The food thread

Wuster? Yes Cliff, I know it well, I buy the big jugs. I had not heard the term WS sauce before. I really have to get out more. Maggi is somewhat popular here too.


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Nah, just mince the chicken livers with onion and salt/pepper, pour into a small baking tin, and place that baking tin in a full sized baking tray with 3 cm of water surrounding and bake in the oven for 45 mins to 1 hour.
Quick and easy.
My dad cooks the chopped chicken livers, onion and salt/pepper in a fry pan with butter, minces the lot and bakes that....tastes good too.

No need to take hours slow cooking it.


Different animal, I was going for a pink silky textured spread no contact with air and hence no brown parts at all. It only took 55min at 160 degrees F. I forgot that I also pounded it through a sieve.
Warne Bowls Maiden Over....

Maybe Ricky Ponting should try some OXO!!
Shane Warne looks to be doing all right....
IT seems Vegemite has been on the menu for loved-up duo Shane Warne and Liz Hurley while they've been shacked up in Warne's Melbourne mansion.

"A beautiful, lazy sunny day in Melbourne - am nearly converted to vegemite,'' Hurley told her 87,233 followers on Twitter this morning.

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The IKEA meatballs are nothing to write home about...these are much nicer.

70% beef mince
30% pork mince
chopped onion
whole egg

Mix the above whole lot in a large bowl into a uniform paste and then put into the fridge for an hour or two (or overnight is fine) to stiffen the mixture.
Take a dessert spoon full and form into flattened balls, roll in extra flour and fry until golden as per the photo.
These are a cheap way to feed a multitude at bbq's and compliments all round....IF there are any left over they are perfect served cold also.


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Wings a la spit?

Wait, that sounds awful. Reminds of when I made fun of the cook in the high school cafeteria.

How about Cal trying out the new barbecue with a new thought.

Those look mighty tasty Cal, you're making me hungry, and I just finished eating a sandwich.
For a different flavor, mix some soy sauce, orange juice, and garlic powder together. (You could also add some ginger I would think)
Put the wings in a bag or other container, then pour the sauce listed above over the wings (make sure you have enough to get them all soaking). Let the wings sit in the refridgerator for at least 4 hours, better if over night. Then grill the wings as you usually do!


For a different flavor

Dave my friend, that's not a different flavour in our household. Those ingredients are pretty common as both my wife and I are real foodies and we don't like eating the same thing twice. The only difference I see is that because of the year round abundance of fresh garlic, we don't even have garlic powder. :D Not kidding.

I'm sure you already know but you can then take your marinade and thicken it with a bit of starch and use it for a basting sauce. Yes the ginger is an excellent addition. In fact with that combo I'd be tempted to drop the garlic in favour of the ginger and to really let your knickers down, toss in a little maple syrup.

Hey Cal, why am I not surprised that you already know that recipe.

I hadn't thought about adding the starch to thicken it, but that does make sense. You're making me jealous with the availability of fresh garlic, Yummy!

Maple Syrup! Now you're talking! I happen to live in the land of Real Maple Syrup, not that bloody blend that is mostly corn syrup, so I love the stuff. Another one to try with Maple Syrup is to heat it, mix it with Bourbon and spices, then use that as a marinade or glaze, with the aforementioned starch added. Another tasty one for the grill!



P.S. with all of the cooking you seem to do, when do you find time for diyaudio projects?! Much less work!
Hi Dave, I start at the office at 6 so I am usually finished by around 2 pm. That gives me a chance to stop at the market(s) before picking up my wife from the train at 3:30. We both are so boring, one of our favourite things to do is go home and cook. We sometimes argue about who is doing the cooking.

Honey, you sit and relax, I'll look after dinner tonight.

No way! you did it last night.

It's a nice kind of argument to have. DIY? well I get the urge every couple of years and do a speaker blitz. I'm at the end of my allotted space now and it's spilling into other areas so I have been asked by SWMBO to do something else for a bit. :)
Sprite Chicken

One of my favorite recipes involves marinating my chicken thighs in a mixture of lemon and lime juice with a dash of soy sauce and cayenne pepper. I let this marinate for about 8 hours. Next I boil up some macaroni in a pot on the side while I simmer the thighs down with the stock. Halfway through the cooking I add about an 1/8 cup of orange juice to sweeten up the stock but not adversely affect the flavor of the chicken itself. The result is a sweet sauce to put over the macaroni and a tangy chicken flavor :D

Be careful with the soy sauce, too much and it becomes tangy AND salty. And don't use that low sodium crap, it's pointless and not the full flavor that soy sauce is supposed to have.