think there is a "Best" system for all.

It really comes down to an individuals hearing abilities (or lack thereof).

My father loved more bass and treble while I prefer a flat sound with a
touch of increase on the ends (probably due to old ears on both cases).

Sometimes getting too clean is harsh, just as too colorized is muddy.

I would have to say design it is clean as practical, then color it to personal taste.
That may not jive with some but I never have had a problem with someone coloring
music to their taste, they are the one enjoying it so let them enjoy it how they like it.
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