Some speaker driver measurements...

I don't know if you take requests, but full measurements of both the HiVi L6-6R and L6-4R would be great. Both are inexpensive, and in my experience the L6-4R is a solid performer in both the midrange and bass. I'd be curious what a third party would have to say about them. I kinda want to stack a few of the 6R's as a bass tower underneath my mains, but don't trust the company spec.
And now there is also a HiVi L6-8R to measure, pretty please?
You say that this driver has "Satori like levels of midrange distortion". What's the basis for that? Do you have measurements or links to them that you could share?

MAN061.80 FR and harmonics:



with thanks
Къде мога да намеря информация за електрическата верига/схемата на свързване за "хармонично изкривяване на тока на гласовата бобина"? Бих искал да възпроизведа този тест върху някои от моите собствени драйвери.


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    Voice coil current distortion measurement setup.png
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