The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

I think the fix will be easier than I imagined. I had a hunch to look into the EQ part. So after a couple of tweaks I now think I know where to look. :)

Not saying this magically fixed everything, I'm just remembering what I used to do. I think I at least have a clue how to get back what I lost.

Creative description, isn't it? Basically, I used to check the DRC correction on signs of over correction. Which I did this time as well. But after checking my EQ edits I might have been a little over enthusiastic here and there. Dialing that back a little is sounding way better already. Which gives me a clue on how to do it right.

I also need to look into the tweaks I did on my prior correction with RePhase as a tool. I remember doing some tweaks on the upper phase which might just be essential to get the natural feel back. I still have the measurements so all I have to do is compare those and edit back in what I had.
Should not be too difficult as I still have the convolution FIR files.

I'll take some time to figure out how to work on this. I usually change only one thing at a time. It is a slow but sure way to get results. Changing 4 things at once will get you in trouble if it does not work as planned.

I often warn others about this, now why did I fall into that trap myself :D. I was being too cocky about it, figuring I could get easy results quickly. Basically, I was being an ........ (you guys may fill in the dotted line)

So, I'm pretty confident I'll get back what I lost... I'll take some time to reflect and figure out which step to do first. One thing at a time again. And confirming each step before moving on.

It really isn't the disaster I make it out to be. Just a bit disappointed in my own impatience. I still have some good sounding backups, but the devil is in the details. And I had those details locked in pretty good, just before the PC crashed on me. I figured I'd fix it in no time while improving upon prior results. But basically ended up wasting a lot of time going nowhere fast.
This is that time when you should have had everything on an external drive as a backup no matter whether you are running raid or any number of internal drives. I'm sure you know that, we just get comfortable and drop our guard and here you are, one simple mistake wipes out thousands of hours of work. External drives are cheap.
This is that time when you should have had everything on an external drive as a backup no matter whether you are running raid or any number of internal drives. I'm sure you know that, we just get comfortable and drop our guard and here you are, one simple mistake wipes out thousands of hours of work. External drives are cheap.
Real men dosen´t take backup - they cry!:sly::D
I really feel with you Wesayso...
This is that time when you should have had everything on an external drive as a backup no matter whether you are running raid or any number of internal drives. I'm sure you know that, we just get comfortable and drop our guard and here you are, one simple mistake wipes out thousands of hours of work. External drives are cheap.

You're absolutely right :). I was a bit too comfortable and figured I'd do some tweaks here and there before running the next back up. But half a year was lost because of that. The reason for me to post about it is: a) to remind myself to regularly run back-ups and: b) Maybe remind some of you to do the same!

I even have the external drive, so I have no one to blame but myself. I've back-upped everything else. It's just the tweaks (lots of em) that got lost.

I used to run a more strict back-up scheme. And I probably will again after this warning. In the past my PC ran day and night and had automatic back-ups set. I'll get back on track. I still have a good base to work with. It's all those little balance tweaks that made it sound so sweet.
I was in a hurry to do the last couple of things I wanted to do before starting the next project, the building of the subs. But there's always another reason, isn't there? Just take that extra hour and run the back-up! All drawings of the subs were backed up though. As was everything else. I just got lazy with the OS including JRiver.

I've quoted Zappa before, right now I feel like I belong in that larger group:



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They aren't mine... just some advert on Facebook I liked.
I already have a cotton print as damping panel and thought this would be a cool idea for someone.

This is mine:

Printed at Spoonflower on Kona Cotton and packed with fiberglass isolation sandwiched by wool felt layers. It wouldn't be to hard to do something similar to the guitar panel, if you have a cool fitting picture. Maybe I should replace mine with that Zappa quote...
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Not much is off topic here ;).

I know I need a NAS. I've had other priorities in life though due to having had a hiatus in my income. But that's mostly solved now. So I'd welcome suggestions. I want a good solution that is somewhat affordable but save.

I have looked into it a couple of years ago, as an external drive alone isn't cutting it anymore. I have no problem discussing it here as it might be of benefit to others too.

Even though this whole deal was my own doing, and with more care I could have rescued all settings, I decided to share this string of bad faith/bad choice I brought upon myself as a warning for others too. I should have known better, just as Kindhornman hinted at.
I even have an IT background. I put it off due to having other priorities while I shouldn't have done that. I have all data stored on at least on 3 different devises but ignored my O.S. You're absolutely right I need something automated again, because I have proven not to be reliable enough to take care of it myself. :blush:

any suggestions for affordable solutions?
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Hindsight is such a wonderful thing :D

Maybe its a good thing and now you will work out just what all those little tweaks were that made such a difference, document them, then tell me so I can try them :)

I see conflicting accounts about what a library backup in Jriver does, as to whether it will restore all the DSP settings. I think it might work for the built in Jriver stuff but not for external plugins which is a pain. There is the Load/Save for DSP hard to say how useful that is.

Maybe screenshots of a good setup might be another way to record the settings you had.

You can set Windows to automatically create a system image. How often to do it would depend on your storage capacity etc.

This page (second answer) and associated link might be helpful if you don't already know
windows 7 - Does Win7 support scheduling system image backups? - Super User

That would be for a worst case scenario.

Any NAS can suffer the same fate so relying on one solution for a backup is often when people get into trouble. If you have space in your case for another drive 10TB single drives are available now for a reasonable price.

Robosync is the Windows version of Rsync on Unix, that can be set to automatically mirror, folders, drives etc. That might be all you need to run from time to time to make copies of all your important documents elsewhere.
You are right that two hard drives failing at exactly the same time due to age or similar issues is rare, but is was the software mirrored RAID that caused Wesayso's issue, my point was that the same thing could have happened in a NAS.

There is almost always some circumstance that could cause a backup strategy to fail. RAID or basic file copying across drives works well most of the time. Having a backup of the backup is usually enough to be safe unless your house burns down or something like that :eek: Then losing your DSP settings is probably not your main concern :(

PS Robocopy is the program I was thinking of not Robosync.
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Maybe its a good thing and now you will work out just what all those little tweaks were that made such a difference, document them, then tell me so I can try them :)

These are the ingredients:

Balance tweaks of left and right channel... mid/side EQ... perceived phase curve... absence of early reflections.... ambient Haas kicker/stereo cross talk reduction for phantom center...


That's what gave me the eyebrows I was looking for which I will need to find again.

One thing I know for sure, the difference between good and great sound is very very small. Mind you, I still have good sound with my older saved settings. The difference that made it sound great was subtle at best. Which is why it wasn't a good idea to change 4 things at once trying to get it back in a hurry. I grew into it the first time and will try to do so again.

Exactly what that mix of the above ingredients should be is still slightly unknown to me... It will probably differ between rooms. But at least I do know I need the above ingredients. :violin:

Mix and match as you please :).

On the subject of getting a NAS, I was looking for a Raid 5 solution NAS with enough storage a few years back. At that time it was too pricey for me. Having many more wishes still makes my budget limited. I still need to get an amp for my sub project, I'm also thinking of retirement for my daily driver trough the winter season.
My Porsche 911 SC, which has been my daily driver for almost 12 years now is suffering from Dutch winters due to our government using salt on our roads at the first sign of snow.
I'm thinking about getting a winter car as I love that car too much to see it deteriorate any further. At some point I'd like to restore it to it's former glory and hand it over to my son one day. Getting that car was nothing short of a dream come true for me. I was only able to afford it due to having the skills/knowledge to do all maintenance and repairs myself. But it's no fun anymore to fix the ageing heating system on the cold garage floor in the middle of winter.
No fun though, to think about not driving that car. It still brings a smile on my face each time I drive it.
It would be no fun at all to see your classic get eaten by salt induced rust :(

A friend of mine has a Synology DS416 NAS which I help him administer remotely. 4 Bays would let you run RAID 5 with a decent amount of storage. It's neither cheap or expensive but the cost of the disks adds up fast.

If you want to save money maybe look for a cheap used computer in an ATX chassis buy some new drives and run a NAS oriented Linux Distro on it.