The Grand Dutch Service Manual Deposit

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Here's Guido Tent, a Philips employee which I respect and admire.
I am a satisfied client of his clocks.
He is recommending this CD, full of Philips copyrighted material.

I can't see anything wrong with this.
But I can't see anything wrong either if he or any other member posted a link to electropt's page.
Isn't it the same?:confused:

PS: I know electropt personally. He is a honest guy.
Dear Carlos,

Thanks for your suport.

But the underlying question is not if I'm an honest person or not, the question is about justice. Everyone deserves justice, honest or not!

Is everyone equal around here? If not how can I get a promotion and be able to post without hassle?

Can anyone awnser me on this one?


PS: The site is down for now, until this question of rights is sorted out.
electropt said:
Dear Carlos,
Thanks for your suport.

It's not a question of support, I am expressing my oppinion.
As a member, I like to know the rules and what we can count on.
I see everyone posting links to copyrighted schematics and SMs and no problem, so...:confused:

electropt said:
But the underlying question is not if I'm an honest person or not...

Yes, it is not about that, but I have got the feeling you were treated as one on the (now deleted) begining of the thread.

Again, I think it's a very different matter allowing access to schematics or SMs of old, discontinued gear than currently commercialized ones.
electropt said:


I have boght the CD from remco, and after discussing the issue with him he did not seemed helpfull in any way. Since I have paid for it and is now as mine as it is Remco's I do with it as I please.

Please stop this prossecution and censureship!

You are a moderator, and moderators must be neutral!

The site I have created is work in progress, if you feel you cant benefit from it others do.


PS: Prior doing this I have discussed with some one about the subject, even If we didnt see eye to eye in some aspects, I tried to seek and understand someone else's persepctive about all this. I'm not a dishonest person, its all without profit!

Hugo, as a member I have had my discussions with Remco as you can easily find on this forum and I am neutral in this, trust me. However I feel the cd is a must-have when working with Philips oldies hence my recommendations.

Do not accuse me of prossecution and censureship by presenting yourself as a victim. It is not nice what you are doing and you know that. Also it is not a solution for the original problem, it will merely create more problems as we can see now.

There is one problem with this sentence:

Since I have paid for it and is now as mine as it is Remco's I do with it as I please.

It is, for your own use. Maybe I can make it more clear by giving a bit similar example:

Suppose you translate a book from english to portugese which takes you one month of your time. Now imagine that you see a guy "giving" away copies of your translated version.....

I maybe would have agreed with you if it were original PDF files the manufacturer made that were on the cdr. They aren't. Someone put quite some time in that and asks compensation for that which seems reasonable. Now an unsatisfied customer publishes all data on a website so everybody can download the data that was all manually scanned. Over here we would not agree on that. Maybe you would but I doubt that.

Besides that there is indeed the copyright issue which counts for both of you.
Jean Paul,

I do not want to discuss what happened between me and Remco.
But you must not go without a reply:

1- I bought the CD from Remco

2- The CD had incomplete service manuals

3- After pointing this to Remco he did not offered any solution, he replied: "I never mentioned they were complete"

4- Remco received 20€ for his service of scaning the SM, I have paid his work.

5- The information in the CD is mine as it is Remco's, you, or anyone else, its owned by Philips, they should sue me or whatever for that matter.

6- I'm trying to get the complete service manuals, this was, to the best of my knoledge, the best way.

I think I dont need an example to be any clearer than this....
electropt said:

4- Remco received 20€ for his service of scanning the SM, I have paid his work.

Are you being serious ?

electropt said:

6- I'm trying to get the complete service manuals, this was, to the best of my knowledge, the best way.

Why publish all other complete service manuals then ?? There is something wrong in your motivation for obtaining incomplete manuals.....

Please understand I am posting as a member not as a mod. I will leave the moderation of this particular thread to my collegues to avoid any misunderstanding about me being not neutral.
There is one problem with this sentence:

jean-paul said:

Suppose you translate a book from english to portugese which takes you one month of your time. Now imagine that you see a guy "giving" away copies of your translated version.....

The translator sells the translated copies without permission.

How can somebody steal some stolen thing from a thief ?
It is not the property of the thief.

You say it yourself:

jean-paul said:

Besides that there is indeed the copyright issue which counts for both of you.

If Philips is the copyrightholder, then Remco cannot become it too, just by scanning that stuff without permission.

So why should his "work" be protected ?

Personally I don`t believe Philips does have any problems with spreading around 15 years old manuals of gear that is a decade out of production.
Jean Paul,

If Remco says to me "I never mentioned they were complete" how can I be sure witch ones are complete or not? Do you know, I dont...

I'm not trying to pose myself as victim, I am a victim, a victim of someone who did not care to tell me that there where some incomplete manuals, or at least advise me for the possibility.
Cand you find that written on Remco's site? Should I have guessed?

I would tell you all about my "dispute" with Remco, but not here. It would not be fair on anyone of us.

Bernhard said:

Personally I don`t believe Philips does have any problems with spreading around 15 years old manuals of gear that is a decade out of production.

If so, then just one matter still stands. I would be curious if you would react the same way you do now if you would have made such a cd.

I seriously doubt Philips will care about 15 year old manuals being presented on a cdr for the hobby community. IMO it is a service to guys that have such oldies and only positive for Philips.
jean-paul said:
Someone put quite some time in that and asks compensation for that which seems reasonable. Now an unsatisfied customer publishes all data on a website so everybody can download the data that was all manually scanned.

jean-paul said:
Are you being serious ?

I am being serious, you said it to, the compensation for his work are the 20€ he asked and got payed.

Your own words...
jean-paul said:

If so, then just one matter still stands. I would be curious if you would react the same way you do now if you would have made such a cd.

I seriously doubt Philips will care about 15 year old manuals being presented on a cdr for the hobby community. IMO it is a service to guys that have such oldies and only positive for Philips.

This was you on "user mode" I understand and agree.

Please switch to "mod mode" and tell me if the problem is the same as in "user mode" or Copyright issues.

The problem is just that, I'm a new user, Remco is not. Lets be honest... If I am wrong please correct me, I insist!

It is ok to put the manuals on a website for download for free.

But selling a CD for 20$ is not compensation for work.

This is business :D

Because if Remco sells 100 CDs he makes 2000$ :D :D :D

I personally dislike the way Remco makes money with the copyrighted material.

Manuals should be free, if copied.

Re: "compensation"

Bernhard said:
Personally I don`t believe Philips does have any problems with spreading around 15 years old manuals of gear that is a decade out of production.

That must be the most recent CDP service manual on that CD.

Bernhard said:
This is business :D
Because if Remco sells 100 CDs he makes 2000$ :D :D :D

Wait... just goin' out to buy a scanner!:bigeyes:
See ya later!:D

PS: I posted this on page 2...
carlosfm said:
Even if I don't understand why the CD is discussed and recommended on this forum, as it has copyrighted material and it was sold for $20(?) each.

...but I didn't make the maths.:clown:
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