Syn-11… a one-horn 5-way

that's an awesome price for 3/4" BB ply
Oh it's not baltic-birch by any means. That stuff is nearly unattainable due to the war.

I had one last sheet of 5'x'5 3/4" BB, that i used to make six baffle boards for the new subs. My cabinet shop said they had seen a single sheet of it go for over $300 lately. I came close to listing it for sale, but know I need all the strength I could get for the baffles.

The 3/4" birch i use for the boxes (and for the big sub-carts I just trashed is simply inferior to BB.
It works, but a whole lot more bracing is needed.
That said, a 4'x 8' sheet for $35 is something I'm grateful to be able to source. And sheets are actually 1/2 oversize each direction (for cabinet trade work).

Stuff comes from Vietnam. 10 ply...11 if you count a paper thin veneer.
Tough that you skipped (trashed) them😢
Guess the aftermarket for huge Syn horns is limited..

No, not that tough really...I've scrapped a bunch of stuff over the years.
Besides, all i really scrapped were some boxes (and the labor of love that went into them).

Drivers per box were somewhere between $2500-3000. And then, they had 5 channels of FIR DSP processing....along with all the amps, etc.
A big price tag for the whole she-bang.
Even if i could sell the whole rig, I wouldn't....not at all.
Don't think someone could handle it until I spent more time helping them learn it, than I'd care to.
So really, no bummer to send them to the dump...other sighing over how glorious they sounded.
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Did the size of sun 11 allow you to control the directivity at such low frequencies? I think he's too small for that.

Yes, I think you are correct.
The syn11 itself, the white horn only, probable held its pattern down to only 250Hz or so.

The double 18"s in it were high-passed at 40Hz, and when i played it alone without the sub-cart below, I did not think bass was too directional.

The big 740L sub-carts seemed to be causing the directivity problem. Or maybe just room interaction problems. I dunno.

All i know is that with even just one syn11 & sub-cart playing, whether it was the one in the room corner or the one in room center.......
.....bass was disproportionately stronger close to the speaker stack, than moving away.
Had kind of a "power alley" effect, but in terms of distance down the alley , not width of the alley...if that makes any sense.
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