The food thread

Yes, I have a feeling my wife and I would very much enjoy a weekend with those two. Sounds like there is much in common. While the diet may vary, the love of food and kitchen time I think are dear to all of us. It's a big part of how we entertain. We are lucky to have many foodie friends as well. Throw in a Scott Wurcer or two and who knows what might come of it.
Self basting chicken breasts. There's 4 pieces in a X pattern, I know, hard to see. Took two whole breasts, split them, removed the skin and excess bone around the ribs then piled bacon ends in and around. They will be medium slow roasted then broiled at the end. The chicken trimmings are being used for stock and the bacon will be repurposed into something or other later.


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The wife and I spent a good part of the day fishing the surf at the coast by our place. Visions of striped bass and flounder in our heads. Ended up feeding he family grilled lobster and bluepoint oysters from the local fishmonger. Had to fight the little ones for the oysters with a piece of grapefruit and hot sauce as a most delicious bite.
I'm now sitting very full, enjoying a cold beverage in the back yard, feet facing a nice fire listening to the sound of a huge group of neighborhood kids playing manhunt....All is good.
Chicken, Just another excuse to eat bacon. Mmmmmm.

I've got 2# 8oz of sourdough in the refrigerator rising for the grilled pizza. I couldn't find any hot italian sausage so I had to settle for mild. I'll throw in some home dried cayanne pepper when I fry it.

I'll try to get pictures tomorrow.

I hope to take the day off from moving my wife to the house she is renting. I've burned a half a tank of gas in the truck going 8 miles each way per trip the last two days.
My sister is currently on one of those "tour France /Spain" & tweak your gourmet cooking holidays

Haven't seen the wine list yet

Appetizer goat cheese and apple croustade:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Second course was salmon with crispy skin and oriental noodles:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Next came a passion fruit sorbet - you know, to cleanse our palates:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Main course was a tornado of beef filet with garlic snails (both done sous vide) celeriac purée and put lentils with a vinaigrette dressing and roasted carrot

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Finished off with a fromage frais, Greek yoghurt and honeycomb mousse with fresh raspberry coulis, all bundled up in a tuille with pistachios. Died and gone to heaven.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Yes, that's one meal - and actually not much beyond her normal accomplishments

don't ask about BMI - funny thing is her husband of 30+yrs is skinnier than me (5'7"- he can't weigh more than 150 lbs)
Breakfast - Beer
Lunch - beer
snack - beer
apriteef - beer
dinner - beer
desert - beer
After dinner snack - beer

just joking

Oatmeal for breakfast
kale, broccoli chicken soup for lunch
Yard work
lots of coffee
15 miles on a mountain bike
pizza for dinner


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