Terry Cain's BIB -why does it work and does anyone have those Fostex Craft Handbooks?

Am I crazy? Am I alone here?

Secondly, I was thinking of using deflex panels behind the drivers. They should do a great job of absorbing/dispersing the rear-firing waves and avoiding the reflected waves coming back out through the driver cone/surround. This in combination with the proposed stuffing.

OK, you want to flop a floor loaded design upside down to make it ceiling loaded. At a glance, I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work, though with the understanding that ceilings aren't as massive/rigid as floors, so the bass line may not be as strong, ergo driver protection may be reduced, making a high pass filter a good plan for peace of mind if not corner loaded.

Of course, only one way to know for sure about all this, so it might be best overall to build a cheap POC out of chipboard/whatever before committing to a stereo pair of well constructed cabs.

My 'knee-jerk' reaction to it though is to do it the way I did pipe horns, i.e. design it as a ~full height design with Sm cut at an angle from front to back to allow to be tipped into place which in turn creates a triangular shaped vent on each side which can be tuned by adding different angled plates to mass load them if need be to smooth them out and/or improve tonal balance in-room.

I've no experience with Deflex, so all I can say is that of all the different materials I've used for damping, I prefer fiberglass insulation designed specifically for controlled acoustic attenuation such as Owens-Corning 703. For stuffing such things as the closed end of a BIB or ~aperiodic alignment, backless R-19 house insulation works best overall for me since it doesn't take nearly as much stuffing density as polyfil or similar.

My ceiling is reinforced concrete! It's the floor of the upstairs rooms! I have enough scrap chipboard to knock up a single cab. Will construct it and try different arrangements and hopefully come up with the best one for my room. They won't be in the corners but will be up against the wall.

Anyone tried the philips 9710M/01 fullrange drivers?
Hmmm - GM: same old problem as usual - brand names are no help for anyone who isn´t from round heah. My experience as to corner reflectors and suchlike: use absorbant material or you´ll get very new and weird midrange problems.
And bulding a POC test rig before committing...that´s gone out of fashion because compooter sims tell you everything, including your greatgrandaunt´s birthday and are absolutely reliable.:rolleyes: No wonder some new people give up DIYing.
My 'knee-jerk' reaction to it though is to do it the way I did pipe horns, i.e. design it as a ~full height design with Sm cut at an angle from front to back to allow to be tipped into place which in turn creates a triangular shaped vent on each side which can be tuned by adding different angled plates to mass load them if need be to smooth them out and/or improve tonal balance in-room.

Hi GM,

Sorry to be dense, but trying to visualize this. Are you saying:

* front baffle is taller than the back of the cab
* front baffle goes right to the ceiling
* angled plates are meant to "slide" so the triangular vents get smaller?
My experience as to corner reflectors and suchlike: use absorbant material or you´ll get very new and weird midrange problems.

And bulding a POC test rig before committing...that´s gone out of fashion because compooter sims tell you everything..........

Yeah, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Was it ever in fashion except with the more committed among us?

Computer programs can save a lot of time and sometimes expense if you input the proper data and understand how to interpret it, but that's pretty much it and since all too often the proper data isn't used and/or the program isn't advanced enough..........

Ah well, I'm a 'dinosaur' in such matters........

<<and understand how to interpret it>>

Truer words are rarely spoken. Hell - I know you trust Martin King´s stuff and you know I prefer Armin Jost...it´s all about knowing how any sim translates into real life and when and where it won´t.
Dinosaur stuff, right. But the descendants of the sauri start singing at 5am in summer - birds are the descendants of sauri and they are quite good at music.;)
* front baffle goes right to the ceiling
* front baffle is taller than the back of the cab
* angled plates are meant to "slide" so the triangular vents get smaller?


Pretty close. I tried sealing the lip, but it didn't seem to make an obvious difference, though didn't have a high enough resolution measurement system to know how much.


Yeah, that's one way to do it if I'm understanding you. I cut the sides on a diagonal to match the front, back and tuned them with separate triangles if needed, though of course their shape is 'dealer choice' and the sides can be artistic like TC did on at least one floor loader.

- birds are the descendants of sauri and they are quite good at music.;)

Yeah, an interesting study in evolutionary downsizing. Having a number of fairly large trees in my yard, I get a decent selection of birds, but it's the Hawks that fascinate/scare the $%^! out me after one attacked some years ago while lounging in the yard with a book. Fortunately, large bifocal sunglasses kept me from literally losing at least one of my eyes, but I got a pretty nasty infection from its beak where it clipped me on the forehead as he zoomed away.

It was a few months after this pic, so you tell me:



  • GM with Altec 'sub'.jpg
    GM with Altec 'sub'.jpg
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Well, no, at least not from this angle.

However, the bird was above, looking down and if you were in a Hawaiian print shirt, it might have mistaken your tuft of white beard for some smaller....furry body covering amidst dense foilage and perhaps the glasses, from that angle, looked like eyes shinning and squinted in hatred.... after all, the two peoples, Aves and Mammalia, have had a long and bitter struggle for supremacy, and a glittering stare with tufted covering displayed beyond, may have been much too insulting to merely ignore. Certainly when the Aves realized his error in judgment, of mammalian size and potentially lethal retaliation, he did all in his or her power to claw back into the sky and the only safety left to him.