The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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Jeb: I was hoping to hear your Russian tube amp on Nelson's BoB's. Perhaps it (or whatever other creation you come up with) will make it upstairs next year.

IIRC, there were only 3 pairs of speakers auditioned.....the scanspeaks, Nelson's OB's, and the NHT mules....I suppose the OB's count for several based on the driver swap-outs.


There were a few Bookshelf / stand mount size speakers downstairs that were auditioned all day. The set I took (Seas drivers) were the last to be unplugged that day.
I had considered bringing my Thors with the new Xovers (much smoother) but a message was put out to not bring repeat speakers, so others might have a chance to audition theirs.
I sure had a wonderful time. We are a good group of people!

I'm pretty sure you know about this one, it's the one redesigned by Jmangie. Here is a link anyway. Post 203, I changed some of the values to suit my taste (and ears), post 198.

HTGuide Forum - seas thor crossover redesign help

I'm still trying to get my F5 going, I'd sure like to hear it with the Aikido Preamp and the Thors.
Do you have the Thors powered by your F5?

Sorry you couldn't make it to BA3, Next year maybe?

Which brings me to another point - the kind of cross-pollination that happens during BA could happen in small local get-togethers all year long. What about it, Bay Area peoples?

There is a gathering of tube-interested folks at the Randall Museum in SF 3-4 times a year. I think they call themselves the VTUG or BATUG. Edwin mentioned it as he was hooking up Jack Illiano's amps. They might be open to silicon in the signal path.

Edwin Yang is the person who teaches a class at the Randall Museum on how to build the tube line stage pre amp that Bill Berndt used upstairs for his turntable. Below is the email that I received from Ed recently regarding the next class. This pre amp is top notch. It blows away my old Conrad Johnson PV 12L!

If you are interested in taking the linestage class, registration opens Dec. 12, 2009 and class begins the week of Jan. 2nd, 2010 on Sat afternoon for 8 to 10 weeks. The class will be posted on the Randall's site on Dec 12th - just click on the classes link and you can read the blurb. You can miss a couple of classes because it takes 8 weeks to build the LS and I factor in 2 makeup sessions. The Reg. fee is (I think $175) and parts is $380 (that is a ball park figure because the part prices fluctuates - won't know until I get the roster count and check prices @ time of purchase).

The Reg process is a real pain because you must first set up a "Family Account" with the SF Park and Rec. Dept. before you can reg for the class on-line. I'm no expert with reg so I recommend you call Jill Cunninghis Randall Museum Registrar 415-431-3548 for info on how to do it.

It's a fun class and you will not regret attending!​
Hi all, sorry about the lateness, but here are some photos I took at BAF 2009. I was too occupied talking and listening and got a late start with the photos, by then the upstairs events were over and things were being taken down. So all I have are a few shots downstairs.

Burning Amp Festival 2009

Anyway, to my big surprise, I won a pair of the NHT VT1 tower speakers at the raffle. I guess it's my lucky year, because I never used to win anything at raffles. These NHTs needed a little dusting off and cleaning, but they now look gorgeous and sound very good! :)
Hi all, sorry about the lateness, but here are some photos I took at BAF 2009. I was too occupied talking and listening and got a late start with the photos, by then the upstairs events were over and things were being taken down. So all I have are a few shots downstairs.

Burning Amp Festival 2009

Thanks for the pics Ti! It was great chatting with you about your beautiful amps, tiny DAC/headphone amp, and that pair of speakers built on Dynaudio drivers...

And I notice in your pics a couple of good shots of another hilight of the show, that wonderful little chipamp pair mounted in the casing from a big Dale power resistor. N-brock really did a nice job with that one. (might make a good pair with one of your DAC's - that would be a real "micro system"

WSF No.4

The thread about this amp is here:


Thank you for the very motivating event this year. For those of you who saw and heard the Watt Sucking Fireball No.4, and asked for a discussion of the circuits, here is the schematic for the power supply and one channel of the Amp. It is a simple application of J-Fets in a minimized gain chain of linear gain stages. An input stage that I call a differential-cascode-transimpedance amp is used to generate the initial amplification and convert the single ended input to a full differential drive that continues through to the P-P output stage. Being new to this forum, I'm posting these by request of people who were there and discussion if warrented will follow if wanted. Again, Thanks for a great first event

ADD: The 10 ohm and 1K ohm loads on the power supply are really the effective load of the amp components and are there only for the circuit simulation of the PS.


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Parts, Parts and more Parts

There are those things that a DIY will always need as I did for this project. Since this project was a High speed path from a clean piece of paper to the demonstrable show unit, Parts and Parts quick were needed. If any of you are in the Bay area, one of the great surplus parts sellers is in Milpitas. The EXCESS SOLUTIONS company Excess Solutions Excess Solutions
was essential to the successful completion of this amplifier, from toroidal transformer, speaker terminations, RCA jacks, heatsinks, resistors, caps, and wire all were from the Excess guys. They really have it all, so, many thanks to Mike, Todd and AJ for running the ultimate house of parts and for just being there or this project would have taken much longer.


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I haven't checked out Excess Solutions since thay moved from San Jose to Milpitas. I thought at first they'd imploded like so many other surplus houses these days when the Brokaw Road location shut down - looks like I'll be needing to pay them a visit (not like I don't have enough stuff already).
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