The food thread

Veggie market had a little problem with combined oxygen, fuel and ignition. Thankfully the carrots don't taste smoky so another 20 lbs. going into juice. Dirt cheap as it was a true fire sale.


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I wrote a few lines abour Russian craftbeer (TRUE!!!:D). I sent a message about my longing for pelmeni which I got our very first day in Russia.

We had soup in a bread one evening. Had tried this before in Prague with white bread, but in Russia it must black rye bread!
In a café - Soviet Café on Nevskij Pr, SPb - we tried good old Russian food. In Swedish the names would have been rårakor and pytt i panna.
Rårakor is potato pancakes with meat and pytt is chopped potatoes, onion and meat fried together.
We had some good dark beer.


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Talking about balls, we tried Bieterballen i Amsterdam. It's sort of meatcompund deep fried and eaten with mustard (the Dutch eat everything with mustard).
We also had almost the same stuff but with cheese stuffing (YUMMII!).

Every here and there you could find the Haring kiosks where you buy not hot dogs but hot nemos (fish that is). You can get an assortment of fish in the bread with onion and pickles. I picked smoked herring and mrs K picked the slightly pickled. Also VERY good! A beer to go with that and ....:lickface:


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Whilst I don't have any late food stories (beyond a lovely dinner of salmon/rice/salad/green beans from the garden with family friends), I'd hate to see this thread die.

I'll be in London in a couple weeks -- and not-to-miss holes in the wall? The less Mediterranean the better. (as I'll also be visiting family in Sicily, so that will be more than addressed :D)
When in Sicily you must try ...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Cannelloni with ricotta.:yummy:

And try some ...


A fullbodied wine from the Nero d'Avola grapes, not as full as Amarone but still with loads of yummi for your palete.:drink:

I also recommend seafood. In Cefalu we had a great dinner at Al Gabbiano and in Santa Tecla we had lunch from fresh seefod at La Lorenzo.