Test LP group buy

Directly recording into "our" app

I've explored ways to record directly into a Python app. There is a pyaudio interface into PortAudio which a lot of free apps use but it involves some bookkeeping that I wanted to avoid and is not part of standard distributions. We need nothing but recording of X seconds of sound and processing of it. SoX via the subprocess package seems to work fine. SoX is a no fuss download that just works even for simultaneous play and record like in the Linear Audio article on DIY Audio measurement software.

from scipy.io.wavfile import read
import subprocess
import time

#edit here to add a HOME directory, etc.
TEMPAU = 'C:\Users\scott\Desktop\\tempau.wav'
#end edit

#Setup a SoX command line to record 4 seconds of audio from the default device
args_rec = ['sox','-q','-t','waveaudio','default','-t','wavpcm',TEMPAU,'trim','0','4']

#You need to start Sox with no cmd window
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW

sox_r = subprocess.Popen(args_rec, startupinfo = startupinfo)

#Python does not wait for a subprocess so we have to make it.

#Now jut read the file and process it...
Just as long as he drink the wine while watch the game. ;)

we have a new 375 ml rule here.

really, count on me for a disk when you guys figger it out. I have one TT setup with the cartridge alignment and gravity set up for min distortion, and it doesn't quite look like the text-books.

the length of the discussion is reminiscent of how the 2nd Avenue Subway eventually got built -- it started in the Lindsay administration.
Joined 2004
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Perhaps these could inspire us.


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@Pano, luckythedog and all who is actively working on the technical and logistics side of our long awaited Test LP:

I think it is a good idea to summarize where we stand and what is missing.

Is there anything left to be clarified technically (track list and parameters etc.)?
What else needs to be done before giving the source material to the mastering house/pressing plant?
How will all this be financed? How will it be distributed? Involving diyAudio Store perhaps?
Joined 2004
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Basically dead in the water at this point. The track list is mostly in place; or no one has any new additions. Next step would be to generate the test signals and have the group verify them.

Then on to mastering and pressing. There has been no clear winner in that category. In fact most mastering houses want nothing to do with it. Finance is another matter. Perhaps it could be set up in the Group Buy section. Not sure how that would work.
Mastering houses and pressing plants view us the project as a giant headache without any ROI.... very low volume, probably 5-10x the technical questions / requests of the average customer, we don’t have a large account with them or any other history to leverage in our favor and any screw ups or falling short = a lasting forum imprint of technical criticism.

We are essentially a hot potato.

If I had a similar business I wouldn’t want to deal with us either.

The only play is to frame the marketing benefits to the plant/mastering techs.... to include their info and detail their technical acumen in the cover / “promo” materials as a sort of achievement extolling their virtues and precision.

However many might not want that either as it’ll draw all the OCD vinyl business in.

The guys at Sony who took over Doug Sax’s work were willing to do the mastering.

The pressing plants responses can be summarized most succinctly as a spread between “You want what?!”, “That won’t work.” and “Let me ask someone and get back to you.”

However RTI and GD have been the clear best bets. We do have some hard quotes we just haven’t pulled the trigger.

I still think it can be done nonetheless- the major limiting factor is that those who have been most helpful and proactive with this have been busy with other life responsibilities. Scott I believe has been moving and Pano tied up with work/life.

Financing I think will not be an issue. We can easily figure out a way to bankroll 250 copies between us.

The test signals are the next logical step, but that’s not my wheelhouse so I’ve kind of stepped back to let others tie up the loose ends until we have something verified to shop around.
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I think that if they see some motion on our end, they may be more receptive. "We have 250 pressings sold" is much better than "We hope to sell 250 pressings". Then of course there are the repeat orders that can be sold once we have a test LP that is proved good. I see no reason why these LPs shouldn't be offered to others at a higher price that makes sense financially. Maybe even the store here might want to pick it up on a long term basis once the group buys are done.

I think that if they see some motion on our end, they may be more receptive. "We have 250 pressings sold" is much better than "We hope to sell 250 pressings". Then of course there are the repeat orders that can be sold once we have a test LP that is proved good. I see no reason why these LPs shouldn't be offered to others at a higher price that makes sense financially. Maybe even the store here might want to pick it up on a long term basis once the group buys are done.


I think any convo about that we should include Jason / Diyaudio in the conversation rather than speculate.