The food thread

It's not food but it is the kitchen and I need a little empathy or at least someone to slap me on the head and tell me to get on with it.

You know those little pods for your dishwasher? You know you can also get them for your laundry?

Hint: don't mix them up. I set the dishwasher and went for a dog walk. Came home to a flooded kitchen and swollen laminate flooring. Got some wood, absorbant materials and a whole bunch of weight hoping to flatten it out. Pulled it 24 hours later to find it was more swollen than when I weighted it.

16 pieces to replace and I only have 7. Can't even find the stuff on the net. :bawling:
a little empathy

Laminate floor board is like a rubber, once used there's no seconds.

I've endlessly requested the critters here to rinse stuff before putting them in the dishwasher.
Over the last months increasingly more often, one of the sheits even throws in stuff without a 1st or 2nd glance.

Couple of weeks ago, the dishwasher figured it time to hit the fault mode switch.
I built out the entire thing, took half a day, then wheeled it to the garage, am taking it apart to the last screw.
Whenever I feel like it, I take a look at it, expect it'll take another two weeks before it's repaired.
In the meantime, everyone is obliged to rinse off dishes before leaving it on the kitchen counter, I do the proper cleaning by hand.

It's only a dirty float valve which prevents the washer to finish it's program, would take an hour to clean.
A lot more work this way, but way more satisfying.
Don't mess with the Zohan !


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Well, yesterday the heatwave did a break, so there was time to cook some bluecrabs curry thaistyle.
Altough they where frozen asia import, really tasty and good texture.
You see ingredients like ingwer, red thai curry , a good portion madras power hot and the usual stuff ;)
Dinner was at least 1,5 h, my spouse found them the best version i ever did, but i know, she is lurking for a nice new dress:rolleyes:


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:cheers:Welcome Cal


ok, i try to remember the recipe
300 gr red lentils, let them 24 h in cold water after rinse, then cook them for a while hot, then for a few hours at low fire or if you have, put them in a pressure steamer
1 kg tomatoes , peeled, chopped or 1 kg can chopped ones
2 middle size onion, one red , one white, chopped
2 Lemongras, hit them hard, cut them as fine as possible
2 slice garlic, fine chopped
1 pc ginger, size apx a finger, very fine cutted
1 tbs cumin, roasted
1 tbs coriander seed, roasted
1 tbs yellow mustard seed, roasted
1 ts brown mustard seed, roasted
1 tbs turmeric powder, or fresh one, very fine cutted
1 tbs Garam Massala
50ml Cocomilk, only the cream
2 tbs coconut grated
3 dry chillies, remove the seed, then chopp
1 ts salt
3 tbs Ghee

First heat the Ghee moderate, add onions at low heat until they get nice yellow/brown, then add cumin and grated coconut, stir it a while until coco gets brown, then add tomatoes, stir them for apx 30 min at medium heat until they get somewhat liquid.

Now add all ingredients, except cocomilk and Garam Massala. Stir it

Then i used a hand blender for the whole thing, thats a lot faster to get the stuff right. But do not make a soup, let some consistence.

Let it cook at low fire for apx 15 min, then add lentils without remaining water, medium heat for another 15 min, then add cococream and Garam Massala, stir it and try, maybe you add some water(cocowater and salt to your taste.
If you like, you can also add some fresh curry leaves at the end for a few minutes.
What i found, not to much heat while roasting for all the seed, otherwise it gets a little bitter.
Hope you like it.