The food thread

Actually, teeth aching turns me more vicious than burning alive when sweat hits the capsaicin skin.

Fortunately the cavalry just arrived.
Far from healthy, but clove ciggies help to soothen the toothen. I used to smoke 'm now and then in highschool days, but really hard to come by nowadays.

Another golden oldy tip from the tooth fairy : clove oil on a cotton swab.
Not as effective as inhaling clove gasses, but whatevertheless.

(Please excuse the online gaming, smoking out a mole on a web forum is way too tempting to resist, verification requires posting a few bait lines. Reminds me of playing the spy-game in the woods during elementary school seasons, with 3 pieces of paper, 2 dummies and the genuine critter to catch)


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Mr. K must have a 1-egged twin brother then.

-The both of them appear to have an obsessive fascination with the words objective/subjective/DBT/question/ask/asked.
-On top of that a strong dislike of being quoted.
-As do both like to remind folks of the importance of proper wording.
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, total identical behavior.

Not that I really care, I'm done with the both of 'm, yea mighty egg yoke beater. (I did have to bite my hand really hard not to reply to Mr E's post with Oh Dear, and get expelled myself. :clown: )
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In the literal sense

I'm Bad, therefore always Wrong.

I spent a dozen years, terrorised 7/7 with emotional blackmail by a partner with a personality disorder, without being aware of either one.
Ended up as a mental wreck, ended up doing alcohol and pills by the truckloads 7/7, to end up with convulsions, damaging several parts of my body and crack my skull, to end up in a full coma seat at intensive care.

Unfortunately, I already am a vegetable, vegetables wake up and walk out the front door, if need be with a paralysis arm and leg.
Takes a vegetable some time to get those back up to full steam, plenty spare time to pull up a seat in a psychiatric environment.
Oops, I almost forgot the burning life sentence on capsaicin for permanently damaged nerves.

Thing with some vegetables, within a couple of months they start to examine and evaluate other vegetables.
Next thing, the vegetable starts to examine and evaluate the evaluators.
Next thing you know, the evaluation of the evaluators came to a conclusion that some vegetables are somewhat over their evaluating heads.

Next dozen years, a former psychiatric vegetable is forced to spend anticipating every move of the ex-disorder-ly, or is that the disorder-ly-ex, to keep her filthy claiming hands off his back.
He does so by reading loads of psychiatry books, makes a welcome change for loads of pills, and by monitoring her each and every move 24/7.
Theory is all good and fine, but any decent psychiatry DIY also needs field practice, practical cases.
Casus in Latin sounds much more suave, amice. (Doctors like to adress eachother as amice. Well, some do, the old boys types)
And what better place to sieve through letters and syllables, with a splitting hair comb, than a web forum, an audio web forum.

The veggie also had to go to court, to legally battle the former disorderly, or disorderly former. First showdown turned into a disaster.
What's a vegetable to do, he had the basics of civil, plus corporate and patent law classes at university, but that's no good.
So more book reading, law books, run the next five battle shows himself, and beat the legal shite out of every courtroom.
Cost a bundle, but at least those dumb lawyer btchs were willing to shut the F up and do as told.

My tiny little secret ? I've been raging with fury for many decades, but kept it hidden under lock and key for half that long.
Not anymore it isn't.
If I can't legally shoot, stab, beat, or torture any evil psycho critter who uses straight by the book Emotional Blackmail* techniques, to a painful death, I sure as H will expose his sorry A for the full public to see.
And I sure as H take pleasure in each and every moment of it. :clown:

Whether the public has the willingness to see, or not, is their problem !

* The big emotional 5 :
- Accusation = YOU did it wrong
- Common good = it's for US
- Help = play the VICTIM
- Responsibility = you are OBLIGED to do it
- Superiority = I know it BETTER

Looks familiar to anyone ?

This show was brought to you by the high Moral and Value Minority, we now return to our regular food programming.
Much more fun, which is the main point of life, or of a 2nd shot at it.
Damned : vegans are worst for global warming than meat eaters !

I saw a TV news about that with maths and all the tralala !

The more it's warm, the more I need a fridge ! Too bad !

The fridge is made in asia, takes the plane, and consume more and more electricity (cause Ice Creams and frozen bio vegetables), so it's warmer and warmer and my fridge is too little already !

Wee need to eat our dogs !

Do I filled the 5 items ?!

(PS: btw, the 5 items are really good to train special forces !)
Food writer with a sense of humor

The Most Expensive Sushi

Price: $1,978.15 for five pieces

What Makes It So Expensive: Well, each piece of sushi is wrapped in gold leaf and topped with caviar, three Mikimoto pearls and served with a diamond. No word on what fish was actually used on the inside of the sushi rolls, but I’m kind of hoping it’s imitation crab.

Kopi Luwak, interesting paying serious money to drink weasel s**t I thought they were only good for ripping flesh. Considering how good 100% Kona is if you bother to drive up to an artisanal grower and buy direct truly silly.
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