The food thread


Joined 2008
So, to change the subject has anyone made saurekraut? I started a batch tonight from two cabbage with 4Tbsp salt. It is in a large glass jar with a glass lid covered with a towel.

I have a few times, and my sister makes it on a regular basis. Eastern European tradition. We also use the juice in many sour soups, which, if you ever get drunk, is THE BEST REMEDY for the morning after. :p)
Interesting, I never heard that. That article seems to imply that some people are more sensitive than others. Also, they have not identified a toxin.

I have never been sick after eating fiddleheads, but thinking back I had a couple of "gastric events" this spring that were unexplained. I cannot say whether I ate the ferns before those events, but I would have eaten them on a lot of days around that time. I just assumed there was a virus going around.
> like some mushrooms.

I've heard to limit mushroom intake no matter what the species ..

I doubt the usual white button mushrooms are problematic, but prized varieties like morels carry the same warning as the fiddleheads. This is amusing (concerning a variety mistaken for morels), "The Finns consume the mushroom after parboiling, but it is not known whether this renders the mushroom entirely safe, resulting in its being called the "fugu of the Finnish cuisine."
Everything back to normal. It's Saturday pizza night. What would you like on yours?


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