The food thread

A week or so into ownership, he started to notice an odd smell occasionally, and finally after a few days he took it to the dealership.

Do you recall the Seinfeld episode in which the BO'd valet parked Jerry's BMW?

Back to food -- parboiled some Brussels Sprouts placed in oven 15min @350Fwith pignoli, sliced cherry tomato, lemon zest, olive oil and ponzu . Great way to fix sprouts.
Must be a parallel universe. I scored 5lb of terrific tomatoes today, skinned and pre-stewed them. Tomorrow's all tomato & basil day.

(afaig, the first captured cross section was of such an astounding size that it invoked the remark that it was as big as a barn)


Enjoy! Do make sure to put entirely too many onions in the tomato sauce to boot.

All our tomato plants are volunteers from our compost bin (well, it's more I rotate fallow beds throughout the year). Some sort of roma-like tomato? Regardless, when they're still warm from the sun and quickly rinsed, they're simply delightful.

Scott--not a bad way to spend the afternoon.
My g/f has Sjögren's,

Interestingly my wife's cousin has that. Not life threatening in her case and seems to be managed well with minimal meds.

on a prednison* rollercoaster over a 12-month period (most significant reason for our Caribbean hopping)

My wife is on prednisone and cyclophosphamide, among others, but they are dropping the dosage. She basically has no immune system at this point, so is also on antibiotics as a prophylactic measure. Funny story about the prednisone, she was prescribed 60mg/day but the only pills the pharmacy had were 5mg, so she had to take 12 of those every day.!
the only pills the pharmacy had

On the auto-immune highway, the pharmacy business is also a rollercoaster nightmare.

Couple of years ago, we found a medication alternative with no side-effect downsides. Next thing you know, the pharmacist withdrew it from the menu. Not because it was too expensive, but the profit margin was not large enough instead. Every option left has the wrong kind of filler.
When asked and explained, despite that he's not an unfriendly guy, our regular pharmacist was not willing to manufacture it by hand. In the end, we had a friend in/of a Rotterdam hospital pharmacy manufacture a magistral prescription for a 1-year supply. In times such as these, it's a mental comfort to have a rolodex filled with butcher names, thumb through a medication vademecum and call a friend, but feel truly sorry for those with no other option than pull a number and not be served.
To paraphrase Jack Lucas of the Fisher King : I'll send you a thought today as I lie in my stretch limo, and that thought will be : thank Me I'm Me !

A lot of auto-immune disorders fall into the combined-syndrome category, often very hard to pinpoint the exact diagnosis.
Sjögren's one of them, whether it does or does not effect life expectancy is impossible to predict upfront in many cases. Even if it does not shorten one's life, it can and in some cases does reduce quality of life to level zero. At elevated/bottom temperatures combined with low RH, my g/f's mental capacity turns from a 150 minimum IQ to a dried-out sponge within 48hrs. Sjögren's is a disorder that screws up functionality of all membranes in the human body. Including the mengines, in which the brain is wrapped. The auto-immune disorder actually dries out the brain. (a hangover is the effect of reduced liquor pressure in the skull, aka dehydrated peanut)

My latest addition to the antique snail collection.
I watch it while I stuff low standard calories down the hatch (it's lots easier to fool the wallet of a mind than the mind of a wallet)


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Busy time in the kitchen.
We got the
Blackberry extract
Pork skin cracklin'
Soup Stock
Soy chicken
Pickled eggs
Pickled cukes
For breakfast we had a french toast style grilled Brie and bacon sandwich and for fun, I mixed the left over goat curry, added rice and mushrooms and stuffed some hungarian banana peppers for later.
Time to relax and take in some olympics.
Oh, I am following Jacco's advice after handling the peppers.
We're doing those, some fried green tomatoes and cold soy chicken for dinner.


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My wife is on prednisone and cyclophosphamide, among others, but they are dropping the dosage. She basically has no immune system at this point, so is also on antibiotics as a prophylactic measure. Funny story about the prednisone, she was prescribed 60mg/day but the only pills the pharmacy had were 5mg, so she had to take 12 of those every day.!

Keep her out of the sun.

The pumpkins seeds I threw into the weed patch on one side of the yard are thriving, those I planted in the cultivated soil are having issues with fungus.
From the annals of "this has no right tasting this good" I bring you:

Utterly ancient freezer-damaged Alaskan Cod (I see your flavorless and raise you one)
Fresh tomatoes
Leftover mashed yams that were way too yammy for straight up consumption
Pretty much any/all types of dried chile/pepper I had

Sauteed the onions and tomatoes, threw everything in a bag and sous vide'd it for 45 minutes at 131...probably should have gone a tick higher to get a bit more flake out of the cod, but, hey!, at least it has some body and flavor. I had given myself a 60% chance of failure. Strained some of the liquid out of the stew and added habanero-infused vodka. Flashed off the liquid a bit. My mouth is flaming, but in a good way.
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Fotis's Greek cooking

Here traditional Greek summer recipe cooked by Fotis: Bell peppers and tomatoes stuffed with rice. No secret ingredients, it's only the relish of fresh Greek summer vegetables plus one cup of virgin olive oil & excess of fresh tomato juice.
Next to the main dish, a Greek summer salad: tomatoes, cucumber, onion, green bell pepper, some green hot pepper, feta cheese, virgin olive oil, some ouzo and... opa!


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