The food thread

some recent...More bugs..

Hot peppers. One plants worth made 2 cases of small jars of hot sauce. What to do with the other dozen plants?

more dinner from the garden. Pickled beats, cucumber watermelon salad, lentil salad with tomatoes and fire roasted eqqplant.

Jersey tomatoes and corn..... no additives needed

White trash way to enjoy crab...crab salad on white toast....


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A fence made of a few bits of fishing string seems to work...they get weirded out feeling the string they dont see. Dog hair from brushing our animal. Also...and don't judge me...I go out by the garden and both the animal and I "mark" the garden as ours. Works for the lillies too....only they are in the front yard so I have to go out later at night.
We made DIY dear spray for a few seasons. Pee in a spray bottle mixed with eqq yolks for cling and hot pepper sauce for extra repellency. Worked but I've gotten lazy and go right to the source....Plant hot pepper plants here and there and well you know the rest.

New formula is easier to apply if copious beer is being consumed...
now, raccoons and rabbits are another story - at least if you can catch them, the rabbits are more or less edible

ragout de lapin, great with papardelle

Cal: wifey hit a deer here in NJ in my brand new MB about 20 years ago -- she was taking the kids to Boy Scouts. Millburn police officer was very happy and took it to the butcher over 2 towns.