The food thread

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It (durian) must be popular here. The local market always carries it in large quantities.
Yes, here too. Both whole and cut, fresh and frozen.
I happen to like Limburger cheese.
Me too as well as some of the other stinkies.
Are you old enough to remember the "Little Rascals"?
You bet - OurGang/Little Rascals was quite radical in it's day.
Superb brine recipe for hot smoked trout

This is the 'Everything Else' forum, and I'm not a member of any cooking sites, so here is the excellent recipe for hot smoked trout I just invented :)

1x 3lb rainbow trout (caught by me in a loch in Speyside, Scotland)


1 cup brown sugar
1 cup salt
1/2 cup molasses
big spoon of coriander seeds
big spoon of cumin seeds
few black peppercorns
5 cardamon pods
3 cloves garlic roughly chopped
few dashes dark soy sauce
1 cup Stones ginger wine


Dissolve the salt, sugar and molasses in boiling water. Add the rest of the ingrediants and leave to cool.

Gut, head and tail trout and peel membrane from inside of stomach cavity.

Dump trout in brine and chill in fridge for 30 hours.

Hot smoke for 40mins over oak chips.

How about Paté Lorraine or Coquille Ste. Jacques ? The Coquille is an awesome starter and takes about five minutes tops.

Some Scallopes, some A.O.C. Creme Freche, un-salted butter and asome decent balsamic vinegar.

Medium heat pan, throw in the butter, let it melt, add the scallopes and cook eack side for about thirty seconds and remove from pan. next add the balsamic vinegar - about 5mm deep - let the acetic acid evaporate off - add the creme fraiche and stir and return the delicious scallopes to the party and serve. Bit of fresh bread ét voila - beautiful.

The Paté Lorraine is a bit more involved though. Next installment coming soon !
Afaig, Koreans are the ruling champion spirits drinkers, less easy to hide.

(and they can't hold their liquor, bunch of poofs. read up on alcohol tolerance of different ethnic groups and trivia such as alcohol flush reaction )

You think they can beat the poles or the russians even?
Over there they do not use shot glasses for vodka, they use regular water glasses and it is considered rude to close a bottle once opened before it is empty.
Alcoholism is the major cause of death amongst russian males btw.
How should i know, i'm just familiar with the medical ins and outs.

In my experience, the Czechs, Hungarians, and the Irish are the real heavy hitters.
Then there's regional differences, alcohol consumption of the French is rather high due to them drinking wine with every meal. But spend Xmas holidays at the home of friends from the Provence or the Bourgogne, all-day alcohol in every size and shape, afterwards you're ready for detox treatment.
and it is considered rude to close a bottle once opened before it is empty.

1 in 10 Native American deaths alcohol related
Rate is three times higher than general population, federal report says ...

1 in 10 Native American deaths alcohol related - Health - Addictions -

"It may be a function of social perceptions of alcohol in that particular region," he said. The report did not break down the numbers by tribe.

66 percent were younger than 50
The study said more than 68 percent of the Indians whose deaths were attributed to alcohol were men, and 66 percent were people younger than 50 years old. Seven percent were less than 20 years old.