The food thread

Yes, that's a Federal regulation in your country. If the addition of nitrates is from natural sources they can say, 'no added nitrates' and call it 'uncured'. Both of which are incorrect. It is another example of how wrong things can go if left to the devices of those not well versed. It allows for an 'uncured' product to have a higher sodium nitrate count than one that is labeled as 'cured'.

Curing is just a form of food preservation. Salting was one of the first known to the caucasian Europeans, just like smoking and drying to the North American aboriginals. They are all forms of curing. The Trader Joe label is a result of the wrong road being taken to make the public believe they are being offered a healthier option, nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

Check also for the tell tale celery seed, another way for the stealth addition of nitrates.
This was actually quite good pizza -- the truck with a wood burning oven pulled up to the driveway:


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Swiss Chard

I'm still getting greens from the garden. I planted my winter garden a week ago but it won't produce until November.

I picked a mess of Swiss Chard yesterday to go with smoked pork butt, sweet potato pone and cabbage.


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Best Paella I ever had was in Constantina in 63.

My father was stationed at the 872nd AC&W there. All the service people and their families went to fest of sorts. The men went hunting rabbits, squirrel and fox and the women fixed dinner.

The Paella had rabbit, squirrel, chicken and a wide assortment of sea food.