The Metronome

What is this?

I have the now old WT3, but I guess this is the new model:
Dayton DATS

I feel lazy now, but it's nice to be able to measure drivers in 2 seconds... :D

AFA not hearing the midbass in your cardboard mets, that's probably cuz it's not there. This is probably partly due to the lossy cardboard, and partly because the enclosures don't match what the drivers 'want'. This is why we stress the importance of knowing the specs of the drivers you are working with.
I like the plug and play aspect of DATS, but not the price. For the amount of use I would get out of it that just seems like a lot. Of course, compared to a full blown setup it is probably a bargain. I buy a lot of bike tools too that I might only use once for myself, but I know a lot more cyclists than DIY audio folks, so I occasionally help others out.

Anybody in the NYC area have one?
Not nearly as accuratly as with the real WooferTester from Smith + Larson.


Oh, these are still available then. WT2

What's the deal? It looks like the old Parts-express/Dayton WT2 was a rebranded one of these, and the newer WT3 and DATS are made by someone else?

RE $: Yeah, that's more than I would spend for only one time use. It really does not take that long to measure drivers the old way. 1/2 hour tops. It's very accurate if done properly, and makes you feel like a real scientist... ;)

Bike tools - if I never wrench another bike I'll be happy. :crazy: Did that for 10+ years.
I'm far from being a bike mechanic. I like mostly just like to do my own, but if someone needs help I do.

As for 1/2 an hour, nothing ever takes 1/2 an hour. It'll take me that long to figure out where all my tools are.:(

LOL. OK I admit I'm sugar coating it. It'll take 1/2 an hour or less -- once you know how to do it. :D

Being a bike mechanic tends to lead to fixing up all your friends bikes... For me, it wasn't really a hassle, as I was a very fast pro mechanic, and the problems that stymie people are usually pretty trivial to fix.
Joined 2001
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It looks like the old Parts-express/Dayton WT2 was a rebranded one of these, and the newer WT3 and DATS are made by someone else?

Yes. And not nearly as robust, accurate, or comprehensive. As often the case with PE they just wanted cheap irrespective of quality. That they pirated the S+L name i consider a crime.

I've been listening to the cardboard boxes with the RS drives again all evening, almost entirely female pop and jazz vocals. They sound so enticing and it really makes me want to build these out of something solid. These are the only single driver speakers I've listened to for more than a quick store demo, when there were still stores that sold equipment. I can see why you're hooked on these, even if they can't do everything right. And these are cheap RS drivers, it makes me wonder what a really good driver would sound like, or am I just lucky and found a hidden gem.

Once my kids are gone in 2 weeks I'll start by taking measurements, or maybe this weekend. After all, it only takes a half an hour.;)
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I've been listening to the cardboard boxes with the RS drives again all evening, almost entirely female pop and jazz vocals. They sound so enticing and it really makes me want to build these out of something solid. These are the only single driver speakers I've listened to for more than a quick store demo, when there were still stores that sold equipment. I can see why you're hooked on these, even if they can't do everything right. And these are cheap RS drivers, it makes me wonder what a really good driver would sound like, or am I just lucky and found a hidden gem.

I think that a lot of us took Radio Shack drivers for granted and often ignored or forgot how good some of their drivers actually were. I certainly wish I'd snagged more of them than I did as my hoard gets smaller with the passing years. Maybe next time around I'll be born smart instead of so good looking....
OK, I'm very good looking either :(


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The Metronome is just another incarnation of the mass loaded Voigt.

Indeed, nobody has ever claimed otherwise. It's using a slightly different expansion to those envisioned by Voigt, but they're all ML horn variants. Or tapped ML horn variants if you want to be really particular.

The Teresonics have been lurking on the fringes for a while. As usual, no measurements. I particularly enjoy the 103dB 1m/w rating for a DX4, which Lowther themselves rate at, er, 96.112dB 1m/w. ;) Dodgy claims aside, they're quite striking looking bendy ML horns / Voigt pipes / whatever you like to call them -no reason why something along those lines couldn't be constructed.
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The problem with Lowther drivers in resonant cabinets -- anything other than a backhorn that will compensate for the baffle step -- is that once you compensate for the baffle step, you wind up with a speaker that is 90-92dB/w/m. A DX4 probably is 103dB/w/m at the very peak of the classic Lowther hump, but once you get that tamed, you are back to 90dB. You have to remember that the Lowther drivers were invented for front horns. A front horn makes much of the Lowther rollercoaster FR go away.

Just because I had a few minutes with nothing to do, I read the Dagogo review of the Teresonics speakers .:rofl: I though the reference to Helmholz' original paper of two centuries ago was a nice touch.

Then I when to the Teresonics and checked the specs.:rolleyes:

I have a pair each of DX2's and DX3's that are molding away on the shelf with other drivers that will likely never be used again. I've build and sold a few MLTL's for these drivers, and the customers actually liked them -- invariably powered by 300B's. But for me and my class D amps, not so much. Well, maybe I aught to try them with the new(er) TDA3116's. Who knows.

For sure, Lowthers would be better off in front horns in many cases. The same could be said for a lot of other FR drivers.

I'm still waiting for someone to come up with a modern optimized version of the TP1. ;)

Are there any extant pictures of the original Voigt pipes, made by Paul Voigt or his contemporaries?
So another evening of listening to my RS speakers, and even sitting here in the next room at my iMac it draws me in.

I found a pair of 5 ohm Mills resistors in my pile, so in series I can use them as a 10 ohm reference to take measurements. I'll solder them together so that I eliminate all mechanical problems.

So once I get measurements, how do I really go about getting the dimensions for a box? I see the mathcad models are gone, not that I would know how to use them anyway.

And for lining, I've used bitumen roofing material for that in the past. Am I ok with that or do I need foam?

Tony Bennett then Diana Krall on Pandora.
.... they're quite striking looking bendy ML horns / Voigt pipes / whatever you like to call them -no reason why something along those lines couldn't be constructed.

Hmm, since they are tapered in two directions we should relabel them as curvy metronomes..... ;)

(and construction is likely easier than the metronome - it is not the easiest to make the top and bottom nicely square on those)